She stays hidden from the world, scared and worried. Self doubt surrounds her. He tells her that it is fine not to be known. She believes him. She talks to him when he is alone, in the saddest hours. She expresses her desire to mingle with others. He has a strong heart, or at the least is expected to have one because he is the man. He bears all her complaints.
Deep somewhere he knows that she is his soulmate. No matter how much she complains, she has been his strength. She is the woman behind the fine man he is. She is the one who sometimes sheds a tear through his eyes when he is watching a movie. She is the one who becomes red with anger when he hears of tales of injustice and tragedy that surrounds the world. She is the one who makes him able to love another woman, yet not be jealous of him. She is his soulmate, it is only a matter of time before he even knows she is there right besides him.
She makes him so proud.
To all, with love.