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Thread: Halloween 2011

  1. #26
    Senior Member kimmy p's Avatar
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    I just received the dress for this years costume in the mail yesterday. I will be dressing as a goth Girl this year. Red and black sleeveless dress, knee high red and black boots, red leather collar with o rings and chains. That's what I have so far. I still want stockings, fishnet "arm warmers", handcuff earrings, and considering how short the front of my dress is..... ruffled bloomers/boy shorts.
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  2. #27
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    I am seriously thinking Start Trek original female officer...just don't know what section, science or engineering.
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  3. #28
    Fly Kitty flic's Avatar
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    Well i've been invited to a tea party this year, so i'm going as Malice in Wonderland,,,or that's the plan anyhow! Oh and for those of you who don't know, this is a psychotic Alice in wonderland covered in blood! Fun fun!
    x Flic x

  4. #29
    Living Dead Girl Schatten Lupus's Avatar
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    I thought about going out in regular girls clothes if I can find something that will cover up my beard shadow good enough. And I'm open to any advice on how to cover up said beard shadow, as I have a noticeable shadow as soon as I'm done shaving. I've even tried Nair for my face, and that ended leaving patches of hair that I ended up shaving anyways, a mild burn even though it was specifically for the face, and did nothing for the shadow.
    Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein

  5. #30
    Aspiring Member joank's Avatar
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    If I dress, Iwould go out as Della Street, June Cleaver or Degan McDowell.
    Southern California

  6. #31
    Member Duana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monalisa View Post
    Our 1 chance a year to dress however we want and go out in public and not worry. I love it. Better than Xmas.
    Our 1 chance? Well, that and the other 364 days.

    I'll definitely be dressed but as something sexy like Elvira Mistress of the Dark or Vampirella.

  7. #32
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I have more fem costumes I haven't worn than dogs have fleas! ha ha!
    I'll probably end up wearing my top 3. One will be a Disney Princess for Disneyland. And, I think Marie Antoinette will make the cut, too!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

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  8. #33
    Come and talk with me ;) Briana90802's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docrobbysherry View Post
    I have more fem costumes I haven't worn than dogs have fleas! ha ha!
    I'll probably end up wearing my top 3. One will be a Disney Princess for Disneyland. And, I think Marie Antoinette will make the cut, too!
    I thought it wasn't permitted at Disneyland for adults to dress as the princesses? Only kids.
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  9. #34
    Junior Member LolaDD's Avatar
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    Wife and I just booked a room in Savannah, Ga. It will be my first time in public dressed since I started Cding. We are going to have a girls weekend out of town. She is leaving the husband at home.

    I like the pirate theme Jenny. Lola
    Lola M.

  10. #35
    *Kisses and Best Wishes* Wendy_Marie's Avatar
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    Yes I am going to dress...I brought up the idea of my dressing like a girl to my oldest Grandson as a way to possibly introduce him to the idea of me as Wendy, its part of a strategy I came up with that my therapist liked as a means to acclimate this four year old to the idea...
    He said no at first as he always does, thought about it for a minute then said said that it would be alright as long as I dressed up like a Zombie thats now the plan.
    [SIZE="3"]"I can't talk girl talk when there is a guy inside my head." Gracie Lou Freebush[/SIZE]
    Is this all that's left of my life before me. Straight Jacket Memories and Seditive Highs! No Happy Ending like they always Promised...There's got to be something left for me... And I Turn my Head and Stare into the Eyes of a Stranger.
    To those of you who consider yourselves to be "Cat People" I apologize in advance for I am not.

  11. #36
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    Kimmy P - where did you get those boots??!! Those are awesome!! I'm gearing up to bring Ally out to thousands of people again at a big hotel bash. I'm going burlesque this year with a leather corset and very short tutu/pettiskirt

  12. #37
    Senior Member kimmy p's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alayna View Post
    Kimmy P - where did you get those boots??!! Those are awesome!! I'm gearing up to bring Ally out to thousands of people again at a big hotel bash. I'm going burlesque this year with a leather corset and very short tutu/pettiskirt

    And they are comfortable.
    On another note,,,,, I need to add to my dress. It is TO short. You can see everything in front even when standing up... I'm thinking of adding either a extra skirt, or some wet look, liquid metal leggings in black. Either would look nice.
    Last edited by kimmy p; 08-27-2011 at 09:23 AM.

  13. #38
    Silver Member Maria 60's Avatar
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    None of our friends have Halloween parties and i really love the one chance to go out in daylight, so when i get home from work ill get dressed and drive around the city or the wife may come for walk in a park a little further away from. The first year i dressed in normal girl cloths and found it was great to be out in public like that but wasn't much fun and my wife thought it would be better to have a theme or look more of a costume. Last year my wife dressed me up like a hooker it was great but she didn't put much cloths on me and i was walking downtown almost naked. I had on a micro mini and black stockings on and almost every car that drove by ether honked there horn or they turned around to look. She's looking to dress me again as a hooker, she had a long skirt she was throwing out, she told me to try it on. i didn't like it i was down to my ankles, instead she made a slit all the way up the side all the way up to the waist and she said this is what your wearing if we go out this year.

  14. #39
    Member lilmissjenny's Avatar
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    here is the pirate costume im wearing on Halloween:

    i have a pair of boots my gf says that will work but i want another pair. i also need to buy some jewlery too.
    Last edited by Sandra; 09-02-2011 at 12:04 PM. Reason: IMG tags removed please read rules regarding hotlinking photos
    <3 Jenny

  15. #40
    Junior Member Autumndawn's Avatar
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    My SO watches almost all the CSI shows, I think she flips the channels just to pick one. I noticed this past weekend that all the victims are almost always young and female. I asked her "What gives with that?" She replied "Oh it's always about dead hookers" I thought a minute and replied "Hey what a great Halloween costume! Go as a dead Hooker" She doesn't know, I haven't gone out, but I'm thinking. LOL "Say dear, How about if we go as "Dead CSI Hookers".... We'll see...

  16. #41
    Banned Read only stephanieg's Avatar
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    Fiancee Kerry and I are going to dress as cheerleaders for Halloween this year and we decided to do this together.

  17. #42
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    I want to dress as a woman of Star Trek in a dress or skant, but I'm way to old to be a "sweet young thing" as most GG's are in TOS. Any suggestions?

  18. #43
    Member Randee's Avatar
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    If I get invited to a Halloween Party this year, I think I will go as a Sexy Kitty in black turtleneck leotard and fishnet tights with heels, and of course the ears and tail and painted on whiskers.

    I have thought of two "themes" to keep it fun.
    One would be to simply pin a few obvious pieces of rubbish to my leotard and go as "Kitty Litter".
    The other would be to add a mask and a net bag filled with stuffed kitties, and go as the "Cat Burglar".

    Hope this will keep it funny and still get to spend the evening out in my 'tards and fishnets.

    Feel free to copy idea or pass on other suggestions. We could use more sexy black cats for Halloween.
    Last edited by Randee; 11-02-2011 at 11:20 PM.

  19. #44
    The Belle from Hell! Wrenchette's Avatar
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    Depending on the weather, I will probably be dressed all weekend into Monday...I was thinking about my Lady Gaga look (to the left there...) this year for a day or two...
    Redheaded woman in a dirty Corvette.

  20. #45
    Senior Member kimmy p's Avatar
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    I tried on my costume the other night... Shorter than expected. Get me arrested short in front.....
    So, I'll add leggings. Black, wet look leggings. And a riding crop...
    these are what I will add.
    And I'll use the "dress" as a tuxedo style top. The theme will be less "goth" and more "Dom",,,,,, but I kind of like the idea. It ought to fry my friends brains. Especially the friend who has the birthday in Oct. Me, drag, riding crop, birthday spanking..... If he stops running by Thanksgiving I'll be surprised!
    Last edited by kimmy p; 08-30-2011 at 01:02 AM.

  21. #46
    eluuzion eluuzion's Avatar
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    I am waiting until the last minute. Didn't Bobby Rapturehead or whatever that knucklehead's name is reschedule the Rapture for Oct 21st? Come to think of it, I am probably safe. I had an inguinal hernia Rupture repaired just last year. Rupture, Rapture...same thing... I am vscillating between the Walt Disney fairy and an Oscar Meyer Wiener.


  22. #47
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    My wife and I have identical LBD's and high heel boots, going to party in downtown Atlanta.

  23. #48
    Heels Rock! SandyR's Avatar
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    It's Halloween time.....well almost..

    I have always wanted to hit our friends party all dolled up, but my wifey is not ready to see Sandy in person

    Tonight she suggested we switch rolls and go as a reverse Bride and

    Shocked me.....

    Any suggestions on where I can find a bridal gown thats not to pricey....? And a Tux for a 5' 4" girl.

    Thanks Girls.


    Real Men can Cook in Heels...

  24. #49
    Hope Joanna's Wife!! Joannas_fiance's Avatar
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    Goodwill, or salvation army..

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] For My Heart Is Only For You, Joanna!!! xoxo

  25. #50
    Shelby JavaJunkie's Avatar
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    Well on a plus side I work at Spirit Halloween this year so discounts on costumes are a definite plus! I'm thinking either going as a Geisha but instead of doing traditional full face make up doing more of a harajuku look (for those of you who don't know it's the wide "bar" of shadow going from the inner eye almost to your hair) or going as a Pan Am stewardess. Both are different and judging by the selection of costumes this year not many people will be wearing them....I hope lol. Now I just need to convince the bf to go as either a samurai or pilot this year so we match
    "Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth"

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