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Thread: Why are you HERE? Why do you WRITE?

  1. #51
    Silver Member
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    Aug 2011
    I participate at all because I can write freely about dressing and gender. A very large portion of the membership shares a few aspects of what I experience and understands them completely. I don't have to hold back or hide. The value to simply be as you are can't be overstated. By contrast, explaining to someone who is willing to listen isn't the same, no matter how sympathetic. My God, just to belong - with a condition and identity that knows no belonging!

    I write longer, more introspective posts in this forum because some of the membership has gone through terrible gender struggles and connecting to the trans community here has been invaluable in helping me find some emotional stability, if only at times from simply not feeling alone. Many of you bring experience to discussions that cuts to the heart, again and again. The longer and more personal posts elicit this and have also brought personal connections that I would never have found otherwise. My understanding of gender issues has been accelerated enormously by wrestling my way though forum discussions conducted at a depth and perspective that I find unusual on any topic, anywhere. It's one reason I hate to see any of the transitioned, TS members leave, though I understand why they do.

    Writing forces me to think through issues and through motivations. Unlike speaking, writing exposes rationalization, self-contradiction, and partly-formed concepts for what they are. It helps integrate understanding, tests progression and commitment, and creates intersections of logic and emotion, sometimes transcending both. Responses test knowledge and limits of knowledge. My self-awareness refines and I find fresh direction when I breach mental and emotional barriers. I can't speak, or even to think to speak as I write. Writings are like paving stones on which I stand, each created as I write. I write, I step. Writing is an urging in me, and a very unsatisfying one at that. It's always characterized by the things I couldn't or didn't express, not those I did and which are oddly trivial and irrelevant at that point. If I write to be but am ever-becoming, how could it be otherwise?

    I also consider stopping from time-to-time. As you said, it takes a lot of time to write introspectively. Sometimes I put effort into a post only to see it float away like a balloon and pop unnoticed. What I glean, even if priceless, seems disproportionate to the effort. Sometimes I feel like I'm fighting or pushing back more than contributing or learning. There have been emotionally trying times, even in the course of just a few months. And, fortunately or unfortunately, I came to the forum at a time when my gender issues were cresting. That means that despite the broad commonalities that make the forum so welcoming, sometimes they only go so deep. Lately, I find myself writing more on a narrower range of topics. A forum that initially provided palliation often rouses pain instead.

    I'm here because I need to be. I write because it's part of me.


  2. #52
    Member Tess's Avatar
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    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Debra Russell View Post
    I come here to relate to others with whom I seem to have a lot in common and this is the only outlet that suits that purpose best for me...............Debra
    What she said...mostly.

  3. #53
    Member Meg East's Avatar
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    I see myself in the posts and the replies. This is a private place to open up to my private thoughts. It does help we are all a touch wacky in a good way. This place beats booze and drugs.

  4. #54
    Member cindy777's Avatar
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    This site is my sanctuary, a place in which I feel safe in and surrounded by friends who share a common past or life experience.
    It may be simple but I post here as this is the only place I can discuss my inner most feelings without being judged or ridiculed.

    Since joining this site, I have told people here more about myself than anyone else has ever known and for this I am very grateful
    Thank you.


  5. #55
    Aspiring Member Amanda22's Avatar
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    Hi Anne, good thread (as usual). I come here much less than I used to for these reasons:

    (1) It is rare I see a truly new topic, but that is expected since everyone is on their own schedule of self-discovery.
    (2) I rarely have anything enlightening to say that hasn't been said by someone else, usually more eloquently and effectively.
    (3) Dressing as a female has evolved to be my normal habit and therefore not novel or really worthy of mention.

    I've received precious mentoring from others on this forum and I'll forever be grateful to them. I've tried to encourage others in the same way. Every week I have an affirming public experience but I'm afraid it would be tiresome reading all these posts about my wonderful life. I'm extremely fortunate to be able to present how and when I choose and I realize most of us don't have that luxury.

  6. #56
    Senior Age Member sissystephanie's Avatar
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    I have been a crossdresser for over 60 years, and have known, and had some associations with other CD'ers over those years. But it wasn't until after my dear totally supportive wife passed away 6 years ago that I found this forum! Although some of the things I have posted haven't been agreed upon I understand. We do not all think exactly alike, and probably never will. But in my mind we are one big family and I am very proud to be a member.

    To answer the main questions: I post to a thread because I think I may have an answer to a question!! And I occasionally post a thread because I have a question!
    I joined the forum because I am a Crossdresser. But I am one who dresses only because I like to, not because I wish to be a woman! I have never wanted to really become a woman, with or without a man!

    Lady on the outside, but man underneath!

  7. #57
    Breakin' social taboos TGMarla's Avatar
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    I come here because it's where I can communicate with others who are much like myself, who engage in the act of crossdressing and don't think that's a strange or a bad thing. Here, other people feel the same way I do. here, others feel an enigmatic pull to gravitate towards the feminine within themselves, just like I do. I can interact with people who wish they'd been born female, and not feel alone in the world for feeling this way. I've made friends with many of these people, and I care about them. So year after year, I keep popping in and out of this forum, always curious to see what's going on with everybody. Here I get to share my triumphs and tribulations in my personal journey, the growth of the woman who shares this life journey with me from within me. Here I can say, "hey, look at the new dress I just got!", and some people will acutally care about that and respond to me. In my regular life, that's a solitary endeavor. Here it's not. So I guess I come here to not be so alone in all of this.

    Any money found in the laundry is MINE!

    "This is no social crisis....this is me having fun!"

  8. #58
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    for me, there are several reasons. I was brought here by curiosity. I hoped I might learn more abouthow to be at CDing, if you will. Second, I found that we have a lot of common problems and experiences. Its helped me gain a better understanding of myself, and at times I feel that I have something of value to offer others. And finally, this site has also given me a chance to meet and make friends with people like you, Anne, and many others. I consider that a bonus.

  9. #59
    Banned Read only
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    I came here as I had a common bond and the forum was not a fantasy or sex site. I was helped tremendously by some of the posters about coming out to their wives (special shout out to Mandy) and now I feel that I should try and help others who are struggling as I did. A payback, so to say.

  10. #60
    Aspiring Member Abbey Lane's Avatar
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    I been on this site for almost two years and I enjoy expressing myself and just to know that there are others like me out there. I enjoy talking or helping other people who start out. I may not have thousands of posts but I often write private messages to people rather than the blog posts. So I enjoy it and look for others in my area so I can meet them and talk openly our issues. My wife knows I dress but we don't talk about it. At least here I can let it all hang out.
    The shorter the skirt and higher the heel makes this girl happy.

  11. #61
    Aspiring Member krissy's Avatar
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    Im here because everyone here is the same we all love to dress as women.we all have dealt with the guilt ,shame in our own ways .but here we support each other .this site has taken away my shame and guilt ,i too thought i was alone with this its so nice to be able to talk to others and share this part of ourselves.i love this site ,THANK YOU all for being there for us.IT really helps to share these feelings with others like ourselves

  12. #62
    Junior Member z.kasia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krissy View Post
    Im here because everyone here is the same we all love to dress as women.we all have dealt with the guilt ,shame in our own ways .but here we support each other .this site has taken away my shame and guilt ,i too thought i was alone with this its so nice to be able to talk to others and share this part of ourselves.i love this site ,THANK YOU all for being there for us.IT really helps to share these feelings with others like ourselves
    This is how I feel too. I have only been here a month and when I can join the conversation it is very comforting to know there are others like myself. I also love being called girl or other feminine term.

  13. #63
    Junior Member PamelaHowit's Avatar
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    I came for support and to encourage. I just wish there was more people from the UK.

  14. #64
    Lisa Allisa's Avatar
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    I think the theme song from "Cheers" sums it up for me.
    "you are a strange species and there are many out there;shall I tell you what I find beautiful about you ,you are at your best when things are at their worst" ...[ Starman]
    It may of course be a bit disturbing to sense that one is really not so firmly anchored to the gender one was born into.

  15. #65
    The Girl in a blue dress. Jennifer B's Avatar
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    I'm here to read about the experiences of others and to learn from those experiences and opinions. And to contribute where my own experiences may (hopefully) be helpful.

    Also just to be in the company of other like minded beings, which brings me comfort and reassurance. After years of introspective doubt and conflicting emotions it's a relief to see and read and just be among those that have been there and done that and also those that are just starting out and are experiencing for the first time the tides of emotions that I've already struggled through. So much that I read I can relate to and that ends up being very life affirming. I'm very grateful for this forums existence.

  16. #66
    ~ M2F Lezzie ~ Annaliese2010's Avatar
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    Ok 1st of're so very Pretty. 2nd of all...god...idk! I just Don't! I dunno what or why. Don't know why I'm high....Again....wait...yes I do! called 'Grey Goose'. A 5th izza helluva thing to miss. So... I din't. I mean I, dunno. Take a nuther sipp getn low..ah..L OH... but no! There's more in fridge so don't get pissed I'm really not as bad as this. I write cause I wanna...I say what I gotta...

    To me the thing is like a plea...Why I'm this way, that? How I get here, oh crap. When will i leave?! Tell me oh please. 'Cause really don't wanna BE who i am. It sucks! God!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya know?! Does! Just want a GG who knows how to....hmm...oh i dunno....



    Find me make me do me like...right. Take way this pain....make me alright *sigh...*


  17. #67
    Aspiring Member Nicola2876's Avatar
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    i come here to be myself and chat to others who are like me. i have friends here and its a great place to help and be helped. Its a great place to have fun too!

  18. #68
    Aspiring Member Kristy_K's Avatar
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    I am here because this forum gives me strength to be me by knowing I am not the only one out there. I also like helping other to be themselves and reaching there goals.

  19. #69
    Member SallyS's Avatar
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    For me this is the only 'normal' place on the planet

    Where normal people can talk about normal things, post normal topics, express normal thoughts....but all whilst wearing a DRESS!!!!

    But of course this is OUR 'normal'

  20. #70
    Junior Member
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    I'm here, and joined to connect and communicate with like-minded girls, and with common interests, to get tips and tricks and links to some good online shopping, and to make some new friends.
    This is my first day back on the forum after the holidays.

    However I have to say that I'm a little perturbed by what I heard in the "Transphobe had it coming?" thread which I lightly participated in, and which was closed while I was away.

    I actually cannot believe some of the things I've heard there. I'm not sure this is the place for me or not. I'm keeping an open mind right now. However, I have to say that there's a few who are the first inhabitants of an ignore list from that thread.
    I REALLY cannot believe the blatant support for the T-person who was 1000% in the wrong.

    I've also learned that there are some who should not be allowed to carry weapons from that thread.

    Really disturbing, the support for complete wrongdoing just because the T-person is "one of us".
    Well, she isn't one of me and I cannot identify with this thug in anyway, and I was also kind of surprised to hear some of the negativity towards CD's from the T-crowd.

    Sorry to be negative, but I had to say it.
    Last edited by Tara Bordeaux; 01-04-2012 at 02:04 PM.

  21. #71
    Member michelle50's Avatar
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    i am here because i never told any body about my cding and have a lot of thoughts and feelings bottled up inside i feel i can talk about it here and it feels good to finaly tell someone i cd without them thinking i am some kind of freak
    love my pantyhose

  22. #72
    Member IMkrystal's Avatar
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    I agreed with many of the reasons that have been posted, but the most important for me is realizing I am not alone that there are others who share my feelings, thoughts, and wishes. Having been on here for some time and seen personality’s developed; I would feel comfortable talking with many of you in person because of this common bond.

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