Just got back from a two week trip to find a lot of thought provoking responses to my post. Thanks to everyone who replied.

I posed this same question to one of the guys who rejected me via email after I told him I was trans. Here's his reply straight from the horse's mouth:

Obviously I'm neither a pyschiatrist nor have I much (any?) experience with your so-called situation. Though I suspect that ever since childhood you have had an inner feeling that you are female deep down inside, you have had many years to prepare yourself for the mental change as well as the physical change. When you find that a straight guy is attracted to you and you to him, then the next step is short conversation where you rightfully share your story and sex change. This I suspect comes as quite a shock to nearly 95% of the normal male populance. Some may be aggresive, some understanding and some simply uninterested to go any further. But there is most certainly the other 5% (and that's a totally uneducated estimate) that will have no problem with your trans-genderedness. Just don't expect the macho-confident type who is generally always seeking the ultimate blonde bimbo porn star types. To sum up what I'm trying to say is that your situation comes first as a shock to a straight guy and most, including myself simply cannot deal with this reality.....or more honestly do not want to deal with this sort of thing as it's hard for us to ever accept you as 100% female. Right or wrong it's the way most normal guys feel. It's strictly mental and nothing to do physical. You are indeed a sexy and attractive person.

You can get laid very easily in Vegas and with good looking straighty men. But it will be through alcohol eyes and deception. If you really want to find a straight man who accepts you 100% for who you were and are now, then you're going to have to play the lottery, be prepared for alot of rejection and await one nice guy in the 5% category. Be grateful for this internet thing as you can weed out many and perhaps find the golden apple.

Obviously I didn't have to respond to your email or question. Not really sure why I care other than I am also a good person deep down inside. Likewise I have but one opinion and cannot of course speak for the entire male populance. But my problem is a mental one regarding your trans-gendered being and although I can accept you as a female in person I have a mental block (most certainly I would in bed) that tells me that I am in fact sleeping with someone who is not 100% female. Sorry if that hurts but you wanted an honest opinion.