There have been threads here that dealt with why each of us chose the name we did and the reasons are interesting and sometimes profound. We can easily see that some names are somewhat fanciful and could never actually be used in society and that some names are ordinary - they are "passable" you might say.

I have a question directed largely to those of us who do not actually mingle with the larger world on any kind of interactive social basis:

Why, if nobody ever addresses us or even talks to us, why have we taken the trouble to give ourselves names? Certainly there is no social value, so why do we have feminine names? Do we think of our fem selves as being distinct persons from our masculine selves? Is the name merely an extension of the desire to look good dressed and, therefore, part of the image? Why do we bother?

Upon reflection, I think about never being called by my fem name (this does not happen in my case) and a great sadness comes over me. There is a loneliness in a world where nobody calls you by your name.

So, why do have a fem all?