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Thread: Yep it was me..

  1. #1
    GG SweetPea_GG's Avatar
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    Dec 2010

    Yep it was me..

    Ok so I'm in one of those moods and kinda tired of seeing threads made about GGs in general about the question I asked in my anonymous GG post which reine do kindly posted for me. Which ok some very few actually understood kinda what I was asking and still a lot of you missed my point in general. And I'm not going into it any further. But you now see why some of us GGs use the ability to have our questions posted anonymous. Cause there are many that will sit and attack us for questions. I'm sorry to those GGs who were put into the same category as myself when the posts were made. I did not mean to offend anyone I had a question. And the simple way I should of asked it is why do you (not ALL ofcourse I'm not that dumb to group u all in one group cause u all are different) why do some participate in the panty color thread the breasts or vagina thread and others that seem so Juvenal to me being a grown woman. I have words for actual women who flaunt their panty info or talk about things to basically get attention like that. That's not what emulating a woman is really about or at least IMO. Yet I see the excuse of that some of you are in that "young girl" stage but yet that just kinda makes me sick thinking about it since really you all are grown men so what's wrong with acting like a grown "woman".

    I'm so very sorry if I'm not as accepting as some GGs on this forum. But you know how I see it... I discovered on my own after 20yrs together and 15yrs married. He did not tell me on his own. When I found out he did not have warmth in his eye and did not say he was sorry for keeping this from me or that he was sorry he was hurting. He just plainly said to me "this is who I am and it's not going to change". So yes I was hurt and in shock and a lot of pain YET you know what I did I went head in joined here did what I could to learn more and ask questions here cause my husband doesn't like to talk about it. I decided that I would be as accepting as I could at that time which was a lot when on the inside I was still hurting so bad. Things were done begins my back yet I still pushed through my sadness to make sure HE was happy. NONE of this time was I ever asked if I was OK. This is the only place I have to talk about it and ask questions and receive virtual hugs. These are the things I need to become OK.

    When I first came to these forums I looked in this section. It took my breath away and not in a positive way. WHY can't you all post some of the topics in your GMA section. Away from new wife/gf eyes. Some things can hurt a lot and then we come to the conclusion that heck you all must think like this topic. But then again I think some of these topics you must want in the section to somehow "show off"

    So I'll end this with a apology to GGs that got brought into my mess I started. And sorry to those CDers that I am not 100% accepting or even 50% accepting. I am one of those hurt SOs that you put into a group. But I see my ways of being a accepting wife. I'm still married and I try to make my husband happy before I think of myself. Yet I'm working on making myself happy now too cause no one else is going to give it a try I've figured out in the last year.

    I'm sorry to anyone who takes offense to this post. I was tired of all the b*thching about the question I had reine ask for me. To all my CD friends on here I hope you arnt too offended either. I've realized now it doesn't matter if I post as a anonymous GG or in self. My feelings got hurt either way. At least this way you can PM me if you have issues.
    I love the fact that my husband can piss me off and make me laugh within seconds of each other!
    I can handle being alone, but doesn't want to be married and feeling alone.
    The only reason the grass looks greener on the other side is because you don't have to mow that lawn.
    Husbands are like children, they behave best when they are sleeping.
    It's always nice when your husband just looks at you and tells you out of the blue, "You are Beautiful"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Oh SweetPea:

    You are a truly beautiful person. I feel so sorry that you have been hurt so. No one deserves what you have gone thru. Maybe your SO will eventually realize just how he has hurt you. As you know I have a pretty good idea of how it feels to be so betrayed by the one that you loved and trusted more than anyone else in the world. You are strong and I so hope that with the passage of time you will feel some healing.
    I know exactly what you meant in the post re; panty colours, also pics in lingerie etc. not respectable GG that i knows would do this. No 1 who cares.. expect obviously CDers and No 2 we are too much a lady to post pic showing cleavage etc.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Julie Hall's Avatar
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    SweetPea, I am very sorry for the antipathy you received from your anonymous post. I was not offended in the least by it. I thought it was an honest question, although perhaps a bit rough in its original expression. What I am most sorry for is that you weren't able to have a completely honest conversation with your husband. I do not understand why he couldn't have that conversation with you. In my case, I've only recently stumbled upon this form of expression - months after my wife's death. I can't tell how much I wish I could have the conversation the two of you couldn't.

    I have to end it here, I can't see the keyboard through the tears.

  4. #4
    Gold Member
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    Sweetpea, you never have to apologize for being yourself. You have come here and worked to educate yourself. Whatever your feelings are at this point are yours and that's just the way it is. No one has to be accepting. You just have to be you. There is nothing to apologize for there.

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetPea_GG View Post
    When I first came to these forums I looked in this section. It took my breath away and not in a positive way. WHY can't you all post some of the topics in your GMA section. Away from new wife/gf eyes. Some things can hurt a lot and then we come to the conclusion that heck you all must think like this topic. But then again I think some of these topics you must want in the section to somehow "show off"
    I agree with you on this and have spoke up on it. Not so much about showing off as I don't know if many think about the forum they are posting to, it is just the busiest one. But many are quick to say to someone who just came out, "bring them here and they will learn". Oh boy will they. I agree this is a great place to bring others. But it has to be done the right way. The person coming needs to already understand that we are all different and everything here doesn't apply to everyone.

    But back to the broader message, you are here and you are communicating. Can anything more be expected of anyone?

  5. #5
    Gold Member Marleena's Avatar
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    In all honesty I'll be glad when things calm down about it all. I have no issues with you at all SweetPea, so no worries.

    We just have to remember that some issues aren't caused by Cding, but by the person themselves that just happen to be a CDer. I hope things get better for you.
    Last edited by Marleena; 12-07-2011 at 12:22 PM. Reason: sentence structure

  6. #6
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    I'm a firm believer acceptance is a two-way street and until your husband is willing to communicate openly with you about this and any other issue I don't possibly see how you can be any more accepting than you currently are. You should NOT feel bad or apologize that you aren't as accepting as some other GG's on here.

    The reaction to your anonymous post is one of the main reasons I very rarely post or even read in the main MTF forum. If I'm feeling totally happy with my current situation I'll browse through but often leave quickly feeling disappointed that there's so much negativity and fluff threads (panty color, vagina or breast?).

  7. #7
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    SweetPea, I have admired you from the very first post you ever made. You have not offended me in the least bit. You say what you think and feel. All I have for you is my deepest respect and admiration for being so loving,open and honest. I am sad that your husband seems blind to your feelings and how much he has hurt you. He does not know the gem he has. I am sad for any CD that is so blind from the pink fog that they don't have compassion and understanding of their wife's concerns, her pain and what bothers her. From what you tell us, he is not even trying. That is selfish and so foolish on his part. I feel sorry for him for not being capable of opening up to you and being 100% honest with you. He will remain alone with his troubles forever if he can't commuinicate with you, his wife. How sad.
    I am glad that you are taking steps to make yourself happy. He seems fine in making himself happy and doing little to nothing to make you happy. He can in time kill all the love you have for him. He will be the one with regrets when the pink fog clears.
    I'm here for you SweetPea.
    For those that felt insulted by your post...forget them. For those that kicked you when you were down, they are not worth feeling bad about. Probably not communitive with their SO/wives your husband. If those that read your question or other threads and felt compelled to attact you,forget about them for they demonstated their lack of compassion and feelings for you and perhaps all GG's. Some of the responses angered me! How dare they! And you are so right, many act very childish! I have learned to igmore those that seem to put their dressing before the feelings of their wives and other GG's. Not the kind of people I care to even know.
    You my dear Lady are among my favorite GG members here. Thanks for sharing and caring enough to be here.

  8. #8
    CamilleLeon's SO Shananigans's Avatar
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    There is no need to apologize. You're a strong woman and you have every right to ask the questions that you do. The fact you are on this forum and asking questions speaks volumes about you. I've read countless threads where many wives just choose to ignore it all together...and, brush it under the rug. I only hear one side of that relationship (from the husband), and I wonder what else might be going on in the situation.

    Before I get started, I would like to say that I AM NOT A CROSSDRESSER. I did not put GG in my title, signature, or anything other than my profile because I felt it was silly to segregate ourselves. But, as I have been recently informed, it's not as appreciated as I had once idealistically believed. So, I will just say it now as not to confuse anyone...I was born a woman.

    Now, that we are all understood, I can go about answering things with my vague understanding of CDs. I joined this site about 2 years ago (I think?). My SO and I joined at the same time. It was initially to support my SO, but he quickly lost interest. I hung around even though he was never on to just support and understand the people on the site that may not have it as easy as my SO.

    In this time, I have seen a few panty threads come and go. It IS a little immature. But, I have an example for understanding it. (In my feeble GG ways). My gay friend started dating another gay man that had just come out of the closet. I was so excited that he was finally dating someone again. But, he pulled me to the side and said, "Shannon, he is RECENTLY out of the closet and accepting that he is gay...they're the worst. It's a time in a gay man's life where he hits puberty all over again and is like, 'Oh my God...I'm so f*cking gay and I know it! I'll screw anything that moves!' This episode that we go through is why gay men have a bad name with promiscuity. This f*cker is going to chew me up and spit me out before Christmas." For some reason, it made me think a lot about the threads on here that make me think, "Wow...that was so me 10 years ago." It's like when there is some inner acceptance, it tends to be like puberty all over again. They never actually went through it like we did, so they're kind of reliving it. (I don't know that I ever discussed panties during puberty...other than the fact that thongs were extremely forbidden and mysterious...but, we're talking about CDs here). Same way with SOME gay men (though I don't want people to bash me for implications of gender versus sexuality)...they did not accept their crossdressing until later in life and so they seem to explore it a bit later (in an almost immature fashion that is not quite GG, not quite TS, not quite male...just basically a CD).

    A lot of CDs on here that have been at it for a while are much more mature and easier to get along least, in my opinion. I don't guilt those that start these threads, because I see them as kind of superfluous and pretty harmless. It IS interesting though. A lot of younger CDs (my SO included) that I have talked to think that the panty threads are pretty silly and are bored by them. I wonder the age group on the pantry threads. I wouldn't be surprised if it's people i their 50s-60s that might be hitting their "late version of puberty." Quite a different puberty than what you and I experienced, but maybe with the same level of naivety.

    Also, they are CDs so they pay WAY more attention to clothing details than we do. I was reading this TG erotic fiction with my SO and I was just trying to get in the mood. I kept getting irritated by all of the minutia of every detailed piece of clothing. I mean, it was detailed to the studs on the handbag! I was thinking, "Man, it would take me a year to orgasm if I read this stuff on a regular basis..." (I just scrolled through it in the end). But, since clothing is a large aspect of it for many CDs, it gets a lot of attention that we would never attribute as very meaningful. Do I love clothes? YES! But, I don't want to hear about the lace trimmings of my corset when I'm trying to get my jollies.

    But, you know...we'll never quite
    Last edited by Shananigans; 12-06-2011 at 11:24 PM.
    "Today a young man [...] realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration...that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively...there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather.”-Bill Hicks
    “What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality! The only drawback in that freedom is that without it one would not be a human. One would be a monster.” East of Eden by Steinbeck

  9. #9
    Member LeannL's Avatar
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    Please don't feel that you need to apologize for being true to yourself. We all are who we are. We have our feelings and out beliefs. In matters such as those discussed here it is important to be honest in what we say - so long as we say it politely and with respect.

    As you mentioned, some of the discussions that take place here and about which you had deep questions, should, IMHO, be in the Male at Birth section as I stated in my response to your anonymous post. Some topics, generally of interest to only the MTF CDs, discussed in the more open threads contain viewpoints or feelings that are very scary to some (many) GGs and it can represent a huge added burden to those of us who are dealing with SOs who are struggling with understanding the conversations we are having with them. In other words, it can make things worse for some of us if we aren't careful what we say.

    Lastly, I respect your right to express your feelings and concerns. Even as you have issues dealing with a CD SO, you bring value to this forum as it is important for all of us to realize that feeling such as yours are real and genuine and that, while we can't change who we are, we need to understand your feelings. All we ask is that our SOs treat us with respect in return.


    PS. I apologize for the many run-on sentences but I just couldn't get around it.

    Enjoy who you are but stay safe.

  10. #10
    currents of electrostasy taís's Avatar
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    SweetPea, I didn't replied on that thread and won't do it here, for sure. Just wanted to applaud the love you show for your husband, and the courage on the path you chose. I really hope things get better for you, and most of all, that your husband take a step forward (like you did) and talk about it with you. His silence brings more and more confusion to you (and would to anyone in your place).

  11. #11
    Member Marissa333's Avatar
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    I knew it was you... Just kidding.

    SweetPea, I am very sorry for how everything went down between you and your SO. No one deserves to be left in the dark especially after 20 years together. And I hope I speak for everyone when I say, I have no I'll feelings towards you, and appreciate the original post. I took no offense to it.

    In my opinion, I think regardless of what the subject matter of the post may be, you are prolly always going to have a bad taste in your mouth regarding crossdressers. Your situation was handled poorly by your SO (that is assuming everything you say is true, and I have no reason not to believe you), and I understand that with that comes resentment.

    My question to you is this, why don't we get any credit for hiding this with the intention of sparing this feeling you are having right now? I mean we obviously don't hide this because we are trying to pull one over on you and get away with something. We do it to protect you from the feeling of shame we have felt our entire lives. A lot of cds feel that the relationship we have is way more important than coming clean, and then losing that relationship becasue you came clean. We would rather risk losing you if you find out later, then risk losing you now. Do we not get any credit for wanting to be with you so bad, that we would try to stop something we cant stop? In my situation, I thought after I found my wife, that I would never want to crossdress again. I was wrong, 2 years later I find myself getting the urge to dress again, and at that point the last thing I am going to do is upset my wife by telling her something as meaningless as wearing an article of clothing. I mean it's clothes for heavens sake. I understand the feeling of betrayal, and the lying thing, I get it, but what it comes down to really is clothes. He is wearing girl clothes, not doing heroin, or molesting children, he is wearing girl clothes.

    I don't know why your SO has shut you out. Is it possible even though you say you want to talk about his cding, that your body language isn't exactly supporting that statement? My wife is a perfect example of this. When she found out, she claimed to want to talk about it, but when I did, she always has some kind of surely or snide remark to make that made me feel like she was making fun of me "why would you wear this with that? Seems you would look silly wearing something like that with your body". After a few minutes of this I say "do you now see one of the reasons I kept this from you for 7 years? I knew you would do something exactly like this". After that, she now makes a real effort to make me feel comfortable, so I will want to share with her. I am not saying to do something that your not comfortable with, but at least show him you are serious about hearing his feelings on crossdressing.

    In conclusion...
    I just found out over the thanksgiving holiday, that my wife has been sending money to her mother every month for the past 7 years. She does the books, and I have always trusted her with that (still do actually), and I find this out because her mother left a drunken message thanking her for the cash. After a bit of research, I find all of the western union receipts in our filling cabinet (little reminiscent of my wife finding my pics). I was irate. She kept this from me for 7 years because she knew I would get mad. I am sorry to any gg's, but this is significantly worse than finding out your husband puts wonderfully feeling fabrics on his body (not saying this is worse infidelity, or something like that). Did I decide to hate every woman in the world that takes money from a joint account to send to thier mothers? No I confronted her, she confessed, I expressed my reasons why I don't agree, then told her that if her mother needs help, we will continue to help her until we find a better solution. Now again, this situation is way worse than crossdressing, so why was it so easily ended? Because I know the only reason she did it, was to protect me. She hid it from me because she didn't want there to be any complications between us, or resentment towards her mother if I found out. 7 years later, I got mad when I found out, but there were 7 years I didn feel that way. She saved me 7 years of anger.

    P.S. my wife has told me that if I had come out to her while we were dating she would have ended the relationship. She went on to say that if I had told her 2 years into the marriage (which is when my dressing resurfaced) she would have devorced me. Now after 7 years of marriage, and me coming out, we are closer than ever. She says that my crossdressing is nothing compared to the years we have spent together, and the way I have treated her as her husband. See so if I would have confessed from the very beginning, we both would have missed out on the best years of our lives.

  12. #12
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    Sweetpea, as others have said, no need to apologize. The very fact you are here on this forum to try to get a better understanding of your husband shows you are an open minded person. I hope you will continue posting here, because, I for one, would love to hear from the other side so I can understand better as well. Dialogue is a good thing and yours is greatly appreciated.

  13. #13
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    SweetPea, you are such a dear, cherished member of our family here on this site. You've hung in there and asked the tough questions, endured the difficult responses, and come back with earnest and thoughtful answers. You've made me think about a lot of things, both in myself and in the GG women I know and especially the one I live with. You have opened my eyes to a different way at looking at our world. And you're reminded me that there is always someone we impact by what we do whether it is in the closet or not.

    I've seen you open your heart up and try to understand, and I've seen you lay it all out there because it hurts so much. Rarely have I seen such honesty as you have shown. And I never guessed it was you posting that anonymous question. But in retrospect, I now see how you were trying to get a point across. And we both exchanged points of view even though I didn't know it was you.

    SweetPea, you're my friend, and I'll stand by you. I am so very disappointed for the lack of compassion and communication on the part of your husband. Some men are just that way, but not all. I know that I can speak for just about everyone here when I say that we'll be here for you. We'll listen to you. We'll give you our honest opinions, and we'll try to understand when you tell us your feelings.

    You are very precious to us.

  14. #14
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    Sweetpea, I'm saddened to read you have a hard time with 'our' issues. I understand the pain you must endure and my heart goes out to you. You need not apologize for being who you are, ever. There are many different types of people on the Earth, and they walk within all circles so no matter where you go for whatever reason, not everyone will understand, not everyone will be kind, not everyone will have an opinion, but be assured, someone will get hurt by others, sadly. I find it very troubling that your s/o finds no reason to discuss this in a sensitive manner with you and consider the impact it would have on your life. Anyone with any compassion within themselves would understand how important it is to provide to the spouse, the answers needed to help in any way possible. The discovery of one's spouse being gender enhanced is no laughing matter, in fact, I'm surpised how well some gg's take the news, all thigs considered( mine included). Most wives/GF's never signed on for this at the beginning of the relationship and to ask them to simply accept it is hard to swallow.
    Stay strong Sweetpea, and if necessary, demand he talk openly and honestly about this. You do not deserve to be in pain as a result of this.

  15. #15
    My name is Carol Julogden's Avatar
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    I think you're missing an important point: not all CD's are trying to emulate women. They are dressing mainly because they get a sexual thrill from it, and I suspect that those who are focusing on panties exclusively or to a high degree are in that category. While I'm not in that category, I feel that in a support forum for CD's, they should be allowed to post about what color panties they're wearing without anyone raining on their parade.

    I'm sincerely very sorry that you've had some bad experiences related to your relationship with your husband, and you are to be commended for trying to come to terms with him and his issues, but that doesn't make it okay for you to take out your issues with CD's in general. I'm not saying this to be mean, just pointing out that no one should be trashing others here simply because they don't match one's personal values. We're all different, and that's okay. And while your feelings may be hurt, did it occur to you that your disdain regarding panties posts probably hurt the feelings of some CD's here?

    My name is Carol.

  16. #16
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    Wow! What a beautiful person you are! I have to ask how in the hell does a selfish SO deserve such a giving person as you! I can honestly say that IF you offended any one then they deserve it! I try hard to treat everyone and every thread the same! Some subjects I may not care too much about but if I can make you feel good about yourself or at least make you smile then I'll say that I have had a good day! Life is too short to have hate into it! I've been told I care too much about others and neglect myself! I don't see it that way, 'cause I can only be happy if you are happy! Thank you for sharing your feelings! Hugs forevermore!
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:

  17. #17
    My Ship has sailed? Barbara Ella's Avatar
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    Dear SweetPea. Your So will never know the true gem he has, and how lucky his life has been. Nor will he ever know how much he has been allowed to accomplish because of your support. As shown on some forum threads, just as in real life, there are a myriad of emotional development exhibited in our society, and we hope for tolerance, and accept criticism, and use both to advance ourselves. Your SO will never really advance himself. I know all here hope that each of us will continue to advance both sides of our being toward what my wife is calling an "integrated" person

    Please dont give up on us as all discussion is good (discussions are good?)

    Thank you for frank expressions.

    He (she) who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance.
    - Friedrich Nietzche -
    I may never get to fly like the other girls, but I do so want to dance, so I continue to climb.

  18. #18
    Breakin' social taboos TGMarla's Avatar
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    Hi Sweet Pea. I am not at all surprised at the difficulty you have had in understanding all of this. I myself, a lifelong crossdresser, struggle to understand it. I only know that I am driven to this activity, I both love it and dislike it to varying degrees, and that I mean no harm to others (especially my wife) while engaging in it. I am glad that you gave some clarification to your original question, as I may have missed the mark on it a bit. But in the light of that clarification, I do indeed understand "what it takes" to be a woman, and I can honestly say that unless I had actually been born that way, I'm never going to achieve that lofty mark. In another thread, I posted that the trait I most admire in women in their compassion. As with all things, blanket statements cannot really cover all people, but women, I have found, posess a greater degree of compassion than do men. I am a very compassionate person, but at times I find that I couldn't care less about some people. This is not true of my wife, who keeps such compassion at a level I cannot.

    In addressing the difficulty you have in coming to grips with male to female crossdressing, no doubt an element of life experience you never thought you'd have to deal with, I am very sympathetic to you. If my wife were engaging in equal and opposite behavior, I admit I'd be uncomfortable with it, and likely dislike it a great deal. I know this makes me a hypocrite of the first degree, but there you have it. At least my hypocrisy helps me to understand why my wife, or any other woman I might have been involved with (I'm not...I'm just saying...) would dislike this activity. You struggle to understand, and that is very commendable of you. But you don't much like it, and for that, I don't blame you one little bit.

    I saw that you made reference to the various panty threads, and to the "breasts or vagina" thread as well. While I admit I did post in the latter one, I did so because it is something I have thought about for most of my life. I have never bothered posting in any of the panty threads, except to say that I don't bother with them, and really don't care. Just wait until you are treated to the epic "Do you stand or sit to pee" threads. Those are something else!

    Anyway, you came here for support and understanding. So I appreciate that you have reached out for such. I will endeavor to do my best to provide such insight as I can, and such support as I can give. You're special, and some of us see it. Keep the faith. Have strength.

    Any money found in the laundry is MINE!

    "This is no social crisis....this is me having fun!"

  19. #19
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Enuff with worrying about our "hurt feelings"!

    Basically, we're mostly guys here. U can't hurt our feelings THAT easily. And if, in a few cases u do, we'll get over it in no time! I haven't read anything that hurt mine!

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetPea_GG View Post
    ------------------I have words for actual women who flaunt their panty info or talk about things to basically get attention like that. That's not what emulating a woman is really about or at least IMO. Yet I see the excuse of that some of you are in that "young girl" stage but yet that just kinda makes me sick thinking about it since really you all are grown men so what's wrong with acting like a grown "woman".

    I still pushed through my sadness to make sure HE was happy. NONE of this time was I ever asked if I was OK. This is the only place I have to talk about it and ask questions and receive virtual hugs. These are the things I need to become OK.

    -------------------------- Away from new wife/gf eyes. Some things can hurt a lot and then we come to the conclusion that heck you all must think like this topic. But then again I think some of these topics you must want in the section to somehow "show off"

    -------------------. I am one of those hurt SOs that you put into a group. But I see my ways of being a accepting wife. I'm still married and I try to make my husband happy before I think of myself. Yet I'm working on making myself happy now too cause no one else is going to give it a try I've figured out in the last year. .
    SweetPea, Shannon and other GGs. Here's why we often seem immature. For many CDs, they've thot about they're dressing urges on and off their entire lives. Rejecting, then resisting, then dressing, then starting this cycle all over again and again. FINALLY, they get to a point where they fully embrace they're inner fem feelings. The fite is over! Then, they show up here. They're so giddy to finally be who they've WANTED TO BE for years AND they r accepted here! I can't describe the relief, satisfaction, and joy we provide each other here. Something many of us can't get ANYWHERE ELSE! Many of us keep our secret lives entirely to ourselves outside the Web! OF COURSE we want to show off!

    Remember back to that first junior hi, or hi school dance of yours? U were all made up and dressed to the 9's for the very first time and u looked in the mirror. Looking back was this BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN!
    And, u went out knowing u looked gorgeous! Wanting everyone to see the beauty u had become! Well, THAT'S HOW IT IS for some of us!
    Immature? Yes! Think of us as young teens because many of us FEEL like that! I've been dressing for 15 years. Yet, I'm just beginning to go out as Sherry. It's kind of like a young teen finding out who she is! And, LOOKS MATTER!
    Which is a COMPLETE OTHER aspect of dressing that is like looking into the mirror the first time! Seeing the reaction, rejection or acceptance, of our alter egos in public! Further validation some of us need. However, many NEVER develope the courage or desire to leave our closets dressed!

    Lastly, SweetPea, have u ever heard the expression, "If momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy!"?
    A happy marriage should be a 50/50 partnership. Sharing and communicating with each other so partners can work out the bumps with compromises that either work or re-worked until they do!
    When my marriage reached a point where compromises weren't possible anymore, we separated! Then, divorced.
    I suggest both u and your SO need marriage counseling immediately! Because it sounds as if your communication and compromising has become all one sided! And, "Momma ain't happy!"
    I'll bet your marital problems r NOT all about CDing either!
    Last edited by docrobbysherry; 12-07-2011 at 11:40 AM.
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  20. #20
    Member Rachel Flowers's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Hi SweetPea

    I suspect I was not the only person whose responses were skewed by the anonymity of the question. I'm really sorry if anything in my replies contributed to your hurt and frustration. When we know whom we're addressing there's always going to be more automatic empathy than if we're responding to an anonymous questioner. It's tough enough for people to stay reasonable online as it is, what with the lack of vocal tone and visual cues, even in this normally impressively supportive forum. When someone posts anonymously it's highly likely to lead to suspicion and defensiveness, which is one of the reasons I questioned Reine's decision to post it.

    I have to say while the "joking" topics are embarrassing, I can buy the argument that while my male alter-ego is in his 40s, Rachel isn't; she still feels very girly and I can imagine for many newly hatched CDs it's mixed up with some leftover teen boy too, hence the puerile soft-porn/lingerie-catalogue obsessions. This might be a load of psychobabble, but I've read in several places that we are all made up of different personalities inside us and each part needs to mature and socialise to contribute to the rounded adult. Bits we deny in ourselves don't get to grow up with the rest of us. Some people here aren't finished cooking yet, that's all it is. I'm probably one.

    From what I've read of you in the short time I've been here, you seem sensitive, intelligent and willing to work on the issues you've been faced with. If you're getting a blank wall in response to that, someone's either desperately in need of a lot of help in growing the female side of their personality or has one of any number of other reasons why they won't talk and discuss with you.

    I know anyone regular here will give you any advice and support you need to work out how to look after yourself. If things are going to work out with your man, it sounds to me like he's probably going to need a strong woman in you. And if they don't you're going to need her.

    (I probably should add I Am Not A Psychiatrist etc here)

    Look after yourself, and don't hesitate to ask us for help when you need it. x
    hugs for everyone!
    Rachel x

  21. #21
    ~ M2F Lezzie ~ Annaliese2010's Avatar
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    Awww...your experience and travail with the wonderful man you've married and for whom you provided two wonderful kids who you now are so very touching. It's difficult for me to read about such a thing and not be affected. OMG I just.. don't.. understand.. how some guys who have all That (a pretty, dedicated wife & 2 kids) can be So fcn self-centered. YOU, the lovely momma to his two children should be the Center of his WORLD! Excuse me if I sould harsh and naieve, presumptuos and too quick to rush to judgment but, like...damn the CD fun and frivolity, duh! Like...puhleeze. No...I'm not trying to be fact I'm actually showing great restraint at the moment! It's just that it really gets to me to hear about guys like him...well...the kind of guy he seems to be given all of what youve described. I mean he's either a case of extreme gender dysphoria, in which case one can understand how he's recently treated you, to some extent anyways (no, not Really) OR he's taking all the great things in his life for granted & simply doesn't value what he has enough to elevate you (and his kids) above his own needs....what-Ever those are, but to me, in this case seem to'ing? LOL. WTF?!

    And yes yes yes I know I know... there are those whose neurophysiology at birth is such that they are very strongly transgendered, so much so that it is cruel and unrealistic to expect them to ignore, temper or give up whatever behaviors they need to pursue in order to come to terms with or resolve what must be the inner crucifixion many of these individuals certainly feel i.e. the stark and ever-present conflict one would feel being a woman trapped inside a mans body. My only question: IS this the case with Mr. Compassionate? My guess? Like um... No! Those unfortunate individuals suffer everyday...often intensely the point of near total dysfunction. They are driven to seek help by MD's, psychiatrists, to find relief thru HRT and for the most extreme cases of such a mismatch between body and mind, undergo sex reassignment surgery so as to bring the body in-sync with the mind. At the other end of the spectrum are those men who simply get-off mimicing a woman by way of clothes and womanly accoutrements. Not that that's 'bad' in any absolute sense...but it IS when it makes your Wife and Family suffer!

    IDK what your husbands story is...where he falls along the spectrum of possibility that links those two extremes, from simple sexual adventurism to true & extreme transexual dysphoria, but it seems to me any Guy who can father 2 kids, for many years lie to his wife by keeping this Thang about him secret from her, and Then, to react sooo coldly when she suddenly and abruptly discovers his deal, even when she's obviously shocked, hurt and emotionally distraught about it, as any girly-moma would be, given how it would suddenly raise all sorts of question wrt to the ongoing and future security implications that must alarm her (esp. if she relies on him for financial support)....all strongly implies he is Not all THAT 'transgendered', 'transexual', or whatever fcn term you wanna use, but more in-it for lesser more personally gratifying reasons.

    Awww I feel so sorry for you, Sweetpea - and I'm sure you are. But please let me say...the intensity of my reaction is the result of the degree of sheer anguish you seem to be feeling. If I'm wrong or ahve misunderstood, I am truly sorry for coming across really-really harsh...but wtf...I think I'm right...right? OMG there is Nothing more important than your wife and kids. If I'm way off base, I am truly sorry for the 'rant', and I apologize to him/her/whatevr the fc. But given what you've said...and especially the hurt and anguish you've indicated...and given the the fact that there's the future of two little kids at stake......well....I'm sorry but my strong sense is that he's a real ah. Period!

  22. #22
    CamilleLeon's SO Shananigans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docrobbysherry View Post
    Basically, we're mostly guys here. U can't hurt our feelings THAT easily. And if, in a few cases u do, we'll get over it in no time! I haven't read anything that hurt mine!

    SweetPea, Shannon and other GGs. Here's why we often seem immature. For many CDs, they've thot about they're dressing urges on and off their entire lives. Rejecting, then resisting, then dressing, then starting this cycle all over again and again. FINALLY, they get to a point where they fully embrace they're inner fem feelings. The fite is over! Then, they show up here. They're so giddy to finally be who they've WANTED TO BE for years AND they r accepted here! I can't describe the relief, satisfaction, and joy we provide each other here. Something many of us can't get ANYWHERE ELSE! Many of us keep our secret lives entirely to ourselves outside the Web! OF COURSE we want to show off!

    Remember back to that first junior hi, or hi school dance of yours? U were all made up and dressed to the 9's for the very first time and u looked in the mirror. Looking back was this BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN!
    And, u went out knowing u looked gorgeous! Wanting everyone to see the beauty u had become! Well, THAT'S HOW IT IS for some of us!
    Immature? Yes! Think of us as young teens because many of us FEEL like that! I've been dressing for 15 years. Yet, I'm just beginning to go out as Sherry. It's kind of like a young teen finding out who she is! And, LOOKS MATTER!
    Which is a COMPLETE OTHER aspect of dressing that is like looking into the mirror the first time! Seeing the reaction, rejection or acceptance, of our alter egos in public! Further validation some of us need. However, many NEVER develope the courage or desire to leave our closets dressed!

    Lastly, SweetPea, have u ever heard the expression, "If momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy!"?
    A happy marriage should be a 50/50 partnership. Sharing and communicating with each other so partners can work out the bumps with compromises that either work or re-worked until they do!
    When my marriage reached a point where compromises weren't possible anymore, we separated! Then, divorced.
    I suggest both u and your SO need marriage counseling immediately! Because it sounds as if your communication and compromising has become all one sided! And, "Momma ain't happy!"
    I'll bet your marital problems r NOT all about CDing either!
    I really like how you related this back to GGs and talked about it in a way from our experiences. I definitely know how exciting it can be to go out and look cute and want to show off. (It didn't end at junior high haha). But, I still think it's interesting that there are threads that are like, "What underwear do you wear? What's your favorite?" Underwear is pretty cute and all, but I don't really talk to my friends about them. I remember when I got my first thong...I was in high school. It was pretty was like this silk zebra print looked like something a male stripper would wear haha! But, I went with a friend and we felt pretty scandalous about buying this "sexy" underwear. The only conversation that we had really about it was that we wanted to wear low-cut jeans so our boyfriend's could see it. (We were like 14...give me a break lol). And, we also talked about how we were going to hide it in the laundry. My mom found my thong one day and said, "Well, I hope you didn't spend $10 on these." It totally wasn't a big deal. And, that's about when my underwear conversations stopped...I realized they weren't a big deal. My friend and I were talking about the VS fashion show recently and somehow this got to conversations on cheekies versus thongs. We both decided that they were nice, but she said thongs just weren't as comfortable (frontal wedgie potential). And, I recommended a brand that I wear (that's not VS). But, I never get into convos with my friends about what they are wearing, what color, what style... It reminds me of way back in the day when chat rooms were cool. These pervie men would message me privately and say, "ASL?" (Age, Sex, Location). And, I would say, "Uhmmm hi...I'm 15/F/AL." Immediately afterwards it would be, "What color underwear are you wearing?" It was fun to mess with them with, "Knee length boxers in magenta and gold...there's a stain on the back of them though." I always wondered like WHY the color of my underwear? I think women are hot too...and, I think my SO is hot dressed. But, I don't really care what style or underwear she wears. I know it's a big deal to some CDs....but, like...why is it thread worthy? And, perhaps, we will never know. But, it does bring me back to those "ASL and what color panties are you wearing" days.

    Again, I really liked reading your response and I could definitely relate
    "Today a young man [...] realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration...that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively...there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather.”-Bill Hicks
    “What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality! The only drawback in that freedom is that without it one would not be a human. One would be a monster.” East of Eden by Steinbeck

  23. #23
    Gold Member Marleena's Avatar
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    Shana, I'll take a stab at the panty thread. I posted in it because it's popular. We are totally anonymous here. I found it like bragging, I'm a Cder and I'm wearing these sexy little panties today. I found it totally harmless, but now avoiding it based on opionion. I didn't post in the what would you prefer breasts or vagina, but didn't find it offensive. I think most people have wondered what it would be like to have been born the opposite sex. I hear of "penis envy" from genetic women, maybe it's similar, I don't know. Some of the threads are just for fun, and harmless, and not meant to offend anybody.

  24. #24
    New Member Montse's Avatar
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    Underwear is pretty cute and all, but I don't really talk to my friends about them. I remember when I got my first thong...I was in high school. It was pretty was like this silk zebra print looked like something a male stripper would wear haha! But, I went with a friend and we felt pretty scandalous about buying this "sexy" underwear. The only conversation that we had really about it was that we wanted to wear low-cut jeans so our boyfriend's could see it. (We were like 14...give me a break lol). And, we also talked about how we were going to hide it in the laundry.
    I read somewhere sometime that as a Cd or TG you went through all the phases in a GGs life, trying unsuitable/outrageous clothes and experiment the way a GG would in their teens.
    So fore some of us I suppose we are still as a Cd a lt younger in our exepreince than that of our real age.


  25. #25
    CamilleLeon's SO Shananigans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marleena View Post
    Shana, I'll take a stab at the panty thread. I posted in it because it's popular. We are totally anonymous here. I found it like bragging, I'm a Cder and I'm wearing these sexy little panties today. I found it totally harmless, but now avoiding it based on opionion. I didn't post in the what would you prefer breasts or vagina, but didn't find it offensive. I think most people have wondered what it would be like to have been born the opposite sex. I hear of "penis envy" from genetic women, maybe it's similar, I don't know. Some of the threads are just for fun, and harmless, and not meant to offend anybody.
    Yeah, I agree. The panty threads don't bother me, but I think that it could bother a lot of SOs because it kind of makes you wonder, "Why is my SO sharing this stuff online?" I don't know...but, I can see where some issues might come up.

    I found the breasts versus vagina to be kind of offensive just because, as a woman, I don't pick and choose my body parts. I didn't dwell on it too incredibly much though. It was mildly sexist, but definitely not the most sexist thing on this forum lol

    I actually love my vagina. (Participated in the Vagina Monologues in community theatre in high school). I think about what it might be like to have a penis sometimes. I think it might be cool to be able to alternate between the two (or have both)...I think a lot of it is because it's part of how I experience my bisexuality. (I won't get into it on this thread). And, it's definitely a trip to strap one on and be able to be the dominant one in the bedroom and have things go my way. I couldn't imagine picking and choosing body parts though of a man. I'd feel only partially a woman and only partially a man if it were the case, and it would REALLY bother me. But, I do know quite a few women without breasts...but, GGs are born with a vagina. So, it would be a little complicated to pick and choose and come to a gender happiness for me. But, that is just my opinion. I do think gender is mainly an internal identity. If for example my SO transitioned and did not have SRS, I would still consider her a woman. But, I would honestly think it was a little strange if she transitioned to be a woman and did not want a vagina (or to undergo SRS). I would probably wonder how that all works out in her head. But, again, it's just my opinion. What's right and make sense for one person may not make sense and may not be right for another person.
    "Today a young man [...] realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration...that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively...there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather.”-Bill Hicks
    “What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality! The only drawback in that freedom is that without it one would not be a human. One would be a monster.” East of Eden by Steinbeck

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