In the war against masculinity, makeup is an essential tool within a crossdresser’s arsenal. Makeup comes in many forms, serves varying purposes, and is amazingly versatile. With makeup in hand, a worthy crossdresser is possessed of the ability of disguise, and becomes a master of illusion.

But just what exactly is the goal of makeup for a crossdresser? Is the goal to assist with achieving the appearance of a woman, or is it simply an aid to escape the appearance of a man?

As for me, I am a makeup junkie. I love, love, love makeup. Just the mere act of applying makeup, in fact, and methodically removing and erasing the outward appearance of my masculinity is quite pleasurable and rewarding in and of itself. I seek to escape the outer male, and proactively alter my appearance to that of a woman.

In this, when I am blessed with time for escaping my reality, it is my desire to harmonize my outer appearance with my inner feelings, emotions, and being, to the extent I may. Consequently, makeup allows me the temporary veil and mask of outer femininity that I so covet, and am otherwise missing.

After all, failing affirmative attempts at deception, the mirror speaks no lies. Without the benefit of makeup, all I see within its cursed dimensions is the physical man that I am. Makeup, however, completely changes the field of battle . . . .

So why do you wear makeup? Do you do so to take on the visage of a woman? Or do you do so to escape your own reflection in the mirror? Perhaps it is a combination of the two, or is it for a reason altogether different?