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Thread: It is how you feel that counts not how you look.

  1. #1
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    It is how you feel that counts not how you look.

    I know a lot of us wear panties under our male work and casual clothes.

    Its winter and we wear coats and stuff has any of you worn a bra with breast forms under your clothing?
    I went to the mall and loved it.
    I wore a panties, corset and attachable forms (sz 9) under a t-shirt, sweatshirt, and then a coat.
    I specifically wore nice sexy bra (not a lot of support) so I could feel the movement.
    For me if I can feel my body move (hips and breasts) feminine that is much more desirable than looking feminine.

    I feel no one could tell unless they were really checking me out.
    I liked the danger of being found out also . . .I think?

    Has any of you done that with forms and a bra?
    What was your experience? Or am I just daring?

  2. #2
    Mina minalost's Avatar
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    Underdressed a lot

    Lately I've gone out "underdressed" a lot! No forms, but cami, panties (with the boys all tucked in!), panty hose, and womens jeans. It feels darring and sexy but without much real danger. It's fun and I plan to do it again tomarrow !
    Mina Lost aka Lynda

  3. #3
    Just finding my way.... StaceyJane's Avatar
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    A couple of weeks ago I took my dog for a walk wearing my size C breastforms. It was pretty cold and I had on a heavy jacket so no one could tell.

    But of course I knew and I loved it.

    I'm not a doctor, I just play one on TV.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    in cool weather I"ve worn my forms and bra under a heavy jacket, unzipped. It felt nice to be outside and feel the movement of my breasts as I walked. I've also got to the grocery worn a bra and enhancers (smaller than my full forms) under a turtle neck sweater & sport coat... not really noticable unless you looked closely from the right angle.

    it was rather exciting to risk discovery.

  5. #5
    Just a touch of class Lynn Marie's Avatar
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    Good post Prene. Yes, for me, it's all about how everything feels and then also a little on how I look. Sometimes I'll just start at my feet in my mind and relish the way each individual item of apparel feels on my body. It's very sensual and erotic. Heels, stockings, garter belt, panties, forms, bra, camisole, skirt, belt, blouse, necklace, earings, and lipstick. Yikes!

  6. #6
    Junior Member Solarhawk's Avatar
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    My "drab" clothing consists of women's jeans, socks, shoes, belt, and jacket, plus underdressings. Full drab I'll ditch the bra and forms, but I don't sweat it and have never been outed in public, even with forms in... if you wear a jacket that's open, it really hides a lot if you're trying for that.

    "Good things come in small packages." -Unknown
    "If people ask, they're normally open and accepting to the answer, no matter what that answer is." -Me!

  7. #7
    Gold Member sherri52's Avatar
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    I've shoveled snow in front of my store while wearing a bra and forms. I'm usually underdressed and wearing fem jeans, but under a coat everything goes.
    Put a little lipstick on you'll feel better

  8. #8
    Gold Member
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    O'Yes, I wear panies 24/7 now that I am retired. I wear a bra 60% of the time. I use my form's with a bigger bra about 1/2 of my bra time.
    When useing a undershirt, then a flanel shirt over that, the outline of the
    bra is gone. Put some pencle's in one pocket, and a cell phone in the
    other, one can hide a DDD cup under a jacket. Rader

  9. #9
    Aspiring Member jenifer m.'s Avatar
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    i dont usually wear formes i have lots of chest meat but im not fat,so i like a nice bra when wearing a jacketor a sports bra when wearing a tee,i also love pantys and hose under any thing i yes its all about the little reminder of the fem things im wearing.
    just a florida girly girl...................................what in the world can make this brown eyed girl turn blue(roxette)

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member RachelPortugal's Avatar
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    I only ever wear thongs or satin panties. On a few occasions I have gone to the local shops wearing bra and enhancers under a ribbed vest and an unbuttoned denim jacket with femme jeans and sneakers or flip-flops with clear varnished toe nails.

    I suppose I do get a thrill from knowing that I could get outed if the jacket were to open wider, which does happen when I take anything out of a pocket.


    As a crossdresser my personality has several facets. Therefore, I suppose I can be forgiven for being facetious.

  11. #11
    eluuzion eluuzion's Avatar
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    Yes, I usually wear forms & thigh-highs underneath, except for sunny warm days...gets too hot. In winter, I usually wear my favorite little black knit dress too, since I can wear the forms without a bra. That is definitely my snow-shoveling uniform.

    But it is living dangerously. I had one of them fall, ah...I should say, "fall in". I bent over to lift a shovel full of snow and it fell out of dress, down the front, down my leg, and was in my boot! (I wear those big "fireman's" boots with my ski pants pulled over them. I just pulled my pants up and fished it out of my boot. I looked like I was playing "twister" because I was afraid if I moved my foot, I would squash the form in my boot. lol

  12. #12
    Just gotta be me!! kaitlin's Avatar
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    Hey Girl, I have pushed the limit a few times too! In the colder months I am always under dressed, mostly pantyhose or thigh highs with a garter belt, toenails done, legs shaved, panties etc. But sometimes we'll break out the bra and forms! I have two sizes of forms one set works out to a c-cup and the other set is a dd. A slightly big shirt and a loose jacket and it's hard to tell I've got them on. My wife dared me to do the large set on a trip to wally world one night, I did, but it was very easy to tell if you got close to me. I don't know if it was just my nerves or if several people did look a little funny at me, either way it was fun when it was over! On a different story, I used to wear my clogs (rubber looking, different colored things) everywhere, my toenails are always polished, I had looked at myself several times in the mirror at home and could just catch a glimps of color, safe enough! I walked through the shoe dept of a store one day, where they have the mirrors that let's you see your new shoes as other folks see them, I could see red nails, not a little but a lot! I guess there has been dozens of people that have seen my toes done and I didn't have a clue!
    I love Jesus!
    Life is so much better now that I know who I am !

  13. #13
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    These days, if I'm outside by myself (without my wife), I'm probably wearing forms.

    I put bra and forms on when I get dressed for work in the morning, and wear them to work. Once I get to work, it depends upon how likely I feel that I'm going to interacting with someone else; if the person I interact with the most is away, I may well leave in my mid-sized (D triangle) forms, or I may switch down to my smallest (C asymmetric) forms because with those in, I can {depending on the material and cut of my top} often make short trips (e.g., washroom, vending machines) without anyone noticing, just by hunching my shoulders forward a bit; but if my top gives away even my small forms too readily and I suspect that co-worker will come in unannounced, then I will remove the forms, or perhaps remove them only when it is time to go down for group coffee.

    If I'm wearing something in which my smaller forms are not at all obvious, I may leave them in at work. For example yesterday I found that one of my shirts left them less visible than my own natural (AA) is in some of my stretchier shirts, so I left in my smaller forms all day including during a company seminar (and no, I didn't "sit down and shut up" to escape notice: I have a reputation to uphold , and people would have taken more notice of me if I had not asked questions.)

    If I'm shopping or running errands or eating out without my wife, then chances are that I'm wearing my forms openly -- openly meaning that I may well have chosen my form size and the material of my top such that it is clear to anyone who pays attention that I have a bust line. How obvious I make it depends on my mood -- and a stretch top that cuts back in under C forms can be much more obvious to the public than a flowing top over G forms. I'm not referring here only to times when I go out "en femme" with makeup and wig and heels and am obviously "presenting" as female: I mean that I go out a lot "gender bending", integrating male and female.

    There is a secret to successfully going out a "a guy with a bust": it is "Confidence, and repetition." If you are wearing your bust like it is the most natural thing in the world, then people will not pick up unconscious distress and alarm signals from you, and will mostly ignore you if you aren't interacting with them. And for those you do interact with, there may perhaps be some startlement the first time, but by the third time, if you are confident and friendly and not creepy, then you are just you being yourself; familiarity builds complacency. "I'd like to try on this blouse." "Sure; you know where the change rooms are, go ahead... oh, that one doesn't really fit you; see the pucker in the material? You would need to be fuller to fill that one out."

  14. #14
    Junior Member funkybunny's Avatar
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    my hubby{charlie tuna} does it all the time.he does more in sure than i know of.i'm ok with and i know it make him feel sexy.

  15. #15
    Gold Member Alice B's Avatar
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    To some degree I';m always under dressed. My toe nails are painted and I wear panties 7/24. I have not tried wearing my forms under my male clothing, but that may be something to to in the right situation. Taking risks is part of the fun, but caution must be applied in application.

  16. #16
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    I always underdress, even at work. I wear girls jeans, t-shirt and girls hoodie in what is my "boy mode". Minimally a bra and panties all the time. Even in the summer when I wear just a t-shirt and shorts I still wear my bra ...but ...I don't wear forms like you do.

    I think what you're doing is fantastic and for sure, "the feeling" is a major part of being a crossdresser

    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  17. #17
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I used to do those things, Prene!

    And, a LOT more! When I first started dressing.

    The FIRST time trying something new out in public, was always a big turn on!
    The second time, not so much.
    Third time, ho hum.
    Fourth time, kind of uncomfortable.
    Fifth time, uncomfortable.
    Sixth time,----------------------don't recall ANY sixth times!?
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  18. #18
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    seem to be doing it all the time now.

    I see to always wear womens jeans.
    I usually wear my short out so the label like Chic is not to obvious.

    Women's jeans fit better anyway.

    I don't wear the feminine tops unless I am fully dressed.
    I may if it is under a swearshirt or something.

    It was a little daring, less and less as the time goes by.

    But I still love it.

  19. #19
    Member Renee_E's Avatar
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    It is how i feel. Somedays even in drab i just feel girly and in the wrong set of clothes. love to go out underdressed.

  20. #20
    Junior Member Susie Mae's Avatar
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    It's easy to get away with a bra and girdle as long a you don't think you will be meeting a friend from the straight world who will hug you and feel what's under the drab. How you move your body amid strangers is the daring part, and heels or a touch of lip-stick could accent that wonderful fem.

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