A lot is being said about lying in some of the other threads, and the popular consensus is that CDs should tell the entire truth about their crossdressing to their SO's before they get married. Is that how it normally works with issues other than CDing? It seems to me that people keep a lot more things hidden from prospective spouses. For example, here are a few things that women typically don't tell men...

"I'm not really interested in this whole sex thing, but I understand it's what I have to do in order to attract a mate. Just realize that after we get married the frequency is going to drop to about a third of what you consider minimally necessary for your survival."

"I've had some really bad experiences with men, and you're a man, so that makes you responsible for them."

"I don't really agree with your stupid political and philosophical beliefs, but I know that men aren't attracted to argumentative women, so I'll just save the details for after we're married."

"I sometimes poop, and it smells really bad." (Seriously, I've heard of women who won't poop within a mile of their boyfriend.)

"During my period, I can be as bitchy as I like, and you're supposed to just say 'yes ma'am,' and bring me chocolate."

"I have no sense of humor and generally hate life until sometime after lunch."

"I'm maintaining this svelte figure by living on caffeine, air, and a high degree of anxiety. Later, when I feel truly loved, I will relax and start to eat until I'm roughly twice my current size. Then, I'll demand constant affirmation that you love my new figure as much as you ever loved that earlier one."

And then there are the things that even non-CD men don't tell women...

"I realize that, logistically speaking, it's not possible for us to have sex every waking moment while we're dating. When we're living in the same house together, though, I expect the frequency to dramatically improve."

"I masturbate. A lot. Even if we do start having sex more often, I'll probably still find it convenient to masturbate on occasion. I just like it that much."

"I have done some crazy shit to get off. If you ask me for details, I'm going to lie."

"I'm a very tolerant, laid back person, except when people disagree with my political and philosophical beliefs."

"I've had some really bad experiences with women, and you're a woman, so that makes you responsible."

"I'm at my wittiest and most cheerful first thing in the morning."

"Yes, your ass is kind of large. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but objectively speaking, it's a little on the big side."


So yeah, lying... There are a lot of things you don't find out about your spouse until you've been married for awhile. Crossdressing is just one more item on the list, and it can be dealt with just like the others are.