I was at a funeral today. I have known the person for years, but only because of work. I was there with the people I work with (all guys) and I really really had to hold back the tears, especially when the daughter came up to talk and was crying. No one else seemed to have this problem. I looked around and it was the women who were blowing their noses and wiping away the tears. I felt so annoyed and bothered by the fact that I felt like I had to hold it back. At the end I walked up to the wife and gave my condolences and just about lost it, my voice cracked and my eyes started to water, I had to excuse myself and go to the restroom to gather myself back up. Even if it is a funeral for someone I have never met it's just the emotions of the people around me that seem to have a massive effect on me.
I thought about it more and I get this way at stupid sappy parts in movies and things like that to, but I always feel like I have to hold it back. So I just figured I'd ask if any of you are like this? I like to think it is just my feminine side that shows more than other guys. But yea, it was something that was just on my mind so I thought I'd see.