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Thread: How many of you played golf? any problems?

  1. #1
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    How many of you played golf? any problems?

    I played a few holes at a friends house who lives on a golf course just as the course was closing. We hopped on the 3rd T from the back of their house. I am to afraid to play in public.

    I had never played/swong a club before. I'll say it was hard. I usually wear large attachable forms and they get in the way. I see why I have never seen a large breasted professional golfer. Putting, pitching, driving golf is not for a busty person. It felt like I was always trying to create cleavage (lol).
    Or am I just holding the club wrong?

  2. #2
    eluuzion eluuzion's Avatar
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    The most challenging part of wearing forms is when you bend over to retrieve your ball from the cup...hehehe

    My parents lived right on a golf course back in the midwest. A couple years ago I went back to their house after my dad died, to haul furniture back here. I was staying alone in the house while packing up furniture. I thought about trying it one night, as the green was only about 30 feet from the end of the back yard.

    Just as I was ready to sneak out there, it started raining and lightning (what's new), so I decided I would be a human lightning rod, and gave it up.


  3. #3
    Gold Member
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    I like playing pool; but not in a cow pasture. LOL
    OK I am sorry for that one, but I am just filling a little silly today. Rader

  4. #4
    Junior Member Angela Rose's Avatar
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    As Posted

    A few years back I was lucky and beleive it or not I belonged to two golf clubs, one as a man and the other as a woman. I didn't play very well at both, but I enjoyed the company although I didn't play in a mixed doubles. Ah well Happy days.

  5. #5
    Aspiring Member
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    A golf tip for all you gals who play when dressed.

    "Reaching's a must to clear the bust"

  6. #6
    New Member elle_2000's Avatar
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    I am an avid golfer but have never played dressed. Your comment about women with large breasts being handicapped due to them may have some merit. I base this on comments made when I played with a women who was so well endowed. More than once I heard her say, "my boobs got in the way on that shot".
    That aside, I would love to play golf as elle, in fact I would love to be elle always but that is another story.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Remember to never wear a front closing bra. You know the type with the clasp in front instead of the back. I recall my wife
    golfing with this type of bra and the clasp kept snapping open everytime she swung the club. I finally convinced her to go braless. It was too funny!!

  8. #8
    The Girl Next Door windycissy's Avatar
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    I've played 18 holes twice as a woman, the second time when I got back to the clubhouse and went into the ladies room I discovered that one of my breast forms had migrated so that I had one enormous boob! I guess I was so into the game that I didn't even notice it, fortunately it wasn't all that noticeable under my golf shirt and sweater.

  9. #9
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    I quite playing golf. Kept loosing all my balls...
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Where I live in Indiana, the local Senior Citizens center hosts the Annual Senior Games every September. This year I won gold medal in the 1600 meter racewalk (:15.02), and in the Women's 60-64 age group. I think there were about 25 people in this year's golf match, and I ended up with the third best score of the day (36). It was a beautiful day, and the other two players in my three-some was a gentleman in his mid-70s and another aged 81. LOL! At age 63 I feel like a kid! Also, I think my time in the racewalk was pretty good for six months after my third heart attack!

    "I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can
    be a woman in it." Marilyn Monroe

    Q. What is a Shih-Tzu?

    A. A zoo with no animals.

  11. #11
    Crazy Lady
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    You missed your chance, SCC had a golf game/tourniment this year. They may have one next year!

  12. #12
    Member Christina2008's Avatar
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    I practise in the house all the time, which means I’m en femme. High heels help me keep my balance and stop swinging too fast. It has actually helped but I doubt it will ever become a mainstream golf tip

    Never played fully dressed, only under dressed.

  13. #13
    Aspiring Member
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    I'm pre-op and hadn't played golf since I transitioned, but last month we had the annual office tournament so I put my name down to play. A few days before the tourney I realised I had disposed of all my old golf trousers, so had to go shopping (lol) but couldnt find any decent inexpensive ladies golf trousers, so I ended up playing in a skirt from "Boden".

    I was never a long hitter so found playing from the ladies tee suited my game

    I didn't win though but it was nice playing again, so I think I'll be taking up the game again in the Spring.
    Last edited by Deborah_UK; 11-06-2010 at 03:10 AM. Reason: typo

  14. #14
    Aspiring Member RachelPortugal's Avatar
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    Where golf is concerned, I concur with Oscar Wilde. "... a good walk spoiled", which is quite true because you have to leave your heels in the clubhouse!

    As a crossdresser my personality has several facets. Therefore, I suppose I can be forgiven for being facetious.

  15. #15
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    Thanks for the great comments.
    The like putting the best because when I went to put I always looked down and say my own curves.
    I did have to play with smaller forms though . . . I needed to be able to see the ball(lol).

  16. #16
    Gold Member Alice B's Avatar
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    I am also an avid golfer and the one thing I most want to do is play while dressed. I noticed that "Dive Las Vegas" holds a tournament for dressers. I plan to go this year and attend the many events and play in their golf event. It is my main reason for attending. I've told my wife and she is OK with it. Now I must shop for an attractive outfit for the event. I am also open to playing with anyone in S. Calif if they van set up a playing time at a safe location in S. Calif.

  17. #17
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    I have played golf twice en femme with WindyCissy in the Sacramento, CA area. It was fabulous playing from the red tees using a pink ball! The second time I had one of my best scores ever (85). I guess that I need to play from the reds more often. I used my regular sized forms (36C/D) and had no problems at all. One thing did bother me. My hair kept covering up my left eye, which for a right handed player is not so good. The second time we played, a single player (man) asked to play with us, which is normal practice when playing. We said no problem and enjoyed the round with him. I can't wait to play again since I added to my golf wardrobe recently with a new black skirt and 3 quick dry tops. Cissy, when will that be??

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