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Thread: Gathering stuff I need to see Kristyn

  1. #1
    The Art of Heels Kristyn Hill's Avatar
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    Gathering stuff I need to see Kristyn

    My wife and I are out of town on business for the last 2 days. Well, we just went into the local Wally World and she just helped me pick out my first (2) skirts, 1st bra, another pair of thong panties and some black thigh highs. I took a picture of it all setting out across the hotel bed but I posted a picture thread two days ago so I will have to wait....or add it to my last picture thread.

    We were looking for a couple of cheap short form fitting skirts just to find what size I wear but were only able to locate two long skirts. Oh well, I found out what size I am and that was the mission. She has already photographed me in my yellow panties and black patened pumps. Later will be thigh highs, long skirt and pumps for some more pictures to post at a later date. I am one lucky duck for sure. Me coming out fully a week and a half ago is equivalent to adding two habaneros to your favorite recipe..............

    The Art of Heels,
    Last edited by Kristyn Hill; 03-22-2012 at 07:33 PM.
    I am an Artist working in all Mediums including Sexy

  2. #2
    The Girl will Out! Kaz's Avatar
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    Hi Kristyn,

    Sounds like you are in heaven...! Enjoy! A word of warning... what your SO thinks and understands about this and what you think and understand are probably poles apart... this 'apparent' common ground can easily become quicksand.... day at a time girl!
    Kaz xx

    __________________________________________________ ____________

    This Woman Within is Flying without Wings

  3. #3
    The Art of Heels Kristyn Hill's Avatar
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    Advice duly noted. She has had questions not going to attempt to cover that up. We work together all day, everyday and while in the car between stops we have had tough discussions since last Monday. Because of this place, I have told her "at her speed". What has helped in my case is she was 70% or so in the light on what I had going. Great advice, Kaz and I hear you loud and clear. Thank you!
    I am an Artist working in all Mediums including Sexy

  4. #4
    Lady By Choice Leslie Langford's Avatar
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    Just to add to Kaz' post - and not to rain on your parade, but don't get too overjoyed over the fact that you appear to have determined your skirt size. That's for those skirts from that particular store and that particular manufacturer.

    Women's clothes are notoriously all over the map when it comes to size consistency, and each manufacturer seems to apply their own particular spin on this practice. Then there's the concept of "vanity sizing", just to confuse the issue even more.

    What this means is that some manufacturers deliberately label their clothes one or two sizes below the usual norm so that women will feel better about themselves and be more inclined to buy their goods. In other words, a woman in this situation who normally wears, say, a Size 16, suddenly finds that she can fit into a (bogus) Size 14, and is overjoyed by that prospect without realizing that she has just been duped.

    Buy hey, don't just take my word for this. Just ask your wife - she has had a lifetime of dealing with this sizing sleight-of-hand .

  5. #5
    The Art of Heels Kristyn Hill's Avatar
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    excellent advice as well, LeslieL. Thank you.
    I am an Artist working in all Mediums including Sexy

  6. #6
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Tell ya what > If ya realy want to know your size ? Get some uniforms they dont lie ,, When i used to work at a bizz they had uniforms ,, An the uniform man dont lie ! Mite not be what ya want to know ?? But she is right size 20 jeans all the way to 16 ,,,, just depends
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  7. #7
    The Art of Heels Kristyn Hill's Avatar
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    Stacy, I was feeling half way good about myself. doh. just kidding. I obviously have a lot to learn and you all are going on the roller coaster with me. Put your hands up!

    I am an Artist working in all Mediums including Sexy

  8. #8
    Platinum Member
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    Hi Kristin, Just remember that the ball is in her court now and the referee is on her side remember no foul shots.
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

    If at first you don't succeed, Then Skydiving isn't for you.

    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

  9. #9
    The Art of Heels Kristyn Hill's Avatar
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    Great analogy, BlueO.
    I am an Artist working in all Mediums including Sexy

  10. #10
    ghost Anne2345's Avatar
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    Awwwwwww . . . . your very first bra!

    What an exciting and fantastic day for you! And acquiring your first bra is quite a milestone, indeed! I am very happy for you!

    From your posts, you seem to be travelling quickly down this magical and blessed path of femininity. It can be a thrilling ride. There is much enjoyment, satisfaction, and personal fullfillment to be had along the way. As you continue down the path on this journey, you will also become a better, more whole, natural person. You will come to understand more about yourself, and open up in ways you could not imagine previously. It is a continuing process of discovery, evolution, and maturity.

    However, you must remain careful, and protective of your relationship with your wife. A few have already cautioned you, and I would advise you the same. For me, I am very much fortunate in that I also have an incredibly wonderful, accepting wife. Her acceptance, though, did not all occur over night. It took team work, patience, understanding, and communication. It also took openness, trust, and love. With the quick start you have gotten off to with your wife, with her assistance and initial acceptance, it is very encouraging. You know this already, but do not take her for granted on this issue, and do not put your own needs above hers. It can be really easy to get all caught up in this, get carried away, and make some poor judgement calls that you would not ordinarily make. Beware the pink fog, and keep it real. If you can do these things, and you can, you have a very bright future ahead of you!

    In the meantime, congratulations on your first bra!

  11. #11
    The Art of Heels Kristyn Hill's Avatar
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    Anne, this means a great deal you took the time to express this to me. With you and some other rockstars from this forum above, I feel like I am fitting in here as well. I have not taken your advice lightly along with all the others earlier.

    You have nailed everything we are going through right now and since last Monday. Even though I had heels and thigh highs in the past, it was more bedroom play and that was awesome but as Kaz mentioned, we were on separate poles in our head. As I have posted earlier, only because of this forum, I realized what I had been feeling since birth was not wrong and had to let it out. I was so freaking nervous that I advised you all on this forum I was telling her but didn't until 3 days later. I feel for everybody here whether they have acceptance and especially for those that are still closeted completely. Together, we will ALL make it.

    I appreciate you taking notice of my post and yes, I agree that I am standing in tall shoes right in the middle of the pink fog. My wife has and will always be my best friend and lover. I told her just yesterday I would throw it all away for her happiness. She replies, "I want your happiness above all". She is crazy for sure.

    Enough rambling but the advice from this thread is helping come to the full understanding of myself and hope it helps others as well. You all rock!

    Last edited by Kristyn Hill; 03-22-2012 at 09:07 PM.
    I am an Artist working in all Mediums including Sexy

  12. #12
    Member YorkshireRose's Avatar
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    Hi Kristyn,

    What a really encouraging post. Really happy to hear things have started so positively with your wife. I am a relative newby too in terms of my gf knowing, so I'm not here to offer advice, just encouragment. Congrats on taking those positive first steps.


  13. #13
    The Art of Heels Kristyn Hill's Avatar
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    Thank you, Charlotte. Welcome! We are both Newbies here...oh, what a ride so far. Get in the car with Stacy and I and put up your hands.
    I am an Artist working in all Mediums including Sexy

  14. #14
    Junior Member corrinediane's Avatar
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    Spicy Kristyn! Go for it gurl. It gets a lot better. You are one of the lucky ones now. Oh, and don't dwell too long looking at yourself in the mirror. She WILL notice. Don't forget she's there too. Take more vitamins, your going to need the energy.

  15. #15
    The Art of Heels Kristyn Hill's Avatar
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    Thank you, CorrineDiane. Solid advice and yes, this is one spicy number we have going.
    I am an Artist working in all Mediums including Sexy

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