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Thread: Why are you HERE? Why do you WRITE?

  1. #26
    Lady By Choice Leslie Langford's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    In a word - "catharsis"...

    That, and the feeling of serenity in having found a community of kindred spirits that totally "get" who/what I am, with the added bonus that I, in turn, totally "get" where they are coming from.

    A place where "Leslie" can roam free and be herself without fear of censure, ridicule, or the need to conform to rigid societal expectations of gender expression based solely on birth sex...

  2. #27
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Like many of us already said, I am here for the support, camaraderie, and acceptance that the world may never give us. Out there we're freaks, deranged, damaged - and those are just some of the nice things they say about us!

    In here we have a bond. We share many of the same experiences in life, if not the same viewpoints. We are quite a diverse group, prone to squabbling, but also prone to love and support. It is a microcosm of the outside world, but one in which we are the normal ones, and the ones out there are the ones missing out.

    Why do I write? One, because I have to. To not be able to express this life, both in dressing and in writing about those experiences would be unbearable. In denying that part of myself, I deny the whole of myself. I also hope that my writing is at least entertaining to others, if not useful. It's always nice to learn from others' mistakes, and boy, have I made plenty. Do the opposite of what I've done and life will be rosy for you. Promise!


  3. #28
    Silver Member LilSissyStevie's Avatar
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    Apr 2007
    In the total animal soup of time
    When I first found this forum I thought I was all alone, a freak, weirdo, pervert. Now after a few years of reading many thousand posts by other TGs and contributing 900+ myself, I pretty sure of it. But they haven't kicked me out yet so I can still make a nuisance of myself for a while longer.

  4. #29
    Platinum Member alwayshave's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Washington, DC
    I have come here because I'm not judged!

  5. #30
    Silver Member kristinacd55's Avatar
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    Southern Utah
    A connection to a lot of wonderful people who are somewhat like me mostly. Most of my posts are silly, some are serious, some are as you say wtf (lol). But I enjoy them nonetheless, and I enjoy my time here.

  6. #31
    Silver Member CynthiaD's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    This is a most perplexing question. I first came to this site, and others like it, in an effort to understand myself. I've been crossdressing literally ever since I can remember. At least since I was three years old. When I was very young it just seemed normal and natural. It was only when I got older that I realized that I wasn't supposed to do this. I spent many years feeling like I was sub- human and disgusting. Even though I went for years without dressing, the thoughts were always with me, and I was terrified that someone would be able to read my thoughts and discover what I really was. I finally reached the point where I had to face the truth. I discovered this site at about the same time. Reading the post here allowed me to put things into the proper perspective for the first time in my life.

    I started posting, even though I seldom have much to say, to affirm to myself that this is what I am, and it's something to be proud of.


  7. #32
    "A glass of wine anytime" rachaelsloane's Avatar
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    West Coast Florida
    I came here after a 10 yr. relationship had just ended and immediately was welcomed and met many friends I would not have otherwise. What I found as I started to write and post was that I expressed myself more openly and received the encouragement that allowed Rachael to grow and feel confident to start to go out and meet even more friends.

  8. #33
    trans punk Badtranny's Avatar
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    SF Bay Area
    Anne, I love your posts. You do tend to get a lil wordy and introspective, but your personality comes through and that personality is nothing but endearing.

    It's the people like you (and there's quite a few) that keep me poking around here. I love to write and I love to read good writing. I understand that "good" is subjective, but for me it's all about the angles. I appreciate somebody who can light up a subject from a totally different perspective. I like writers that are intellectually honest as well as courageous. Some of the people here take my breath away sometimes with their capacity for logic and reason. There are some awful smart people on this forum and I love even vigorously disagreeing with some of them because they almost always show me a hidden angle. (hidden from me anyway) The truth is, the TG nature of this forum is secondary to why I participate.

    I'm an old school Usenet rabble rouser, and sometimes this forum reminds me of the good old days.
    Quote Originally Posted by STACY B
    At least there is social acceptance in being a drunk in our world. Hell I was good at it too.
    Melissa Hobbes

  9. #34
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    Quote Originally Posted by kristinacd55 View Post
    A connection to a lot of wonderful people who are somewhat like me mostly. Most of my posts are silly, some are serious, some are as you say wtf (lol). But I enjoy them nonetheless, and I enjoy my time here.
    "Yes Me Too!"
    I thought I would post a short and sweet reply, but no!
    My message was rejected because it was too short. Oh well iwill pad it out a bit again.
    I went to Tromso Northern Norway, today where they don't see the sun for about 6 weeks in winter.
    -3 deg F or about-20 C. No one to look at, nothing much happening. But it is New years day.
    Oh! Not a great deal of snow either. about 3 inches when it is usually about 30 inches by now.
    As I said, I like to share experiences with others of similar interests and my adventures too.
    No fashion report, another great way to be en femme, all rugged up like a bear and you guess the persons sex by
    the voice that replies to you.
    South again in search of snow, Austria, Switzerland, here I come.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  10. #35
    The Girl will Out! Kaz's Avatar
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    Yorkshire, England
    Anne, your posts are always great! Whatever the content!

    Why do I write? This is me expressing this side of my life and although I often wonder if I am just boring people and/or adding lots of insignifance, or confusion to the forums, I am here because i have a voice as Kaz and have met some great people who mostly seem to share my issues... whichever 'section' they subscribe to. There is also a fantastic sense of community and this often feels like a family that Kaz can be part of. I can share the odd adventure... show you what I currently look like (OK I only show the better pictures!)... ask for advice... give advice to others... just share a joke or some knowledge or whatever...

    Like you I often write too long a post but by the time I post it it doesn't seem relevant anymore and I delete it. Sometimes a sense of loss, but mostly I realsie I learned a lot in writing it.

    In my guy mode I am an academic of sorts and in that world, writing is how you organise and briong out your insights and understandings. So is teachinmg, but the two work differently yet in parallel.

    These words I craft are the voice of Kaz... I kinda like her having a voice!
    Kaz xx

    __________________________________________________ ____________

    This Woman Within is Flying without Wings

  11. #36
    I am who I am. retrofitme's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    I'm here to learn and to share what I know with others who share this common bond. I think we all keep writing because we want to have relationships with like-minded people who accept us for who and what we are.
    Weight Loss Club - Start: 259lbs, Current: 218.0lbs, Goal: 205lbs
    Come join us at the weight loss club in: Body Issues Section (membership required I think)

  12. #37
    CD explorer Elana's Avatar
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    Redwood City, CA
    I'm here to be part of the community. There's a deep sense of connection i feel with a lot of the posts i've read, and contributed to. Its also one of the few places were i can speak about CD things since a major part of my life is still in guy mode. This place i can express my femininity in a relaxed way.


  13. #38
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Orange County, Calif.
    Because so many folks here r EXCEPTIONAL HUMAN BEINGS!

    And, if u don't believe me, read the posts in this thread!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  14. #39
    Chelsea Von Chastity gender_blender's Avatar
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    New Hampshire, USA
    I'm here to offer inspiration, that it does in fact "get better", based on my positive experiences.
    ...And to share pictures with those who appreciate the effort involved.


  15. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    upstate ny
    Finding this forum was a big relief, growing up well before the internet, this is a great outlet for info, support, laughs and just being around other cd's. Living where i do at the end of the line, Canada is closer than anywhere else, kind of hard to get to meet other cd's.

  16. #41
    lets go shopping
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    wow. after reading everyone's post I feel like i just received a really big group hug . all you girls are really amazing . thanks to everyone My B.F.F'S my daughter taught me that one bff

  17. #42
    Complex Lolita...
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Anne2345
    And on more than one occasion, I have thought I would just stop writing, and simply walk away from the forum. I have actually made the decision to do so several times, but invariably, I am struck again with inspiration of some sort or another, and feel compelled to both write the post and submit it, for whatever it is worth.

    I do very much enjoy the friendships I have forged here. These friendships are important to me, and I hope to continue them for some time to come. Sometimes, though, I simply question whether what I am doing is worth it, and why I share so much . . . .

    So why do you come here? For what reasons do you post? The posts I see range the gamut, from the super serious, to the fun and silly, to the wtf is all that about (many of my posts undoubtedly fall within the latter category). But what is it that keeps you all writing?
    [SIZE="2"]Just today I was contemplating putting my CD writing away, and perhaps tackling some different subject matter, if only for a change of pace – after all, it’s a New Year, correct? So, I DID stay away for the better part of two days, but crossdressing ideas and connections keep flooding my mind no matter what the circumstances are. In the absence of this site, I actually began to think MORE about crossdressing, if that’s possible, which may answer your previous question about how much one thinks about CD’ing. I do it, so I think about it, and I think about it because I do it, and, since I can’t “let it out” all the time, I write about it as well...

    Simply walking away is an option, but there is something very meaningful to this exercise where one crossdresser crosses paths with another and exchanges hitherto secret thoughts. In doing so my own resolve to dress is reinforced, and I seek to bolster others in their quest of a “forbidden” lifestyle. I share less than you, or most individuals, but I try to share what I can from my own meager experiences – the fact that I have touched a few people on this site via writing is positively wonderful, not to mention affirming in a reflective sense. Leaving the site crosses my mind at times, until one thinks about these brief encounters with people who understand crossdressing to a certain degree – to cut a lifeline with the TG world, one that I actively forged and cultivated, would be tantamount to self-denial...

    I post just for the opportunity to write about something I love, and the dearth of CD writing from my rather innocent direction fuels this desire. It all comes about because, in many ways, you are not allowed to talk about such things, but you CAN write about them. I’m surprised there is so much to write about on this inexplicable subject, but crossdressing affects and is affected by almost everything our acute senses taste, touch, hear, see, and feel. Who dares to write about sensation, and the consequences of sensational dressing? I do, and so do many others – since most people agree that what we do is “wrong,” we can at least reassure ourselves that what we are doing is right, and necessary, from a personal viewpoint. I can do this through writing, and although it takes time, this time is well-spent and nourishing in an abstract sense...

    So, here I am, writing once again, and I never expected to be doing it. To be truthful, I employ my own milestones, and the recent start to the New Year is just like any other day in my mind. I could just walk away, but I would rather be among my friends and write about this need to dress that will always be my life companion. Aside from that, I’m writing this to get up to 1811 posts...

  18. #43
    Silver Member Mollyanne's Avatar
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    Long Island NY, Port Jeff area
    Why do i come here????? I come here for support that on a few occasions i may need. I think we all know that basically we are shunned, looked down upon as being "sick or perverted". We are not those things!!!!! In fact, we may have a god given gift that we may not realize. We can share our pain, we can share our joy(s) without feeling shame or embarrassment.

    "To thine own self be true"

  19. #44
    Lingerie Lover RachelDenise's Avatar
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    I'm here because it is important to me, and occasionally I make a difference to someone. A nice comment or word of support goes a long way sometimes. And I might have some experience from which someone else may get the benefit.
    Rachel Denise

    [SIZE="2"]“One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. ‘Which road do I take?’ she asked. His response was a question: “Where do you want to go?’ ‘I don’t know,’ answered Alice. ‘Then,’ said the cat, ‘it doesn’t matter.' "
    - Lewis Carroll

  20. #45
    I accept myself as is Gillian Gigs's Avatar
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    Central Alberta, Canada
    I come here to:
    love and be loved.
    accept and be accepted.
    to communicate, to understand, and be understood.

    I have found a place where I fit into the flock, and we all have the same plumage. I am not alone in this, I can preen my feathers here and look pretty without the other birds thinking that I am weird, I am just different from them. Birds of a feather flock together, and this is the clothesline that we all can roost on together.
    I like myself, regardless of the packaging that I may come in! It's what is on the inside of the package that counts!

  21. #46
    Cat's Eye Siren ArleneRaquel's Avatar
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    I'm here because I feel comfortable here and its a great way to meet other CD's/TG's/TS's. Its a great place to spend a relaxing day.
    Fulfilling a Lifetime Dream of Living as a Woman in My Adult Years. Ten Years Living 24/7 as a Mature Lady

    My Love of Cat's Eye Frames, Bangles, Red Lipstick, Nails, & Cheeks, Comes From My Mother - An Irish Beauty

    I'm Always Rainbow Proud

  22. #47
    Silver Member Debra Russell's Avatar
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    I come here to relate to others with whom I seem to have a lot in common and this is the only outlet that suits that purpose best for me...............Debra

  23. #48
    Making a life for Tina! suchacutie's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Anne, so glad you are posting!

    I came here withing 48 hours of Tina's birth! It was a complete accident of my search engine, and what I found here was the breadth of ideas that seemed to be able to give me enough information to make my own choices. It's that breadth of ideas that keeps me here.

    In addition, I know that when I have a question or a thought that those same people that generate all these perspectives are here and interested to lend a mind to give their ideas. It can't get much better than that!


  24. #49
    My Ship has sailed? Barbara Ella's Avatar
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    I fit, you fit, we fit.

    He (she) who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance.
    - Friedrich Nietzche -
    I may never get to fly like the other girls, but I do so want to dance, so I continue to climb.

  25. #50
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    Mo. Ozarks
    Wow what a thought! Why am I here! I joined on newyears day last year! I have posted over 3,300 times! Why? Because my sisters are here! I enjoy there company! A little selfish perhaps, but if I can brighten just one persons day each day then my day and night is also brighten! Hugs!
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:

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