I thought this was sort of funny, because it happened right at the nail salon.

I had just finished my manicure, so my fingernails and toenails were all matching extra-bright orange. I was wearing strappy sandals with a 3" heel, and my toes were plainly visible.

At that point, I had to walk over to the nail drying machines. As I passed one woman who was sitting at a manicure station, she looked over at me and her gaze dropped to my feet.

Like her head was on a swivel, she was totally focused on my pedicure and as I walked, her head followed the progress of my orange toes.

It was so funny that I almost broke out laughing. Her eyes were just glued to my feet. I was tempted to start a dance routine, just to see her hed go back and forth.

At the nail salon, most everyone is there for manicure or pedicure services. That is what they do. So most women are not too surprised to see that is what I get there also.

This one, though, was some kind of a rookie. She sure was surprised.

Do you have a funny nail salon story?