My secret is that I like listening to Lady Gaga, but don't tell anyone or I'll never live it down.
*shifty eyes*
As most will respond, there is no secret. In my case, I imagined what the worst thing is that could happen. I might be embarrassed. That's it. Still no one will know me and those who may "out me" are not known to me. So how bad could it be? Not bad enough to keep me inside. Go out once and it is easier th next time and so on. Remember, you are doing nothing illegal. Embarrassment is the worst case scenario while shopping.
Each one of us on this Forum is an individual!! There is no reason to have secrets to go out shopping or for doing whatever. As an individual you have certain rights which you can exercise. That is unless someone is always watching you so they can harm you if you don't do as they say. I seriously doubt that that is really happening to anybody on this forum. That being the case, just dress up and go out!! It really is Fun!!
Lady on the outside, but man underneath!
The first few times out the door will be pure terror. You will soon find though how much pleasure you get from going out and about while dressed. Pull up your big girl panties and go out the door. Please share with us the story of your first adventures.
When you feel the time is right, you will do it. I express who I am and that is it. The biggest obstacle is ourselves, most people don't even notice, and of those that do most will say nothing or accepting. That leaves a very small section that may say anything bad or embarrassing. Worst thing I've heard so far was an older gentleman held a door open for me and called me sir (I thought I was looking pretty good that day.)
Confidence in who I am and how I present myself.
It took many years for me to be able to hold my head up and walk out into the world. Once I did I realized that it wasn't that difficult and that much of the fear that kept me from doing it long ago were simply things I imagined.
I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !
Hey Raine: I consider myself slim at five foot eleven and one hundred seventy pounds, especially by todays standards where a size medium is NOW
12-14 and not 8-9 as it was as recently as the 1990s. At looking at those models that you said were good for the runway but not good for dana (and I
am not questioning your fashion sense or my lack of one) why would I be so obvious? I think for a person wanting to and eventually going to venture
out, any age appropriate outfit should be ok especially the cute pantsuite.The models were all rather tall and very skinny (especially the last girl on the
right in the first photo, who just might need a Little Cesars Pizza-Pizza meal - not the snack) please show us some better examples of dress, from a
females perspective....dana
I know, Reine. My comment was a tongue-in-cheek statement about how a lot of people actually dress at malls. Like the woman in velour sweatpants, flowered fleece top and orange sneakers I saw a few weeks ago. Or the people in their exercise wear - real exercise wear, like running shorts and a tank top. Or ladies in their Christmas sweatshirts. You know - the people everyone always says are at Walmart but are actually everywhere ...
It is such a rush really. Think of it like a roller coaster. You are really scared and nervous on the way up the first drop and then you sit there for a second. Next, you are tearing down the hill and it is quite fun!!! :P
Just MAKE yourself do it, if that is what you desire. Once you do it the first time your cherry is popped ^^
IMO, it is all in your attitude! Always be confident and comfortable in who you are - no matter how you are presenting yourself! Most others don't care what you are wearing and will accept you for who you presenting. When shopping, it is doubtful that your $ or credit card will be refused - no matter what store you're in!
Thank you all for your advice. It feels great to have this support.
Well, don't tell anyone but the "secret" is in the "sauce".![]()
Second star to the right and straight on till morning
No secret. At some point, my apprehensions were overcome by the desire to experience more of life than the confines of my home and backyard. I couldn't have predicted that would happen, but one day, rather than changing back into drabs simply to move a sprinkler, I thought "what the heck" and walked out the front door en femme. As others have said, the world didn't end and I suddenly felt free to be myself.
Oh my, I have no secret, where did you hear that there is any secret behind it, actually whom did you hear it from, I mean like a person that suggested anything as such to you, you know, like a friend or someone you know..........what is their name, where do they live........I am just asking casually you know, like nobody that is in any way connected to the secret organization or nothing. I mean jeeeees, that would be funny, wouldn't come I am not laughing?.......well......I laugh on the inside.....anyway....good talking to you, I will be your close friend.....Very Close Friend!![]()
i quit thinking what other people think, after that it was easy.
i actully enjoy being outed sometimes especially by sales associates
they seem to love it.
My big breakthrough moment came when I finally realized that the people I ran into would likely never meet me again in my life.
Hugs J-JAY
Never underestimate the power of brains and a push up bra.
Never complain about growing old, far too many people have been denied that privilege".