Has anyone every thought about how we change the rules in relationships?

Think about this for a moment. When no crossdressing is involved, then both sides seem to understand the rules. The rules have been there for centuries (unspoken but known). He thinks she is cute and he works his way to that first kiss. The woman will get hurt if she expects that kiss and he doesn't deliver. If everything works out, then they introduce each other to their friends for approval. Then the dreaded trip home to parents. If you pass all of these steps, then you might be that ONE.

Life seems so simple until crossdressing enters the picture. Do I tell her that I crossdress? What will she think of my crossdressing? Will she tell everyone she knows to make fun of me? Will she run off because I am a crossdresser? These questions and problems are never there until the person crossdresses. Once we get past the inital worries, some of us make the fatal mistake to hide the secret from our spouses. This will only cause bigger problems later. Especially when the spouse either finds out or is told after many years of marriage. The trust is destroyed for good reason. You didn't trust her and now she doesn't trust you.

So now I come to the point of the post. I think that crossdressing causing an imbalance initally because no one knows exactly what to do. Some GG's try to accept us only to leave when they finally admit they can't. Others struggle for years with crossdressing of their man. Some magical women accept from the very beginning and their is no imbalance.

I never noticed it until I finally met one of those magical women who accepted me from the very beginning. That relationship caused me to look at my other relationships and notice how once crossdressing entered the picture how it changes things. Sometimes for the good and sometimes not.

Has anyone else noticed this issue?