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Thread: So much to decide. :/

  1. #1
    Junior Member Blizzardx10's Avatar
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    Jan 2012

    So much to decide. :/

    Hey everyone! I just thought I'd post an advice thread so maybe I could get some help with multiple problems I'm having. :/

    1. My ultimate goal is to be comfortable enough to at least go out and get some drinks while I'm dressed up with my girlfriend. She knows everything and I'm fortunate enough to have a girl that is REALLY into it. Problem is I won't be comfortable going out until I have EVERYTHING I need to make me look as gorgeous as possible. I don't want to go out on the town looking like an obvious CD, I want to look like a legitimate woman as much as possible.

    2. Of course I'll start posting pics later for votes on what my first outfit in public will be, but I need help. My natural attitude is very punk rock and very edgy... I don't want to go out looking "girly" I want to look mysterious and sexy. haha So I guess What I'm asking is do you have any suggestions on a sexy yet not too ****ty pieces I can add to my wardrobe that still give the impression that I am punk?

    3. I need a name... Iv been thinking about for a while but Iv never been able to pin down anything I really enjoy or captures that "sexy bitch" attitude I have. Any suggestions? D:

  2. #2
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    I vote you don't wear jeans out!
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

  3. #3
    Junior Member Blizzardx10's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    Most definitely not! :/ How boring is that??!! haha. I'm kind of thinking some dark colored tights and maybe a plaid skirt?

  4. #4
    Junior Member Blizzardx10's Avatar
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    Anyone out there? D: I'd love to get some advice. :/

  5. #5
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blizzardx10 View Post
    ? . . and maybe a plaid skirt?
    yeah, nothing says "punk" and "edgy" like plaid.

    Blizzard, how well do you notice things? Find a woman who dresses like you want to and copy that. Heck, if you see something cute on someone, ask her where she got it. I have not yet met a woman that didn't appreciate a compliment like that.


  6. #6
    Trouble.. Yep thats me Beth Mays's Avatar
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    I look at catalogs and sales papers... with that in hand go to that store and ask "can you help me piece this together in MY size".

    Bravery beckons the bold.. I had no idea I was this brave!

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  7. #7
    Senior Member Laura912's Avatar
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    Take a look at Abby on NCIS.

  8. #8
    Junior Member Blizzardx10's Avatar
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    Amazing suggestion!!! That helped alot!! I've been trying to get references... like popular styles like that. But she seems to incorporate quite a bit in her wardrobe. I love it!

  9. #9
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blizzardx10 View Post
    Hey everyone! I just thought I'd post an advice thread so maybe I could get some help with multiple problems I'm having. :/

    1. My ultimate goal is to be comfortable enough to at least go out and get some drinks while I'm dressed up with my girlfriend. She knows everything and I'm fortunate enough to have a girl that is REALLY into it. Problem is I won't be comfortable going out until I have EVERYTHING I need to make me look as gorgeous as possible. I don't want to go out on the town looking like an obvious CD, I want to look like a legitimate woman as much as possible.
    Then you may never go out. The image you have in your head will never be achieved. It is impossible. You just have to look as good as you can at the time. Even models have bad days. When you set such high marks you are either setting yourself up to fail OR you know you will never do it. You cannot start at the top.

    You have an advantage many here would like to have. You have someone who will go out with you. You have support. trust me tat if you go somewhere that is a common place for CD's you will be OK. One of my first forays was to a lesbian bar. Yes, me, a guy in a skirt, in a lesbian bar, with my GF. We sat in a booth, had some wine. Talked, giggled and had fun. The staff was excellent and treated me like any other customer. Other times we went out to dinner, other bars, concerts, shows. There is no doubt that I am a guy when you see me in public. First I was much taller and stockier than my GF and the difference is obvious to even the most casual observers. Luckily I had a woman who always told me how great I looked, even when later the photos showed otherwise. Take a deep breath and just do it. One thing I know is you cannot go back and you regret more what you didn't do.

    2. Of course I'll start posting pics later for votes on what my first outfit in public will be, but I need help. My natural attitude is very punk rock and very edgy... I don't want to go out looking "girly" I want to look mysterious and sexy. haha So I guess What I'm asking is do you have any suggestions on a sexy yet not too ****ty pieces I can add to my wardrobe that still give the impression that I am punk?
    Dress like who you are. I hate when people post and ask if something is too ****ty or too revealing. If it is you then go for it (as long as it isn't illegal). If you are punk, then dress punk. There are things I would never wear in public but that is my own personal thing. Trust me, I have worn skirts that were definitely not "sit down" skirts. Look at what others here wear. Be your own judge.

    3. I need a name... Iv been thinking about for a while but Iv never been able to pin down anything I really enjoy or captures that "sexy bitch" attitude I have. Any suggestions? D:
    There you are on your own. Choosing a name is choosing who you are. You can feminize your male name (Micheal--> Michelle) or go somewhere totally different. Do you feel like a GiGi? Susan? Bob (I know women who are Jonnie, and Micheal). Do you want to go drag? Anita Cocktail? We don't know you. My idea would be to ask your GF. She knows you.

    But, don't sit and wait for the ideal time. It may never come. A professional makeover may be the catalyst you need just to show you that you can do it. One time I said something about I wish I could do something. The person I was talking to asked why I didn't and I replied that I was too old. They asked how old I would be tomorrow? The point is if you don't do it now, you will regret not doing it. Life is short, you don't get a re-ride. Sometimes you gotta get on the bull and hold on for all you are worth. 5 seconds on the bull is better than watching someone else ride the full 8. (OK cowboy reference...I don't know any punk )
    The earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights upon it.
    Chief Joseph
    Nez Perce

    “Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” - Fred Rogers,

  10. #10
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    I'm with Lori on this one. Be yourself, not what everyone else thinks you should be. That's sort of the point.

  11. #11
    Member Eva_nine's Avatar
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    search popular female names the year you were born and pick your favorite out of the top 20 or so. or just use the name of a girl that you like way back when.

  12. #12
    My Ship has sailed? Barbara Ella's Avatar
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    Good advice here for you. Lorileah make some excellent points about the general idea of going out. You need to find the look you are comfortable with in private, and not worry about dressing down to blend, especially if your GF is going with you. Just dress appropriately for the venue. Dress for drinks might not work for the mall at 10 Make sure you feel good, and that you can have fun with the dressing you choose. if you can look gorgeous, all the better. Most of us will have to work toward something less. Dont let an ultimate fantasy look stop you short of having a sublimely wonderful time when you might look just great.

    Have fun

    He (she) who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance.
    - Friedrich Nietzche -
    I may never get to fly like the other girls, but I do so want to dance, so I continue to climb.

  13. #13
    Gold Member
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    Just look around; A great percent of the women you see out and about are wearing jeans or something
    similar. Woman today dress comfortable, and only step it up when it is a special occasion.
    Yes at the office, they wear business suits, skirts and some dresses, But when they get home, well it is
    a quick change to some thing com-fee.

  14. #14
    Senior Member Sammy777's Avatar
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    Pauley Perrette AKA Abby Sciuto from the show NCIS is a great example.

    She actually incorporates a lot of herself into the character.
    Google image search either name for some ideas
    Warning: This post may contain up to 63% post consumer recycled Sarcasm ... or Peanuts."
    "Sammy, really next time do try to make your point without being quite so abrasive." -RD

  15. #15
    Banned Read only
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    Why not try something more simple for your first time out. Punk is hard to do and not look like a guy. Go do some observing at the venue(s) you might like to visit and see what the women are wearing. Keep in mind that cleavage is hard to do. Look at the hemlines of skirts or dresses, look at the makeup and hair. That should prepare you well enough.

  16. #16
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    I suggest you seek guidance from your gf. Afterall, she's "into it" as you say, and probably has a pretty realistic perspective on what would look good on you.

  17. #17
    Texas gal sherri's Avatar
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    You sound like the perfect customer for Hot Topic. :-)

  18. #18
    Banned Read only
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    How punk do you want to be?

    Some Doc Martin boots with ripped stockings or tights. Short plaid skirt with a studded leather belt. Denim jacket over a ripped T-Shirt from a favorite punk band. Leather dog collar. Dye your hair pink or purple.

    Too ****y?

    Just do a Google Image search and see what you find that you like.

  19. #19
    Junior Member
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    I agree that you should take notice of what then local GG population is wearing giving consideration on how you want to dress them imitate how they are dressed.
    I like my closet, its where all my clothes are

  20. #20

  21. #21
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    Name -
    Keep in mind that whatever name people get to know you at first by is the one that sticks in their mind (this becomes a real pain when you go to get a legal name change, if someone does.)

    But just for CD'ing purposes, you don't have to commit to anything. It might seem discouraging when someone else cannot pick your name for you but honestly, coming up with a name is part of the fun.

    So here are some ways to decide or at least get an idea -
    1) If you can safely ask, find out what your name would have been if you were born a girl, if they had any ideas in mind.

    2) Make a list of female names you like. When dressed, look at yourself and run thru them and see if any just feel right.
    My first-ever femme name was a horrible one.

    3) Might be practical to pick a name that was popular when you were born. Not a total necessity but try not to go TOO far out of your generation. Names like Gertrude or Aya might be too far out there. Unless you want those.

    4) Remember that eventually the name you pick and use for a while will be engrained in your OWN mind.

    5) It may take years for you to finally settle on a female name. It took me like 7 years before I finally decided on one and truly loved it - Erin. Before i used one i didn't even like.
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  22. #22
    Silver Member DanaR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimdl93 View Post
    I suggest you seek guidance from your gf. Afterall, she's "into it" as you say, and probably has a pretty realistic perspective on what would look good on you.
    I agree with this too. You could ask her to help you with a name, she might have some great ideas.
    Dana Ryan

  23. #23
    :P Tracy - new dresser's Avatar
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    i love dressing punk/girly lol, like gothish make up black black eyeline and smokey eyes. with a girly kind of dark dress with black shiny leggings and awesome plain black heels.
    kinda really hard to explain in writing :P

  24. #24
    Senior Member Sammy777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blizzardx10 View Post
    3. I need a name... Iv been thinking about for a while but Iv never been able to pin down anything I really enjoy or captures that "sexy bitch" attitude I have. Any suggestions? D:
    You can search by name or by year to find popular names for the year you were born
    Warning: This post may contain up to 63% post consumer recycled Sarcasm ... or Peanuts."
    "Sammy, really next time do try to make your point without being quite so abrasive." -RD

  25. #25
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blizzardx10 View Post
    Hey everyone! I just thought I'd post an advice thread so maybe I could get some help with multiple problems I'm having. :/

    1. My ultimate goal is to be comfortable enough to at least go out and get some drinks while I'm dressed up with my girlfriend. She knows everything and I'm fortunate enough to have a girl that is REALLY into it. Problem is I won't be comfortable going out until I have EVERYTHING I need to make me look as gorgeous as possible. I don't want to go out on the town looking like an obvious CD, I want to look like a legitimate woman as much as possible.

    2. Of course I'll start posting pics later for votes on what my first outfit in public will be, but I need help. My natural attitude is very punk rock and very edgy... I don't want to go out looking "girly" I want to look mysterious and sexy. haha So I guess What I'm asking is do you have any suggestions on a sexy yet not too ****ty pieces I can add to my wardrobe that still give the impression that I am punk?

    3. I need a name... Iv been thinking about for a while but Iv never been able to pin down anything I really enjoy or captures that "sexy bitch" attitude I have. Any suggestions? D:
    I love these easy questions:

    1. Get a sex change with FFS, SRS BA, and voice alterations.
    2. Black leather with studs,short cut blue jeans with white socks, Brylreem( a little dab'll do ya!), and a cutoff torn tee in white and some platform black boots.
    3. How about Fettucini Alfredo? It has that seductive, mysterious, edgy exciting Italian ring to it that make you think of, " The name is Bond, James Bond."

    Well, it works for me anyway. Phew, I'm hungry, let's go eat!

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