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Thread: So tell me a story... who was the first person you told about CDing??

  1. #51
    Complex Lolita...
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by crossdressersfriend
    So tell me a story... who was the first person you told about CDing?? Who was the very first person you told about CDing and why did you tell them? And how long were you dressing when you decided to share it with someone?
    [SIZE="2"]I was dressing for several years before I told my ex-girlfriend. Oh, you wanted a STORY…

    It was a beautiful, sunny day, and Freddy was on cloud nine, having just tucked his masculinity away for the umpteenth time. He was a she, hidden from those who may do her harm, a secret in plain sight, a gender paradox in the midst of self-discovery. Alas, Freddy had to go somewhere, so he reluctantly put his girly things away, keeping the under-dressing in place for reasons of comfort and solidarity…

    Freddy climbed into his trusty, rusty Jeep and drove south – he was supposed to drop off his camera at his girlfriend’s house, and spend a little time with her during the afternoon. Freddy wondered why he even needed an “outside” girlfriend, when he could be himself and let HER out to play anytime he chose – in his feminine approximation, based on many years of careful observation and yearning, he could blockade his boyishness and attain a blessed state of peace. Why complicate matters by bringing others, namely other females, into the equation? He knew his relationship was changing, caused by his increased attention to crossdressing and all that came with it, so why not go back to that fork in the road and take the correct path this time?

    Freddy drove as if in a trance, navigating the twisting roads of Plymouth County as the heartfelt warbling of Mark Hollis emanated from the Jeep’s tiny speakers. Passing by a large, manicured cemetery, Freddy contemplated fleeting time, along with a need to think of this time, NOW, and use his own time wisely. He eventually pulled into his girlfriend’s driveway and parked under a large oak tree. Freddy unconsciously ran his hands over his legs, wishing he was wearing a cute skirt and not the clunky, drab pants he had on. With a sigh, he got out of the Jeep and walked to the back door of the house, actually a screened porch. “Let’s get this over with…” he thought to himself…

    Freddy’s girlfriend greeted him at the door, and let him in with a kiss. Freddy softened right away, becoming less strident and more pliable – memories of nearly four years together came rushing back, and he selected the good times from this dizzying roller-coaster ride he was on. His girlfriend made tea for the occasion, and boy (girl in spirit) and actual girl sat at a tiny table in the kitchen, with north light streaming in through a high window. Freddy handed over his camera, and the young woman giggled like a schoolgirl – a few quick lessons about controls, focus, and aperture, and the ebullient GG was ready to go. Freddy felt better in his girlfriend’s presence, in fact he was much more subdued, calmer and collected than he had ever been – was this due to his secretive nature, and his willful turning-away from all manly behavior?

    The tea, a combination of two disparate flavors, was excellent. While Freddy fumbled at a piece of shortbread, searching for a topic of conversation, his girlfriend abruptly got up and went in search of a photo album. Freddy admired her sea-green long skirt, no doubt worn FOR him, since his beloved preferred her own version of “drab.” Was she in a romantic mood? Freddy got no response from his boy shorts panties, which intrigued him no end. The young woman soon returned with a thick photo album, and she pulled her chair over to Freddy’s side of the table. Flipping a few pages and readjusting some loose images, Freddy’s girlfriend at last came to the thing she wanted to show him…

    “Look at these pictures of my niece,” she said, “I took them last summer – she likes to wear dresses more than I do” Freddy’s beloved knew his artistic nature, being an artist herself, and she remembered all the paintings of girls he made during their art school days. “Isn’t she beautiful?” said the GG. Freddy was speechless. The girl, about 15-16 years old, was gorgeous, a Miss America type with sandy-blonde hair and a wistful smile. She posed in the backyard, the same environment Freddy could see outside the nearby window, and she wore a series of dresses that were elegant and refined, a veritable picture of femininity. Freddy was fascinated…

    He looked at the photos over and over, studying them closely, trying to burn the images into his memory. He couldn’t wait to get home and dress up and dream of being like this particular girl, but he had to wait – how much longer would he have to be here with his girlfriend? Freddy looked at her, and she gave him a sympathetic, loving look that spoke of deep feelings. He looked once again at the photos, then back to his girlfriend’s face, back and forth. She touched his hand ever so softly. Freddy’s reserve dropped away without warning, and he looked deep into his girlfriend’s brown eyes. “I’m a transvestite…” he blurted out. There was a pause. “It’s...all right…” she answered, but Freddy suddenly felt very vulnerable and alone…

    His girlfriend was smiling in a quizzical way, not knowing how to proceed or even IF to proceed, while Freddy was thinking of the time when he gave a precious group of his childhood drawings to a neighbor boy, only to find them lying in a mud puddle the next day. He vowed to never reveal his secrets ever again, but he had just done it – for a second he let his guard down, and now the cat was out of the bag. Body language was telling, for his girlfriend was now across the room, arms folded, leaning against a cabinet. She was the closest thing he had to a soul mate (her own declaration), so why was she further away? The subject changed, the moment was forgotten, and the rest of the afternoon passed without any further drama. After a farewell kiss, Freddy drove home in a confused state. Had he done his “self” a disservice? Time would tell…

    It didn’t happen immediately, but over time Freddy’s impulsive declaration would end up in a mud puddle of increasing isolation, non-interest, humiliation, and betrayal. He learned the hard way to keep his secrets a secret, and protect them at all times. The concept of having a “soul mate” was shelved in favor of an incorporated being, itself a fragile human enterprise incapable of being understood or tolerated. In this case, self-love triumphed over love of another, but the love that they shared had a lasting legacy. Freddy met his ex for a reunion many years after they broke up, but, true to form, she still didn’t wish to talk about his crossdressing. This time, Freddy smiled

  2. #52
    Senior Member 2B Natasha's Avatar
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    I s'pose I had been dressing in secret since about 10 maybe. You know the old story. Raid moms lingerie drawer bla bla bla. Then later it was the wife's. She, the first wife, was the first person who knew. But I didn't tell her so much. More like puked it out on her. By that I mean. I was young had know idea what I was feeling or why. It came and went as most things do in a young life. I remember one time very specificly that I thought, at the time, was a great idea. I was going to show her my desires not talk about them. That would have made WAY to much sense. So I dolled myself up in a black lace teddy. Black skirt pantyhose heels and a top. Stuffed the one piece with socks. Got in the car and went to go pick her up from work. It backfired like you would have expected. But I still didn't tell her.

    The first person I told was a friend that I reconnected with AFTER my divorce or at least the seperation with no hope of reconciliation. So with that I made the decision to tell everyone that I either made friends with going forward or friends I reconnected with. Anyway. She and I where texting and emailing and I decided I needed to tell her. It might have been that she told me she just ended a lesbian marriage so perhaps that had something to do with it. But I told her. She was cool with it. Souvh do that we decided to go out to a club and meet up face to face. We still
    Talk and I have meet her boyfriend en femme. They are both ok with it still.

    You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because your all the same

  3. #53
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    I told my first wife, after she found panties in the bed that weren't hers! She was surprised to say the least. My current wife knows also and likes some of me dressing. She really like shopping together! No one else knows................yet

  4. #54
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    Not a story, just the facts, Mesdames

    My roommate and I decided to find a place to live nearer to where we both worked. (That's how we met.) So we vowed to tell each other our biggest secret before embarking on this. I told him I liked to wear girls' clothes, and he told me... something much wilder! (Not sexual however.) I felt miffed that I had been out-secreted. Later however he invited me to dress up around the house, so I did a few times. One embarrassing incident: He walked in on me when I was wearing just panties, nylons, garter belt and bra... and putting on makeup in the mirror. I got a wolf whistle! Then he sat down and said something like, I want to see how you do this. And then we talked about work, as nonchalant as you please. It was great, me there in my lingerie. If I'd had a dress with a zipper, I'd have asked him to zip me up.

  5. #55
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    My girlfriend and soon to be wife was my first confident. I used to get insanely jealous of my girlfriend talking to other guys but really i was jealous of what she was wearing and i was frustrated that i could not wear what I wanted to. She took the news I was a CD very well and to this date she hardly notices when I cross dress. It has become the norm!!

  6. #56
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    i actually had to tell my wife .

  7. #57
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    Meant to mention, there was a certain charge after that incident, in my knowing that he knew what I was wearing under the dresses. He even took me out walking a couple times, but that made him (obviously) nervous so I never asked again. All in all, a very tolerant and nice guy.

  8. #58
    Member drushin703's Avatar
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    I have told no one and no one on earth, dana

  9. #59
    Senior Member Ally 2112's Avatar
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    Told my x wife early into our relationship at first it was ok then it had to go then it was ok again then in the end it was too much .My second person was my x gf she was pretty cool about it unfortunately our relationship ended for different reasons .But we are pretty good friends stiil .But i have not dressed in front of her in a couple of years
    I have a hubcap diamond star halo

  10. #60
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    the first person i told was my sister. she was kinda pissed that i was stealing her clothes but then was ok with it and helped me choose outfits and shop

  11. #61
    mom's "daughter" KarenNY's Avatar
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    not so much told as I was caught by my mother when I was 12... after having been trying on her clothes from the time I was 6 or 7... turned out, my mother was OK with my dressing and rather than get mad or freak out, she was only upset that I didn't ask first and was sneaking around behind her back... One thing led to another and within weeks I had my own female wardrobe that kept growing throughout my teens and into my 20s, plus I was learning how to walk and talk like a girl, do my own hair, nails and makeup, etc...
    "Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes..."

  12. #62
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    i told my ex wifes best friend, she kept my secret

  13. #63
    Junior Member CassieV's Avatar
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    I told my first fiance after we both admitted to each other that we were bisexual. She made it clear she was NOT INTERESTED, however, which was really sad. I never brought it up again, but I'm not sorry to say I raided the closets while she was at work.
    I told my current wife after about a year of marriage, though I passed it off as a sexual kink at first. She was on board with it and bought me my own clothes, but started to get a little frustrated when I wanted to be in drag all the time. After some long talks we established that this is who I am, who I need to be. Now I'm in skirts full time at home, and she likes to nudge my comfort zone by getting me to be a little more dating in public.
    Since then, I've told all the friends I have that I expect will be supportive. I've been right every time. It just sucks that I left them behind on the east cost. It'd be wonderful to have someone nearby to be myself in front of.

  14. #64
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    I was about 24. I told the woman that would be my second wife. The hardest and most scary thing I ever did. It was a shock to her and it took a few weeks of many hours of talking before she could accept it. One morning, out of the blue, she woke me up and said, "get dressed, we are going to buy you a dress". I never forgot that moment of her showing she was OK with it. Sadly, she died 10 years later. Since then, I have told my third wife and a handful of close friends. My current SO knew from day one since I had an on-line profile with pictures in both male and female dress.

  15. #65
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    That 1st time was sort of "forced" out of me when my brother caught me while dressed. He never said anything directly to me or mom. However, out of the really guilty feeling, I myself told mom. Unfortunately, unlike a lot of others in this thread, my mom was very UN supportive and called me weirdo, sicko, pyscho, etc. She had always thought of me as strange and not belonging even before this revelation, and so there was no really dramatic stuff. She just simply accepted this as more proof of my weirdness and querness and so on. The subject was never directly mentioned again. I have never really been that emotionally close to mom anyway, and so this discovery did not affect our already sort of cold relationship to each other. Life went on as usual afterwards.

    Again, like so many others in this thread, I continue dressing, 50 plus years now and still get that high thrilling feeling from dressing.

  16. #66
    New Member Megan Jameson's Avatar
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    I told my wife first, but that was 15 years into our marriage. I had begun to stop resisting the urges to dress, so I needed to tell her before she found out some other way. She was very supportive, and offered to give me a facial treatment to celebrate. She also went to the mall that evening an bought four pair of panties for me. Not long after that, many sales associates in the local "plus sized" stores and several women working at various cosmetics counters were made aware that I would be shopping for myself and that I was the type of guy who occasionally liked to be much prettier than the average man.

  17. #67
    Aspiring Member Noemi's Avatar
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    I told an old friend who unexpectedly and quickly passed away some years ago from cancer. He thought it was just about getting off and did not think anything of it, maybe to put me at ease, he was super cool.

    Then many years later told a girl who I kind of had a fling with, and she let me dress up, and was very dominant, which turned me on to no end. But turned out to be way too nutty and mean..that is it. I got caught by my Mom a few times and just explained it all away, it was never brought up or discussed.
    polythene pam

  18. #68
    Cat's Eye Siren ArleneRaquel's Avatar
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    I know that such an event should stick out in my memory, but I actually have no idea what or what the circumstances were, were at, or with who. Getting old in the brain cells, I guess.
    Fulfilling a Lifetime Dream of Living as a Woman in My Adult Years. Ten Years Living 24/7 as a Mature Lady

    My Love of Cat's Eye Frames, Bangles, Red Lipstick, Nails, & Cheeks, Comes From My Mother - An Irish Beauty

    I'm Always Rainbow Proud

  19. #69
    Layin' low, sort of.
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    The first person was my mom, and I was 20. She always questioned my behavior when it's just the two of us-- no one else at home or in the car. I kept getting angry for her asking what I'm doing behind her back. In the end, the question was forced on me. I had to confess to her that I crossdress and that I'm neither gay nor bi or even want a sex change (which I considered when I was younger), and that I had her clothes hidden in my dresser and closet. She continues to ask but not in front of the rest of the family or our house guests. So now it's a secret kept to both of us; no one else is obligated to know.

  20. #70
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    I was caught in the act at age 10. The first person I told was my wife. When we were dating she came across my stash and told me to get rid of it. Now that we have been married for 16 years I fully disclosed my dressing (having ups arrive with some clothes didn't help) about 2 years ago. We have the don't ask don't tell thing going on but in one conversation she admitted that she knew all along, and was sort of jealous that I was a size smaller than her.

  21. #71
    AKA Miss. B. Haven Erin McShea's Avatar
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    The ONLY person that knows is my lovely wife. Happened pretty quickly into our relationship. and for that i am very thankful that she is understanding about my NEED (most of the time)

  22. #72
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    My ex wife. The 'ex' tells you that it didn't work out very well. Then my mom and sister, that didn't go well either. One friend gradually distanced themselves from me until there wasn't even a christmas card coming anymore. That was years ago. Two gay women, years apart, one moved away, the other doesn't work with me anymore. So, essentially there's no one currently in my life who knows.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  23. #73
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    My ex wife. The 'ex' tells you that it didn't work out very well.

    Lol, I stopped telling people after telling my ex-wife, because her response kind of wrecked part of my life. She told me all about how everyone she told about me {i.e. everyone she knows} thinks I am a freak, and not in a good way, so I was outed to everybody her big mouth inflicted itself upon for about 5-6 months... At this point, if anyone asks, my response is usually along the lines of, "what do you think? Oh yeah, I don't care." Honestly, I live my life and do my thing, but wish I could be less defensive. That doesn't seem like it's going to happen anytime soon, but whatever... Gee, this is sort of depressing, I wish I had more accepting friends, damn...
    Last edited by April_Ligeia; 05-16-2012 at 01:55 AM.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

  24. #74
    Member Deidre's Avatar
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    one of my best friends kendra about 5 years ago and no one else till recently. kendra has to be one of the greatest people on the planet

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