Mmk. TL;DR version
My boyfriend loves to wear skirts. I didn't know this when we got involved, but it's fine. We made a bet along the lines of "You'll never get me in a skirt" "$10 says I will" "Deal"
Needless to say because I'm posting here, I lost. And ended up enjoying it for all I owed him $10.

Um. Should I feel bad that wearing blatantly female clothes is simply a fetish?
I look it up, and see constant "it's not just a fetish", and I do get that for a LOT of people it's not. Its something they enjoy, or expressing gender identity, or something besides sexual.
But for me.. it's just beyond hot.
(so says the gay guy...)

Is that wrong?
I'm probably over thinking this but it's been bothering me for awhile.
(I also feel weird asking on other lgbt forums because I'm not a transwoman by any stretch of the imagination)