There are lots of post across the forums here concerning names. I have found everything from why did you pick yours to how do you change it, but I have not found one concerning a tinge of regret or doubt that I have about my femme name.
I was born a natal boy. My parents were not kind enough to give me one of those great androgynous names that work well for ladies or men in our situation. So as I express my femininity I obviously need a name that fits my external appearance. Well for you hard core gender transgressors I guess I don't really, but I feel more comfy with one that fits. For my own reasons I chose Suzanne. Hint-thank you James Taylor.
I like my name. I really do. However, there is a bit of regret. Names are supposed to be chosen for us. They are selected by those that love us and in most cases celebrate someone that has come before us or expresses a hope that our loved ones have for our futures.
I guess having a loved one pick your name is one of those experiences that people like us miss out on. Do you see it as a shortfall or am I making to much ado about nothing? Did you select your name or did someone else? Just curious.