Divorce is coming for me. Probably within 4 months my wife will be out of the house and into her own. It was 80-90% caused by my CDing. We have just never clicked. We are in our 15th year. It is sad but exciting for me too. Deep down, I have always thought about how life would be if I were free. I would always wonder when I am at home...How much would I dress? Would I wear girl clothes all of the time? Would I have makeup on all of the time at home? Would I EVER be NOT in panties even in boy mode at work and out? These are just a few of many many questions I will answer in about 4 months. I just wonder. I really don't know how much I will dress or to what level I would dress each night after work and on the weekends. Right now, I feel like I want to be girlie at ALL times if I was alone. Will that fade though? I guess I need to hear from the full timers out there or the semi full timers like I will be (not at work, not in public every time out, no family visits dressed). How is it really when they leave and you are finally by yourself? How did it progress? Did anything surprise you? Is it even better than you thought? I know everyone is different and I would love to read what people have experienced. Good or Bad.