I'm always interested in bringing my sub-sorority of gay male crossdressers together to talk about issues important to us. I was wondering if any of you ladies have been dating any guys recently.

Dating continues to be very tricky for me. I like guys that are very straight looking, and I happen to be a softer gay male (who dresses). I was recently at a week long gay retreat with about 150 gay men. It was great, but I couldn't help feel left out because the straight looking guys seemed to be attracted to the other straight looking guys. (sigh) So, I came home, and put an ad on craigslist looking for a straight looking guy that likes fem guys who crossdress...seems like these guys are mostly bi, and would never commit to me openly...oh well...I would be curious to hear your experiences of late.

ps. Let's keep this post on topic regarding gay male crossdressers and our dating experiences with men