I've been (mostly) in the closet for years—I have a couple of friends who know, but I rarely dress in front of them anyway. I'm pretty confident that I can put together a passable look, and I kinda want to go out shopping with a friend in girl mode. There's just one major problem.

No matter how good I go with my outfit, hair, makeup, and all that, the illusion would get completely destroyed as soon as I open my mouth. I have a mid-tenor speaking voice, and while I do occasionally get called "ma'am" on the phone I can't get a feminine tone at will.

Any suggestions on how to pass in the vocal department? I'm not looking for any long-term or permanent change, mind you—as I said, I'm still closeted and very much a part-time dresser. But I just don't feel comfortable going out when I'd give myself away so easily.