Hi everyone,

I'm new to the board, have been dressing about 2 years, told my wife this week. She and I are on a counseling journey re our decision-making, planning, and other issues...but I have just arranged to start personal therapy about my situation as a late-emerging (50 years plus) cross dresser. I want to know where this came from and where it's going, what control I can and should have, what my wife should expect, and all that...as I look on the web, I see a lot of support -- understandably -- for males who are wanting to transition or change genders. I don't know, honestly, how far all this will go, but I hope that my therapist will not begin with a preconceived notion. Does anyone have any advice, or experience, in what happens in therapy? Is there a "push" toward becoming a woman? Is that, in fact, what deep down we all want? I don't know...