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Thread: Schizophrenic Sex?

  1. #1
    Member Jenny's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Question Schizophrenic Sex?

    [Warning: this post is a bit more racy than my usual post.]

    Hi everyone,

    The guy I share my body with (I'll call him Mike; that's not his real name) had sex Friday night. It was with a young woman (Mary, also not her real name) he met at the golf course. He had met her before when he got paired up with her during rounds of golf. The same thing happened Friday night. This time Mary was much more friendly than she had been before. She was drinking beer during the round. Mike doesn't really drink very much but he did have a beer or two during the round. After the round, Mary invited him to have another drink in the clubhouse. One thing led to another and Mike found himself at Mary's house, listening to music and drinking. One thing led to another. . .

    I should tell you Mary is a little older than Mike (she's 27; Mike is (surprise) the same age as me -- 22). Mike thinks she is a cute blonde with a trim little body. In addition to playing golf, she runs about 3 miles a day. Friday night she was wearing a pair of tight short light tan shorts (I have a pair really like hers) and a simple pale salmon-colored tee-shirt.

    I agreed that Mike could have the body for the night. I agreed that he could slip my panties (a real skimpy black thong with four silver stars across the front) off in the restroom at the clubhouse and put them in his shorts pockets (he was by the way wearing my denim shorts; I don't think Mary noticed). (Thanks to Chloe for the tip about this maneuver.)

    As much as I wanted to stay in the background for Mike's benefit, I couldn't stay completely out of the scene. I peeked out to see what kind of undies Mary was wearing. Not bad: pale lavender string bikini and simple white bra with some minimal padding (Mary is pretty slender). I don't think than Mary necessarily was planning on entertaining that evening; she was dressed more for playing golf.

    I am ashamed to admit I could not completely stay out of the scene while Mike and Mary were being intimate. I kept forcing my way into Mike's mind, reminding him of how sexy I looked when I got all dressed up. I kept reminding him of the panties, bras, skirts, shorts, and jeans I owned and how I looked when I wore them. I think Mike got greatly distracted by my forcing my way into his mind. I kept forcing my way into his mind asking how Mike would like to be the pretty girl being made love to. By the time of Mike's climax, his thoughts were much more on me and how I looked dressed up than they were on poor Mary.

    Mary went to bed with Mike but I think she ended up with me.

    Mike has not heard from Mary since Friday. He is not sure how to approach the situation when he sees her again. I think I'll be okay when I see her.

    Do any of the rest of you find yourself having dressing thoughts while making love? I felt almost schizophrenic. Mike, poor dear, was simply besides himself.
    Jenny, The Wild West T-Gurl

    Don't Sweat The Petty Stuff; Don't Pet The Sweaty Stuff

  2. #2
    Tristen Cox

    Very interesting. Wish I had your mind power. Thoughts of dressing while making love? Yes I've had them for a long time. Even though I've kept these to myself, resistence is futile. A few times I was even tempted to put on my partner's clothes after we had sex. Appears you are taking this better than Mike is. Tried the same thing a couple of times, forcing my thoughts into anothers head as they were getting to know each other. Nice to know I'm not alone in this. I want to here what happens next time they meet. All in fun of course .

    I love your stories, xoxo

  3. #3

    Red face Stressful But Encouraging

    Hi Jenny

    Yaaa ... "Mr.Spaceman" and I have been "alone" for a long time now because *I* just couldn't bear to see *him* have all that pain just for the sake of maintaining *his* image in the community.

    One of the last times I was intimate with my "almost 2nd marital partner" she commented "You'd make a good Girl" ... I was *flattered* "as all get out" but I couldn't let that on to her ... *I* almost *died* in that relationship ... she wanted "Mr.Spacemen" *Soo Baad* ...

    To me it's most important these days, having *lost* so many years, to be *True to Myself* and never mind what "Mr.Spacemen" might like for a few moments ... I'm unable to "Cheat On Myself" any longer ...

    I'm watching the Stars and Praying that I'll find my *True Love* before I pass into the new realm ...

    Good Luck Jenny !!!

    Love / Marda

  4. #4
    Member Jenny's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Further Adventures of "Mike"

    Well, "Mike" saw "Mary" at the golf course on Monday evening. He is such a dweeb!!! He didn't call Mary all weekend. He did think about it but chickened out every time. (Although in his defense, neither did she call him.)

    When he saw Mary at the club, he was with a couple of buddies and Mary was with a girlfriend. So being the ever-cool dude he is, he merely waved at her. She merely waved back. Mike thinks he is so cool. On his tombstone they will put: "He never had any fun but man was he cool."

    Actually Mike's "coolness" comes from an overwhelming sense of shyness. As I pointed out, we scored like 25 out of 26 on a psych test used to measure introversion. While it ebbs and flows (like everything else in our lives), last night it was in a heavy flow. I couldn't do anything to help the poor guy out.

    So I am not sure where the saga of Mike and Mary is going to go. I think Mike thinks he can no longer trust me to remain in the background in intimate moments. I am afraid he might be right. (I am woman hear me roar!!! ) I think I have become such a big part of Mike's life that I am always going to be hanging around no matter what the situation. Mike isn't sure what he thinks about this development. Me? I love it!!!

    Jenny, the sexy schizophrenic
    Jenny, The Wild West T-Gurl

    Don't Sweat The Petty Stuff; Don't Pet The Sweaty Stuff

  5. #5
    Tristen Cox
    This 'Mike' is a lucky guy to have a girl like you. Hold that tiger! (you being the tigerrrr)

    Last edited by tristen; 08-10-2004 at 06:55 PM.

  6. #6
    Platinum Member ChristineRenee's Avatar
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    "Roy"....the human sex toy!

    The guy whose body houses me...I'll call him "Roy"...has the physical genitalia of a man but sexually, internally that is, it is actually all me...Christine. Technically, I am a lesbian since I only have sexual interest in females. Therefore, "Roy" is by outward definition a hetrosexual man. Appearances, as you all well know, can be very deceiving, however "Roy" is well aware of "his" sexuality...and has been for a very long time now.



  7. #7

    Sorry "Guys"

    Hi Ladies, & "Gentlemen ..."

    "Hey Mike ! Listen to Jenny when she's giving you instructions! Face it ... you *need* each other! She needs a quality ride and you need to be taken care of ... you've got nothin' to lose pal ... and *Maybe* even Mary likes Jenny ... and even if Mary is too nervous to deal with Jenny, there are "many fish in the big open sea" and you're just a tadpole at this point"

    Hi Jenny,

    You're lookin' *Great* ... but just a little worried about something ... don't worry ... you're doin' fine ... Mike is just a teeney bit shy about your "re-integration" ... it's kinda like *Androgynous Puberty* ... some people *never get IT* and fight it every step until they die ... too bad ... just a waste of *Prime Human Spirit* ...

    But You Got It Girl ... so *Wave Your Flag* !!!

    Love / Marda

  8. #8
    Member chloe's Avatar
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    Newcastle upon Tyne, England
    Hi Jenny........ I have the same thing compleatly. Chloe takes over from Bob ( what, not Bob) steven? Nooooooooooooooo, Alfey( its getting worse) ahhhhhhhh) from my male side juring sex all the time. The worst time was when i was in bed with my then girlfriend. We'd been out and bought some sexy stockings ( for her) to spice things up things for us. She wasnt so used to wearing them and I nearly gave her advice. So close.
    When im having sex my mind will drift to being Chloe. I tend to imagine Im the woman being penetrated. Weird stuff, and I always feel a bit guilty.....Anyway lets hope theres more emergency " comando" moments for both of us....

  9. #9
    Call me Charlotte softandsmooth's Avatar
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    Well Well Well Jenny!

    You are back in the groove again (so to speak)

    It is interesting how the mind works, yours being no exception. Sounds like an out of body experience.

    Now call her up. You don't have to ask for a date or anything. Just call and say hi.

    It is OK to be nervous. It is OK to be shy. But don't think those things have to stop you from talking to somebody that you have shared intimacy with. You are an extremely bright person with a mile-wide personality. Share a little of yourself with her.

    Intimacy between two people is, I think, an almost universal win-win event.

    "Life is a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once."


  10. #10
    Member Jenny's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Ok, Mike's Off The Hook

    Hi Charlotte,

    Took your advice and then took "Mike" by the hand and walked him over to where Mary was standing in the clubhouse tonight. Did my best ventroliquist bit to get him to talk to her. The poor guy stuttered and stammered a little but then he got warmed up and did pretty well. He and Mary had a pretty nice little chat. Nothing heavy but just a nice little check-in chat: "Hi, how are you doing." "Fine, how have you been?" Yadda-yadda (excuse me Seinfeld.) I have to say Mike acquitted himself pretty well. Not sure if or how much more there will be between him and Mary but I would say the door is not closed. (I think Mary might be a little on the shy side too. I think alcohol had a whole lot to do with the two of them opening up and relaxing on Friday night. Don't want him to get into the habit of that though.)

    Maybe there's hope for the poor schmuck yet.

    (As for me, I still have my eyes open too. Mary might be just right for Mike but I am not real sure if she is going to be exactly the ticket for me.)
    Jenny, The Wild West T-Gurl

    Don't Sweat The Petty Stuff; Don't Pet The Sweaty Stuff

  11. #11

    "The Best Laid Plans of (bald_headed) Mice & Men ..."

    Hi There,

    Wherever your *Head* leads you ... whether it be the Greater or the Lesser of the two ... may your *Heart* be the Ultimate Winner !!!

    Love / Marda

  12. #12
    foxyblair foxyblair's Avatar
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    the LA area
    Whoh Jenny, its like you steped into my mind. Got that same multiple personality thing going. Even my first time, I was trying to stay a man but kept glancing over at the poster of baby spice that happened to be there{not my room, I was all about ginger} thinking how I would rather be having sex in her body. On ocassion ill be able to "hit it raw dog" or something, but the norn is usually the girl ending up on top and me pretending shes got the equitment. Ive actually been high enough that I felt like my wang changed bodies and I was being penetrated. Which was great, but I havent been able to duplicate it. This condition was once a cause for concern, but im alright with it now. if it feels good, do it. blair.

  13. #13
    Wanderer Stelli's Avatar
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    Thank you for the insights on how it looks like when you discover CD in early stages of life. I wish to ask some questions here:

    - Do you find hard to deal with two personalities in social/relationship events?

    - I you do, what is hardest part?

    - What would be in your opinion the best way to deal with it?

    - Do you believe that multiple personality apply only to gender/sexual activities, or you find that you may have other types of multiple personality effects?

  14. #14
    Hey Jenny, how about an update on Mike You and Mary.
    It all sounds very interesting.


  15. #15
    Member Jenny's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Red face Not Much News on the Mike and Mary Front

    Hi Belinda,

    Sorry to say there is not much news on the Mike and Mary front. Mike went on a five day mini-vacation to Teton and Yellowstone National Park with some other friends, not including Mary. I was allowed to come along only for a very brief period in order to try on Bridgette's two piece swimsuit (actually only the bottom piece which was skirted and looked so cute) which she left hanging on the shower curtain rod in her and the other girls' cabin.

    Mike hasn't seen Mary at the golf course since he got back and, being the jerk he can be, he hasn't called her either. Nor has Mary called him. With the golf season winding down here in Big Sky Country, I am not sure if Mike will be doing much with Mary over the winter. I'm thinking that their age difference (Mary is about 5 years older than Mike) might interfere with any long term relationship. I also know from past experience that Mike is not very good on following through on his new relationships. He is a dear boy in a lot of ways but he is socially inept a lot of the time too.

    But who knows what might happen? I will keep you all posted.

    Jenny (stuck with a social dope for an alter ego)
    Jenny, The Wild West T-Gurl

    Don't Sweat The Petty Stuff; Don't Pet The Sweaty Stuff

  16. #16
    Life Traveller
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    Ongoing Drama

    Jenny - I just love this little glimpse into Miss Jenny's life...I can't wait for the next installment - hugs
    Last edited by Cher; 08-23-2004 at 08:47 PM. Reason: Spelling

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    charlotte north carolina


    Integration is the goal. Schizophrenia is the symptom. You know who you are and it's time to integrate. I have read enough to know that you are ready for the change, and also to know how fearful you are of it. Stop playing this silly game girl and stand up for what you know to be true. The duality will prove damaging. I know how easy it is to split yourself down the middle, but the goal is unification. I have been lucky enough to be with several women who encouraged me to be the girl I am and bought me clothes and offerred to bring in men for me to be with. What I realized I really wanted was to be myself and to be accepted as myself. I've been with straight men and sissies and straight women and girls who later became lesbians. We all want the same thing: not to be constrained to someone else's vision of us. I know you're young and still playing at being a boy and you are too young to give it up yet. You need to go through this stage. As the Buddhists say, "It is not necessary to push the river, it will flow of its own accord". So take your time and do not be too concerned about tomorrow, for the universe is unfolding just as it should (with apologies to "Desiderata"). But I think the dichotomy is unhelpful. I would love to speak more directly but, being new to the site, I do not know how far to go and do not wish to offend or to be presumptuous. I am always available for a frank exchange and would feel so useful if you thought it would help. Love, Carolyn

  18. #18
    Member Jenny's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Thumbs up Jenny Has A Date!!!


    Mike here filling in for Jenny.The girl's head is in the clouds because of this past weekend. Let me explain.

    We went to Missoula for the weekend. Missoula is our university town and probably Montana's most liberal town. The students are all back in school, the Grizzlies (#1 ranked football team) were playing, there was a germanfest going on with live music all over the place. So the town was truly hopping!!!

    I agreed that this could be Jenny's weekend, at least Saturday night. She was dressed pretty cute. (She actually is a sweet girl; just a clothes maniac!!! She has completely taken over both closets in our house.) She was wearing her tightest white jeans; actually they are more like capri leggings. She had on a pair of pink with white polka dot string bikinis that you could faintly see through her jeans. She wore an oversize shirt with no bra underneath. She had on just a touch of very light natural makeup.

    Jenny is actually a pretty good pool player so she hit a couple of places where there are pool tables. At one of these she met Nick. Nick is a 22 y.o. fifth year senior from Malta, a tiny town near the Canadian border. He is about 6'4" tall which is good cause Jenny is about 6' tall herself. Jenny and Nick ended up playing pool quite a while (Jenny won mostly) and then decided to check out the goings on around town. As they walked around it became very clear that there was real chemistry between these two. Before long they were finding reasons to brush against each other and touch each other, innocently of course.

    Nick is just starting to really deal with this aspect of his life. Growing up in Malta, a tiny ranching community, can be stultifying. As the evening wore on, Jenny and Nick seemed to really connect on a very personal level. Nick is still virginal as far as gay sex goes (and for the nosy nellies among you, he still is after this weekend). But Nick was very sweet towards Jenny. Even when she told him that she liked to dress up, he seemed very understanding and kind. In turn, Jenny was very gentle with Nick in discussing his sexual orientation feelings.

    The weekend ended with Jenny and Nick promising to stay in touch and see where their friendship develops. Jenny of course is walking on clouds. She is planning to visit Missoula again at the end of September for an event called Festival of the Book. She and Nick have plans to hook up again.

    Two more things to say and then I'll bow out again. First, as much as Jenny intruded on my times with Mary, I did not slip into Jenny's train of thoughts once while she was with Nick. She was completely and totally in charge.

    Second, for those of you who might be curious, my own contacts with Mary have dwindled down. We have discovered we don't have much in common except for golf and have some important things not in common like politics. (She is a Bush supporter and he makes my skin crawl.) So I am not sure we are going to be able to maintain any sort of ongoing friendship.

    I apologize for intruding on the forum like this but I thought you might like to know how things are going with Jenny. Her mood is definitely up this week as compared to last week.

    See ya around,
    Jenny, The Wild West T-Gurl

    Don't Sweat The Petty Stuff; Don't Pet The Sweaty Stuff

  19. #19
    Tristen Cox

    Post summer is gone..(not you Summer)

    Sounds to me like what I thought Jenny was doing is right. Time will only tell just how positive this new contact is for her. Hopefully Mike, you will continue to be so caring and excepting of Jenny. Always be a friend for her cause she's a wonderfully splendid girl.


  20. #20
    Pantyhose for everyone! Jennifer_Ph's Avatar
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    Hi Jenny. I mean Mike. Great story. It made me wonder though... about politics... are there any of us who in drab would vote for candidate A but en femme would vote for candidate B? Two personalities may look at politics differenty. And no, not trying to start a political thread - I'd rather talk about doing the laundry than politics...

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