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Thread: Got a bite to eat and

  1. #1
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    Went out to get a takeout bite at Wendys. I wore jeans, white top and a big. Well I went across town and went into the store after it was almost empty (one person was there).
    Well I was identified. The counter people were busy getting my order but and a few ladys came in after me. They notices, I heard them say “looky here”. I said “Hi” they said “Hi” and “I wish I had your figure like yours”. I said thanks. “It is not easy”. They all laughed and I heard on say “You can say that again”.

    I don’t go out that much this close to home. Has anyone else had an experience like that?
    It was fun after I could see they were taking it well.

    I did not think I was over the top.
    I wore a smaller breast forms and white shirt.

    I tucked in well and was not wearing a short skirt.
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    Last edited by Di; 03-05-2010 at 08:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Gold Member erickka's Avatar
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    in the sticks in middle tn.
    Now THAT'S a figure! Definately much more mainstream looking. Looks like a typical young lady to me.

  3. #3
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    OK Thanks

    So I am not to busty.
    Thanks goodness I seem to have a lot of people who think I am.

    I love wearing a corset, panties, breast forms and a bra.

    The women were nice. I had a hard time looking then in the face.

    With the black 2 1/2" boots I was a little over six feet.

    I guess that is a little signal.

  4. #4
    Member GeorgiaHall's Avatar
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    I wish I had that figure too... You look great girl!

  5. #5
    Senior Member Jennifer in CO's Avatar
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    If I saw the figure in the picture on a person standing in the line in front of me, I would only be thinking 'female' no matter how masculine the face looked...ok...unless the face included facial hair!!


  6. #6
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Prene, one suggestion - a T-shirt bra. It was looking like it was kind of cold there in Wendy's, if you know what I mean.


  7. #7
    is in her vest
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathi Lake View Post
    Prene, one suggestion - a T-shirt bra. It was looking like it was kind of cold there in Wendy's, if you know what I mean.

    i agree....i don't think that there's too many women who want to be out, headlights on full, so to speak....other than that, i think you look fine
    Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime. ~Potter Stewart

  8. #8
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    Headlights on low

    Thanks for the comments.
    I guess I will wear a bra that keeps the headlights low.
    I like them they just don't have to be on high.

  9. #9
    Gold Member sherri52's Avatar
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    Have to admit you do have a good figure
    Put a little lipstick on you'll feel better

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member jenifer m.'s Avatar
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    oh i remember when i had a nice figure like you.wish i still look great girl.
    just a florida girly girl...................................what in the world can make this brown eyed girl turn blue(roxette)

  11. #11
    Member anonymousinmaryland's Avatar
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    Wish I could do that. You look great. Headlights, or no headlights.

  12. #12
    New Member
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    Hope it was cold out (which brings out the high beams naturally).
    Looks Great, Especially the jeans.
    I like high beams & the light between the legs.

  13. #13
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    I can't remember the exact quote but I heard that the waist to hip ratio is the number one thing that people use to identify a "female body". I don 't know if that's true or not but sure looks like you have an awesome ratio. Hip pads and a flat stomach? Or something else (?) Whatever it is, you have a great looking (female) bod.
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  14. #14
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the comments - went out again post more in a min.

    I have always had a bottom heavy body. Very little masculine chest.
    I have lost 10 lbs in the last 6 weeks and with a corset that helps define the waist, hips and legs. I do wear a shaper over the corset and control top panty to smooth me out. Thanks for the complement. I wish the illusion was real.

    Wearing a sz 9 now more because of my big thighs, could wear sz 7-8 on the waist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel Morley View Post
    I can't remember the exact quote but I heard that the waist to hip ratio is the number one thing that people use to identify a "female body". I don 't know if that's true or not but sure looks like you have an awesome ratio. Hip pads and a flat stomach? Or something else (?) Whatever it is, you have a great looking (female) bod.

  15. #15
    Member Christinedreamer's Avatar
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    I have a figure just like yours

    I just keep it covered with fat to protect it.

  16. #16
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I'm jealous, Prene!

    Oh, I can wear my corset, forms, and pads.

    But, I CAN'T lengthen my waist!

    U look waisted girls look SO SPECTACULAR!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

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  17. #17
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    Had so much fun I tried it again.

    I like going like a reg GG to these establishments.

    I went to and the same thing happened again.

    I was dressed in different pair of jeans Eddie Bauer Shape fit sz 9-10.
    With a Bannana Republic White T-shirt . . . no headlights.
    And the same pair of black boots.

    Well again 3 older professional women can in after I ordered.

    They were nice. They were a little older and slightly overweight.
    All I go out of them was a "Hi" and I heard them talking saying how nice it would to be younger.
    They asked "How tall are you" I said "In these" . .. they laughed. I said I am 5-10 1/2" in my stocking feet.

    I like doing this . . . at least with nice women. I don't think Football men will be so nice.

    This is 3 views of what I wore.
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  18. #18
    Member Maija's Avatar
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    You look good, how about your makeup? From your figure figure I would say you could easily be a tall woman.

  19. #19
    Aspiring Member Yvonne York's Avatar
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    Wow girl!

  20. #20
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    This has been fun.

    Women are so much more accepting.

    I have this next outfit I wanted to wear out.

    I have big legs and butt for my waist .

    I look bottom heavy, should I be wearing bigger breast forms?

    Is this OK?

    Or is to formal top with jeans?
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  21. #21
    Gold Member
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    You look absolutely HOT Prene. Very nice and very casual with just enough sexiness. Nice outfit.

  22. #22
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    Did it and again nice results.

    This time I went to back to Wendy's in the Jeans and red top above.

    I ran into a few college girls this time.

    I was in line and from behind they thought I was a GG.

    I turned to get with my order one of the girls said "No way".

    I said "What?".

    Her girl friend laughed a little when she saw me but the leader said "Shut up".

    She said "You look great" . .. she wanted to ask me a bunch of questions we sat in the back corner close to her friends.

    I found out later in our conversation she was taking a human sexuallity class and she had a lot of questions.

    We talked for a while but I felt a little funny.

    They were all college girls and looked very feminine, sexy and GREAT.

    I finished my food fast and said "I goto go".

    What made me feel good was she held my arm and said "You go look Great".

    One of the others laughed a little but I want focus on the positive.

    So I call it a good day.

  23. #23
    The avvy pic isn't me
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    I just don't see the bottom heavy you mention, the proportion i see is fine. Can you tell me the maker of the corset? and you didn't have anything for the hips and butt? mj

  24. #24
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    I believe it is a 24" Vollers.

    I cannot close it all the way but someday.

  25. #25
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    I feel good and bad . . . i guess

    I went out again to Wendy's across town.
    I wore jeans and a nice top.

    I got no reaction at all.

    I love it I guess.

    I went in and it seemed everyone was just busy with there lives and did not even look up.

    This is was I was wearing.

    What do you think? I think my butt is to big with the corset.
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