I was visiting relatives recently and I can't comfortably wear my ladies satin PJs so I compromise by wearing my Vanity Fair nylon briefs-virgin white-and a white camisole under my drab PJs so I can have this mental solace. In the morning I was packing up and had a worry as I couldn't find these white briefs. I wondered if I got them tangled in the bedding,etc , took the sheets,etc off to search, couldn't find them.was truly mystified where they were. I had to go on with the day and a while later when 'nature called', I realized I had them on under my pantyhose! Normally I change to my accustomed black nylon briefs-nothing erotic about them, just what I can buy at the Vanity Fair outlet stores for $1-2. a pair as most women won't wear black or can't fit a size 5- and I have dozens of them.
The point of all this rambling is that it is so stressful to have to worry daily about such otherwise mundane issues-since men aren't supposed to wear what 'we' do . I wonder how others cope with this never ending issue, even if always below the surface?