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Thread: Ask the GG's

  1. #1
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    SouthEastern Ontario

    Ask the GG's

    It was brought to our attention that it would be fun and maybe a learning tool to be able to ask our lovely GG's questions.
    So please put them here....your questions....or if you want to ask something without your id being known pm Di, ReineD, Sandra, Krazykat, Nigella, or Shelly Preston,

    We will make a list and move them into Fab for our GG's to answer.GG'S DO NOT ANSWER HERE

    Lets us know your questions ...


    OK, I'm gathering the questions here as they crop up and I'm numbering them. Please check this list first before posting your question, to make sure it is not already queued to be asked. ..... And GGs, please don't answer in here. We will have separate threads in Loved Ones where you can do this.

    Week 1, April 30. Questions 1 - 3:

    1) Was your acceptance of your partner a learning process?

    2) How did your own family react to the news of your partner (provided you ever told them)?

    3) What sacrifices have you had to make in accepting your partner?

    Week 1, April 30. Questions 4 - 6:

    4) For those that knew after they got to know their partner: if you knew about your partner right off the bat, would you have still been attracted to them?

    5) See above question .. Or would you likely have passed them up for somebody "normal"?

    6) Any advice for a transguy approaching GGs? (Yeah, I'm not really kidding on that.) Is the etiquette to be upfront with an identity, or just let the individuals figure it out for themselves?

    Week 1, April 30. Questions 7 - 9:

    Kevin Costner once said being a movie star is like being a beautiful women, catered to, doors opened, everyone bending over backwards to please you/have you/etc. So, I guess my question would be for the "beautiful" women here:

    7) Is it true? Does being beautiful really make this happen?

    8) How does it feel? Is it nice? Bothersome? Make you paranoid?

    9) What's it like to go thru life a beautiful woman?

    Week 2, May 5. Questions 10 - 12:

    10) When you are not feeling so accepting... What can I do to help you?

    11) How can I be sure my wife is doing OK with my dressing and not just putting on a happy face for me?

    12) Why do you accept my "Femme" side so much easier than I accept it myself?
    Is it that I'm a nicer person when "femme" or is there another reason?

    Week 2, May 5. Questions 13 - 15:

    13) Are the lies the only thing about the CDing that makes it hard for you, or do you also not like to see your partner in women's clothes because it shatters the image you had of him as "all man"?

    14)If you accept, what changes/adaptations have you made to your relationship? In order to help your relationship, what changes/adaptations would you be prepared to make?

    15)If there was a level playing field and you could both discuss cding, would you feel comfortable discussing it with your SO, if not why not?

    Week 2, May 5. Questions 16 - 18:

    16) Would you be comfortable going out with your SO dressed as a woman?

    17) What are you prepared to do to show your SO that it is OK/Not OK for them to be dressed out and about without you?

    18) For those of you who "found out", what was it that gave it away?

    Week 3, May 10. Questions 19 - 21:

    19) Do you believe that the crossdresser dresses by reason of choice?

    20) Assuming you're OK with CDing in general, is there anything that CDer's do that really just grates on your nerves? What makes your top 10 list of "Dumb things CDer's do"?

    21) GG.s in what ways has your partner accepted you?Just curious if the tg/cd partner reciprocates the acceptance of being the person that the GG is.

    Week 4, May 17. Questions 22 - 24:

    22) I dress modestly, usually in a suit or dress and I try to blend in center-city on workdays. Are the women that stare at me wondering who/what I am, or is it normal for women to look in the eyes of well dressed women they pass on the street?

    23) Have you ever looked at your SO (Or a CD in general) and felt jealous about anything? (Looks, legs, clothing style, etc...)

    24) Do you feel less secure as the result of your partner's Cding (i.e. concerns for your physical security when you are out together dressed, or concerns for your financial security should your partner's CDing become known).

    Week 5, May 23. Questions 25 - 27:

    25) How do GG's with Part Time MTF SO's view body hair (chest, legs and underarms specificly) while their partner is dressed.
    (Being a secret agent goth girl by eve and rockabilly motorhead by day, i find myself sometimes wondering if my hair in girl mode is just tolerated or enjoyed)

    26) What do you get from being in a relationship with a crossdresser?

    27) Some women could never accept her SO's cd'ing, but if you still loved him, would you live with him in peace, as long as he accepted your non-acceptance and kept it private, without your participation?

    Week 6, May 31. Questions 28 - 30:

    28) Recently there has been a rash of threads indicating that the TG community have put GGs on a pedestal and they really do want to emulate their version of a GG. How do you feel about being raised to the pedestal and how the TG community emulate their version of you?

    29) Knowing how important cross dressing is to the CD do you or would you ever consider using it to get your own way or something you want .

    30) Are you accepting? If so, how fast did that come and what are the sexual inclinations towards other women in general?

    Week 7, June 6. Questions 31 - 33:

    31) I do not dress much at all, and although I've wanted to for 35 years of my life, I've held back.
    Fortunately for me, I have an awesome wife who supports and understands me. She's actually the one that does all the dressing, as I have no desire to do it alone.
    My question I wear contacts and last time she dressed me & did my makeup, my eyes didn't like too much. She's preparing to surprise me again, & I thought I should find some more sensitive makeup for her, before she gets to work. Do you know of any such products?

    32)After finding out your SO was a CD and you have accepted it. Did this new found knowledge of him make you feel less attracted to him as the man you were originally attracted to, or is he still the same male image that attracted you in the first place? Another words, do you view him as less a man?[/QUOTE]

    33) And now that you do know...Do you worry that your CD will want to become more feminine then your tolerance or acceptance level?

    Week 8, June 14. Questions 34 - 36:

    34)When you, a GG gets dressed up for a formal, semi formal engagement or even a cocktail party, when you get your hair done, makeup just right and dress in your finest lingerie, hose and heels, does it make you feel more sexy, more feminine and maybe even somewhat turned on by the feel of the clothes, and or the fact that you look so sexy and pretty and will attract attention dressed so nice? Can you perhaps then understand why your CD might want to feel the same way by dressing and being made up like you? He wants to feel like you might feel, or the way he "thinks" you might feel being dressed so feminine.

    35) My wife use to tell me that she wasn't interested in a woman and that's why she couldn't accept my crossdressing. So are you attracted to other women? Do you ever fantasize that your SO is another woman?

    36) We all talk about a SO accepting, but we never understand why one woman will accept and another won't. So what was the key to your acceptance? Was it the honesty or something else?

    Week 9, June 20. Questions 37 - 39:

    37) My wife thinks it would be completely humiliating if any friends relatives or neighbors found out about my cd secret. Is this true for you? What happened or would happen if and when your friends found out?

    38) Even though you are supportive of your SO, does it ever overwhelm you at times?

    39) Is there anything that your SO may do that is a step too far even though you accept?

    Week 10, June 27. Questions 40 - 42:

    40) If you were a single lady and were approached by another girl who was flirting with you, how would you respond? Would your answer change if you realized/found out that the woman hitting on you was a male dressed as a female?

    41) Is there one thing (no matter how supportive you are) that you would not allow your SO to wear? Examples would be maid or sissy outfits (at home), all the way up to an appropriate outfit that you were maybe jealous of them wearing?

    42) Are you or have you ever only pretended to be supportive?

    Week 11, July 4. Questions 43 - 45:

    43) Have you ever been supportive and changed your mind? What changed your mind?

    44) Given how hard it is accept us as a CDer, are there any other areas that you have trouble accepting us?

    45) We all want our families to accept the person we are about to marry. So before wedding bells were even discussed, what would have happened in your family if you had brought home a CDer? Would the response have been any different after you were engaged? Does your family know and accept your SO and have they acted any differently toward him because of finding out?

    Skipped the week of July 11th. Sorry!

    Week 12, July 18. Questions 46 - 48:

    You love your SO, but you're suspicious. After confronting your SO he admits to dressing up as a woman occasionally. You don't know what that means, but study up on what CDs are and do. Although he SAYS he has no desire to go out dressed or meet other CDs, he admits sex is involved.

    46) If that happened to you, how did you react? If it didn't, how do you think you would react?

    47) Could you accept that in your SO? Maybe with conditions? What conditions?

    48) If he said sex wasn't involved, would, (did), you believe him?

    Week 13, July 28. Questions 49 - 51:

    Sorry for posting late this week!

    49) Within your relationship, do you prefer Him, Her or both and why is that?

    50) I have it "narrowed" down to between the first date and proposing marriage , but at what point in the dating process do you think is appropriate/necessary for a CD to tell the GG that they dress?

    51) From your point of view, why do you think we feel a need to CD? (Born that way? A fetish we picked up? Chromosomes? Hormones? Addiction? ...etc...)

    Week 14, July 31. Questions 52 - 54:

    52) Assuming you knew, and accepted the crossdressing from the beginning, and that your SO is honest with you, would you still accept them if the SO realized they were Transexual, and chose to transition to full time?

    53) What do you consider to be the biggest advantage to being with a Crossdresser? (still assuming complete honesty in the relationship)

    54) What do you consider to be the biggest disadvantage? (again assuming honesty)

    Week 15, August 9. Questions 55 - 57:

    55) My wife has learned that after 10 years, her husband is a crossdresser. She hates the idea. Hates "Charlie", my femme self. She hasn't left me, but will not discuss CD, goes nuts if I buy feminine clothes; yet still loves me, her husband, but cries about CD when she sees it (television or on the street) or she thinks I'm being to feminine. Is there anything I can do to try and keep her anxiety level down?

    56) A question for GG's who are at least a little accepting of CDers: Putting the "person inside" , personality, honesty and the rest of it out of consideration for the moment and basing your answer purely on physical attractiveness alone - do you prefer a fit, muscular , well built type of male dressed as a female or would you find a slim, slender male with a somewhat femine body type more attractive when dressed as a female ? I'm trying to decide if I should eat steak and lift wieghts or stick to fruits and vegetables and pilates....

    57) Is it (1) common, (2) not-uncommon, (3) rare or (4) extremely rare for a GG to be turned-on by or attracted to an otherwise 'normal' healthy successful generous sensitive and caring single guy (> or = to 95% of the time), who can transition to a M2F-TG-Lez who is pretty looking, pleasant sounding, fun and worldly, articulate and interesting, cool and laid-back, polite and responsive, sensuous and sexual yet respecting, feminine thinking/feeling/behaving i.e. a completely independent, self contained, well behaving, natural and balanced (not affected (forced) or contrived) alternate identity; yet one that is not necessarily psychologically imposing nor self-compelling, thus not absolutely needing to be expressed. Thank You.

    Skipped the week of August 15

    Week 16, August 22. Questions 58 - 60:

    58) If your SO were M2F transgendered but where this was expressed only in the bedroom principally to (sometimes) enhance the physical aspect of what is your otherwise normal sort of mutually caring, genuinely sharing, fun and well balanced healthy relationship, would you as a GG partner: (a) find this desirable or value-added wrt sex (b) be indifferent (c) be tolerant because it's only now & then, or (d) find it undesirable?

    59) Can you tell us if you think has helped you accept, understand and maybe even enjoy your partner's crossdressing? And what misconceptions have been cleared up by reading the posts?

    60) There is a thread by Marla GG in the Loved Ones section entitled Now I like it, Now I Don't. What parts of this description fits your situation?

    Week 17, August 30. Questions 61 - 62:

    61) How do GG's generally deal with unrequited love issues? I thought maybe it would come to me when I was in Annaliese mode - but it didn't. Almost, but not quite. So I'm asking for your help. (More details here).

    62) Is there anything that a GG might be terrified to have others find out about her that is similar to the abject terror a closeted CD experiences about the possibility of being found out?

    63) There were no more questions, so this week's post only included two questions.

    Week 18, September 20. Questions 64 - 66:

    64) I was wondering where I can meet a lady who is not only accepting of my CDing...but that accepts and helps me be more feminine?

    65) Does the idea of your CD being submissive to you have any appeal? Like having him/her clean house, do the laundry, give massages, pedicures, manicures and simply and lovingly obey your every wish. If the idea appeals to you, to what degree would you like the submission? Just a bedroom game every now and then, or perhaps go as far as 24/7? Would you enjoy being your mate's loving dominant?

    66) If these questions are inappropriate, my apologies in advance. I'm curious - how many bras do you typically own? Also, do you hand wash your lingerie, or do you machine wash?

    Question Set 19 - May 24, 2011 (Continued from Sept 2010 lol)

    67) I wonder if wives fantasize about their husbands wearing feminine clothing or being a CD.

    68) I'm stepping back into the dating scene, and the site I'm using uses questions to help match people, The one I'm most confused by is whether women feel they have an obligation to shave their legs. I don't believe so, but every girl's profile I've seen with that question believes she does. Do you feel you have an obligation to shave your legs and if so why?

    69)Why did you join this site originally?

    Question Set 20 - June 17, 2011

    70) You GG's (esp the ones in this forum) know the power of makeup than anyone else. I wonder if whenever you look at cute guys, do you mentally visualize how he would look in makeup and dress?

    71) Why is it so hard to meet a woman that is accepting of CD?

    72) Do you think your attitudes towards crossdressing can change? For instance do you think at first you might have been accepting because it might have been exciting in a way, but later grew tired of it because you were bored of it, saw it going to far, interfered with raising kids etc. etc. I don't want
    to put words into anyone's mouth, just wondering.

    Question Set 21 - July 7, 2011

    My wife and I are both communicating and working towards going out together for the first time. These questions are to those of you who do go out in public with your SOs while your CD is en femme. To those of you who haven't gone out, please use these questions as a guideline to discuss anticipated issues. Everyone please feel free to add any thoughts/issues that I haven't mentioned.

    Question 73
    A) What was the greatest obstacle you faced socially when out dressed?

    B) What type of venues do you find yourself most comfortable in?

    C) Are you worried for your CD's ability to pass as a GG? or Is it more of a worry for your CD to be accepted as TG by the public?

    D) Do you actively try to help your CD pass better (or look more feminine) by altering the way you would otherwise dress? ( For example: Your CD wants to wear a nice dress and heels out that night, but you choose to wear nice jeans and a top)

    E) Does Cding in Public have any negative effects on the two of you as a couple?

    F) Are there suggestions as to where to go for your first time out together as an Alt couple?

    G) What should be my fears for her?

    H) Does going to a different town make it easier to make that first step out the door?

    Question Set 22 - September 6, 2011

    74) When it comes to really sharing your SO's CDing with your peers, is it easier for you to just buckle up and be quiet about it all or maybe even pretend it's really about a friend of yours?

    75) Do you think its impossible for a man to love a woman and want to embrace a womans characteristics as well?

    76) Do you think being bisexual is always directly related to being a CD or have you learned that one's sexual desires could be independent of that.

    Question Set 23

    77) Where do all the GGs that are ok with CDs hide? Are there any groups out there that have GGs looking for CD friends or partners?


    Last edited by ReineD; 09-06-2011 at 05:16 PM. Reason: Updated up to post #49.
    If you are a Genetic Female (Female at Birth) and would like to join us in the F.A.B. Forum, please follow the link.

    F.A.B. Forum Access

    Sherlyn,My beautiful sweet girl
    You forever and always will be my one and only true love . ❤️


  2. #2
    Whiny li'l runt Ze's Avatar
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    Mar 2009

    Thumbs up Great idea, ladies

    Was your acceptance of your partner a learning process?

    How did your own family react to the news of your partner (provided you ever told them)?

    What sacrifices have you had to make in accepting your partner?

    For those that knew after they got to know their partner: if you knew about your partner right off the bat, would you have still been attracted to them? Or would you likely have passed them up for somebody "normal"?

    Any advice for a transguy approaching GGs? (Yeah, I'm not really kidding on that.) Is the etiquette to be upfront with an identity, or just let the individuals figure it out for themselves?

  3. #3
    Member dorylinn's Avatar
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    Rlloer coaster

    When you are not feeling so accepting... What can I do to help you?
    It was like that when I got here... I wasn't here when that happened...Second shift musta done that...

  4. #4
    Silver Member AmandaM's Avatar
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    San Diego
    Kevin Costner once said being a movie star is like being a beautiful women, catered to, doors opened, everyone bending over backwards to please you/have you/etc. So, I guess my question would be for the "beautiful" women here. Is it true? Does being beautiful really make this happen? How does it feel? Is it nice? Bothersome? Make you paranoid? What I'm really asking, I guess, is what's it like to go thru life a beautiful woman?

  5. #5
    New Member
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    Ask the GG's

    Thank you for the opportunity to get the advice from the great ladies on the forum.

    Although my SO says that she is OK with the dressing I do and from all outward appearances this seems to be the case I want to be careful not to hurt her.

    My SO and I tend to consider the others wants and needs above our own and this can lead to a lot of second guessing about what the other one is feeling. Since I am not very good at reading between the lines and take her word for how she is doing I want to be careful and make sure that she is really OK with my dressing and not just saying that because it makes me happy. We have been married 24 years and I would like to see us together for another 24 so sny advice would be very welcome.

    My questions is how can I be sure she is doing OK with my dressing and not just putting on a happy face for me?

  6. #6
    A bit peculier Renelle's Avatar
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    Reno, Nevada

    Top 10 List

    Assuming you're OK with CDing in general, is there anything that CDer's do that really just grates on your nerves? What makes your top 10 list of "Dumb things CDer's do"?
    Silk bloomers make me wanna dance.

  7. #7
    Whiny li'l runt Ze's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    Thought of another one...

    In what ways has your partner accepted you?

  8. #8
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    SouthEastern Ontario
    Thanks for the questions here and the pm's keep them coming.
    If you are a Genetic Female (Female at Birth) and would like to join us in the F.A.B. Forum, please follow the link.

    F.A.B. Forum Access

    Sherlyn,My beautiful sweet girl
    You forever and always will be my one and only true love . ❤️


  9. #9
    Old Man in a Suit skirtsuit's Avatar
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    What I really want to know is what are the women thinking who look me in the eye as we pass on the street? I dress modestly, usually in a suit or dress and like to try to blend in center city on workdays. I believe I do OK in that most people don't give me a first or second look.

    Are the women that stare wondering who/what I am, or is it normal for women to look in the eyes of well dressed women they pass on the street?


    Ann / SS

  10. #10
    Member Michaela42's Avatar
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    Have you ever looked at your So (Or a CD in general) and felt jealous about anything? (Looks, legs, clothing style, etc...)

  11. #11
    A bit peculier Renelle's Avatar
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    Reno, Nevada
    I wonder if security, or lack of it, is the main reason why so many women have problems with this. If you were out with your MtF SO in public and you were getting mugged, your SO, in heels and corset with pads and straps everywhere, wouldn't be able to help much. I'm guessing.

    Also, financial security may be at risk if his CDing became common knowledge. What do you think of these possibilities and do you feel less secure since your SO told you the truth?
    Silk bloomers make me wanna dance.

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member
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    odd question

    Question: How do other GG's with Part Time MTF SO's view body hair (chest, legs and underarms specificly) while their partner is dressed.

    Being a secret agent goth girl by eve and rockabilly motorhead by day, i find myself sometimes wondering if my hair in girl mode is just tolerated or enjoyed

    Thanks GG's

    PS. The reason this site stands out as a shining star compared to other sites is the real support we get from our FAB/Loved ones and GG's here
    Last edited by DonniDarkness; 05-08-2010 at 06:26 PM. Reason: Dislexia

  13. #13
    Aspiring Member Jenniferpl's Avatar
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    What do you get from being in a relationship with a crossdresser?

    My wife gets something from Jennifer being around but she has never been able to explain it. When we first started to explore this together she would ask me to dress up for her and the fun would start.

  14. #14
    Silver Member Jonianne's Avatar
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    Some women could never accept her SO's cd'ing, but if you still loved him, would you live with him in peace, as long as he accepted your non-acceptance and kept it private, without your participation?

    "Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free" Bob Dylan

  15. #15
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    SouthEastern Ontario
    We are getting alot of thank you pm's and threads for our ask the GG's threads and we THANK YOU
    We need your questions for it to continue!!

    So please post them here or send one of us mods ( listed on the 1st post in this thread) your questions.
    Thank you
    If you are a Genetic Female (Female at Birth) and would like to join us in the F.A.B. Forum, please follow the link.

    F.A.B. Forum Access

    Sherlyn,My beautiful sweet girl
    You forever and always will be my one and only true love . ❤️


  16. #16
    Banned Read only
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    Are you accepting? If so, how fast did that come and what are the sexual inclinations towards other women in general?

  17. #17
    Member FemmeElastique's Avatar
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    What's a GG? I'm new to the board.

  18. #18
    Platinum Member Sheila's Avatar
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    A Genetic Girl
    I allow myself to set healthy boundaries ..... to say no to what does not align with my values, to say yes to what does.
    Boundaries assist me to remain healthy, honest and living a life that is true to me

  19. #19
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    I have always wondered....When you,a GG gets dressed up for a formal, semi formal engagement or even as cocktail party, when you get your hair done, makeup just right and dress in your finest lingerie, hose and heels, does it make you feel more sexy, more feminine and maybe even somewhat turned on by the feel of the clothes, and or the fact that you look so sexy and pretty and will attract attention dressed so nice?

    Can you perhaps then understand why your CD might want to feel the same way by dressing and being made up like you? He wants to feel like you might feel, or they way he "thinks" you might feel being dressed so feminine.

  20. #20
    Gold Member JenniferR771's Avatar
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    My wife thinks it would be completely humiliating if any friends relatives or neighbors found out about my cd secret. Is this true? What happened when your friends found out?

  21. #21
    Silver Member AKAMichelle's Avatar
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    The GG's had very interesting questions this time. So it got me thinking about it in reverse.

    My wife use to tell me that she wasn't interested in a woman and that's why she couldn't accept my crossdressing. So are attracted to other women? Do you ever fantasize that your SO is another woman?

    We all talk about a SO accepting, but we never understand why one woman will accept and another won't. So what was the key to your acceptance? Was it the honesty or something else?
    Last edited by ReineD; 06-06-2010 at 11:58 PM. Reason: Michelle ... you know better! Please use the EDIT button for afterthoughts! :)

  22. #22
    mini kilted chick t-girlxsophie's Avatar
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    Lanarkshire,Bonnie Scotland
    My wife is accepting of my dressing,she knew straight away about me,and supports me fully

    My Questions are for Accepting GGs:
    #1even though you are supportive of your SO does it ever Overwhelm you at any time?

    #2Is there anything that your SO may do that is a step too far even though you accept

    I hope these questions aren't too silly,Recently I have been dressing more and more just been thinking that I hope im not taking my wifes acceptance for granted.
    We look to Scotland,for all our Ideas of Civilisation-Voltaire


    A woman who loves to wear beautiful clothes is like a flower.
    A man who loves to emulate these women is a special flower-a rose
    Facebook:Sophie Johnson

  23. #23
    Silver Member AKAMichelle's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    1) Given how hard it is accept us as a cd'er, are there any other areas that you have trouble accepting us?

    2) We all want our families to accept the person we are about to marry. So before wedding bells were even discussed, what would have happened in your family if you had brought home a cd'er? Would the response be any different do you think after you were engaged? Does your family know and accept your SO? Have they acted any differently toward them because of finding out?

  24. #24
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    You love your SO, but you're suspicious. After confronting your SO he admits to dressing up as a woman occasionally. U don't know what that means, but study up on what CDs r and do. Altho he SAYS he has no desire to go out dressed, or meet other CDs, he admits sex is involved.

    1. If that happened to u, how did u react? If it didn't, how do u think u would react?

    2. Could u accept that in your SO? Maybe with conditions? What conditions?

    3. If he said sex wasn't involved, would, (did), u believe him?
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  25. #25
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    Jun 2007
    DRS, just to be clear about your questions ... when you say sex is involved to you mean with others or the self? This is an important distinction for the GGs who will be answering your questions.

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