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Thread: Hairy Legs Ain’t for Me – One Year Now and Going Strong :-)

  1. #1
    ghost Anne2345's Avatar
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    Hairy Legs Ain’t for Me – One Year Now and Going Strong :-)

    One year ago this month, I shaved my legs for the first time during shorts weather. Until doing so, I had only shaved my legs and body during the fall and winter so as to go unnoticed by the world.

    Although I hated body hair, I was always too scared that someone might actually notice that my legs were devoid of hair, assume the absolute worst about me, and consider me only slightly more desirable than an axe wielding maniac.

    I also thought that if someone noticed my legs were silky smooth and all femmed out, life as I knew it would immediately cease to exist. Subsequently, the story would be page one and above the fold in the morning newspaper. I would be banned from all local restaurants. Really small cars full of ridiculous numbers of circus clowns would chase me up and down city streets hurling obscenities at me. All the cheese in my refrigerator would immediately turn moldy and become inedible. And without fail, all newborn babies would spit in my general direction upon sight.

    Of course, the way I saw it, the risk of shaving my legs during shorts weather was substantial and very real. The consequences of discovery were serious, dire, and everything was on the line. I would stand to lose much, after all, if my denuded legs were noticed by even one person. And if one person noticed, then everyone would know, right? I would thereafter be immediately and forever branded the total tranny that I am, and instantly banished to social Siberia for life, without mercy, and no possibility of parole.

    But the thing is, although I did not recognize it at the time, last summer marked the beginning of the end of the old me, and the ushering in of the new me. I’m still not completely sure who the new me is, but I do know that the new me does not care anymore whether anyone notices my shaved legs.

    You see, I have come to the conclusion that it is more important for me to be true to myself, to enjoy myself, to take steps to make my life work, than it is to worry about what others may or may not think about my legs. And truth be told, although certain friends and family have noticed and asked me about my legs, most do not notice. Or if they notice, they simply do not care.

    To those that have noticed and asked, simply explaining that I prefer my legs shaved pretty much has ended the discussion without controversy (thanks Eryn!!!). No blood, no foul, no harm. It just hasn’t been a big deal. At all. To be certain, I have yet to be chased by large numbers of circus clowns in really small cars throughout town, and I can still eat the cheese in my refrigerator, but I digress . . . .

    In hindsight, I wish that I had done this a long, long time ago. But I didn’t, due to my fear. Whether my fear was unreasonable or justified is not the point. The question ultimately became what was more important to me - living life hair-free, or sasquatching it throughout the spring and summer for the remainder of my days?

    For those who desire to look deeper into this ridiculously simple question, there is a much more important question to be found within. But it shall be found only if the question is important to you to begin with.

    For me, it was important, and it is important. My legs shall never be polluted by hair ever again. As for my mind, my being, who I am, who I may be, and who I shall ultimately become, this is simply one step of many in the journey I began last year to free myself of the shackles of my fear.

    Although I may remain far from free, I am more free now than I have ever before been in my life, and that really means much to me. It means everything to me, in fact. I have hope for the first time in many, many suns and moons that I can make this, whatever this may be, work. So is it just unwanted hair? Or is it something soooo much more than that? What do you think?

  2. #2
    Gold Member
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    Chicago area
    Hi Anne....I've been shaving my legs (and arms) for over 2 years now (nobody notices and, as you said, if they do, they don't bother asking) and I don't think I'll ever stop (feels too good), but I think it's just another way to express your personality, and really, if anyone DOES ask, all you really need to tell them is I like it that way. Actually, nowadays, I don't think anyone really cares since I'm sure many athletes, dancers, male strippers, and male models tend to shave their legs, and likely everywhere else. Why can't we just call it good grooming!!????? From what I've read into your post, it sounds to me like you're starting to explore your fem side more than you have in the past. Enjoy......

  3. #3
    Gold Member bridget thronton's Avatar
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    I agree - no one who notices seems to care

  4. #4
    Pretty jockette LoriFlores's Avatar
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    I've taken it a step further, can't go back, and have had laser hair removal. When I shaved the razer stubble would soon re-appear, now I'm smooth and soft forever.

  5. #5
    Member betty1253's Avatar
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    You know Anne, none seems to notice. Change out of my street clothes at work Monday through Friday in a locker room. Been doing this for years. My legs are shaved often at all seasons of the year. No one has said a thing or seems to notice. So do what you need to make you feel. It's ok.


  6. #6
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    I've been shaving my legs for many years and I don't ever rememer receiving a negitive comment!
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:

  7. #7
    Aspiring Member Kathy4ever's Avatar
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    I agree that nobody seems to notice. I'm getting close to that 2 years in a few months. Nobody other my neighbor from across the street has ever said a word. Even she did not make a big deal of it. She just said her her nephew shaves everywhere too. I think everyone should be shaved. Hair is gross except on the head. You just got to do it and enjoy that nice shaved feeling.
    Life is too short not to be happy!

  8. #8
    Senior Member StacyCD's Avatar
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    I only shaved my legs once before and it didn't last too long because I thought the world would stop spinning. I just shaved my legs and I'm never going back to the fury old me!

  9. #9
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    When I am wearing shorts the only thing others notice is my skinny legs, if the conversation goes further women remark that they would like to have legs like mine.
    Makes me beam with pride and I say that they are my only assett and I will keep them.
    They have been hairless for 20 years or more and I do not have circulation problems.
    I have just learned to live with it.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member Trish's Avatar
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    My legs have been kept shaved since the mid 1980's. I can't imaging them with hair on them.

  11. #11
    Member Marlana's Avatar
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    Smoothe legs arevin now. Lots of people have them. I've seen old men who aren't cd's with smoothe legs. I don't see it as a big deal, and would love to try it, but the wife prefers me to have body hair. To keep the peace, I shave certain places that make me feel good. Want to try it at least once though.

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member ronda's Avatar
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    Hi Anne i have never had hair on my legs or body (only in two places) but as it goes the only one that has ever said anything is my sister and all she said was why do i have hair on my leg and you don't guy are suppose to have hairy leg girls are not why are you so lucky. i do get a lot of nice legs comments most people don't care. have fun with your new fredom to be you. Hugs Ronda

  13. #13
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    Going on 8 years now for me being completely smooth and hairless and haven't received any comments or questions in over 7 years.
    The first few weeks I had 2 people ask me. Since one.
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  14. #14
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    Anne, your thread is actually a PSA for our community. My following comment reflects what I think whenever I read other threads about fear of shaving one's legs, or especially how to cover up leg fur, but I always refrain from saying these things out of respect for other's situations. However, your thread is about the virtues of shaving so here goes...

    I spent way too many years covering the leg fur. The lameness of wearing two pair of pantyhose (particularly lame because of the swirling effect) was tempered by learning to use a matte Danskin tight with pretty much any shade or brand of pantyhose over it. I was pretty impressed with myself, thought I had beat the system. I would never have to risk the dangers that Anne describes, no one would ever know my essence.

    But there were other downsides as well.

    • HAVING to wear nylons any time I wore a skirt or dress was lame.
    • ...and it was even more lame in the summertime, not to mention uncomfortably hot as heck.
    • And while the look was acceptable, it was far from ideal when compared with nylons over shaved legs or (gasp)....smooth bare legs.

    So I took baby steps. I became a fall-winter-into-spring leg shaver. I think that kept my legs furry for all of one more summer because I soon became a 24/7/365 leg shaver and have never looked back.

    Again, this is all about me, how taking this step has been so very important for me. I respect what others have to go through and will never express thoughts like those above in a thread where someone needs that solution to cover leg fur. I will still reply in earnest about the virtues of the Danskin tight solution which served me well for a long time.

    But darn-it, shave those legs already, will ya???
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  15. #15
    Breakin' social taboos TGMarla's Avatar
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    I really dislike having hairy legs. However, as many of you may know, my wife is not at all down with my crossdressing activities. I have found over the course of years, that a compromise is the only way I can make it work. Part of this compromise is that I do not overtly display signs of my wonderful little private activity to her. However, I really dislike the leg fur. So what to do? I love wearing hosiery, but I hate seeing hair through it. It's just a real buzz-kill, really. I took to partial shaving. I have little choice in the matter, but I do have that choice. My wife does not really notice the small stuff all that much, and I've found that I can push the envelope a bit without causing her too much angst.

    Like Sara mentioned, everyone's situation differs a bit. And while I admire and envy situations where some of us can buzz the legs nice and silky smooth, I am not in such a situation. So I shave my knees and my feet completely, and take a set of hair clippers to the rest of them, leaving only sparse hair in those places, and leaving that rather short. Toss in a pair of nylons (which I like no matter what), and I get the desired results. It's not ideal, but it's a compromise I can live with.

    I agree that the rest of the world really doesn't care much if a guy shaves his legs. Some might smile and think it quirky, even wondering if something's going on. But ultimately, they don't care. My wife, however, is not the rest of the world. And she deserves her part of the compromise. I respect that. So I keep it thin, but I keep some of it. Sigh.

    Any money found in the laundry is MINE!

    "This is no social crisis....this is me having fun!"

  16. #16
    a bit nutty
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    People notice, but rarely say anything. I catch them staring all the time. Like you, I have dropped the old fearful me and am now a little less scared of how people perceive me. It's one thing to say you don't care what people think, it's a whole other ballgame when you actually believe it. Shaving the legs, albeit a small step is a step nonetheless. I am slowly moving toward REAL self acceptance.


  17. #17
    Member Jocee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miranda09 View Post
    Hi Anne....I've been shaving my legs (and arms) for over 2 years now (nobody notices and, as you said, if they do, they don't bother asking) and I don't think I'll ever stop (feels too good), but I think it's just another way to express your personality, and really, if anyone DOES ask, all you really need to tell them is I like it that way. Actually, nowadays, I don't think anyone really cares since I'm sure many athletes, dancers, male strippers, and male models tend to shave their legs, and likely everywhere else. Why can't we just call it good grooming!!????? From what I've read into your post, it sounds to me like you're starting to explore your fem side more than you have in the past. Enjoy......
    I am so with you on this!

  18. #18
    Platinum Member
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    Hi Anne, I started eppilating my legs 30yrs.ago and now about every
    6months a couple strays will pop up .

    If you don't like my legs then don't look at them I really don't give a fat rats A$$ anymore.
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

    If at first you don't succeed, Then Skydiving isn't for you.

    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

  19. #19
    Junior Member kellylynn_31's Avatar
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    I have been shaving my legs for years now and don't think much about it. Live in Florida and wear shorts during the summer. If anyone notices they don't say anything

  20. #20
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    Hello Anne,

    I started shaving my legs over 15 years ago. The very first time I hung out with my friends (a small group of GGs and guys) we were going on a boat trip on the river and we had rented a boat. It was the summer and I was wearing short jean shorts. When we all met up as soon as I got out of my car two of the GGs were staring at my legs and whispering to one another . The 3 guys didn't seem to notice. I ignored it and we went on to pick up the boat where we were to meet another GG. As soon as she saw me she gasped out loud "OMG .. you've shaved your legs!" .. everyone heard her and then the other 2 GGs said, "yeah, we noticed that too" . The they guys said, "oh you did? what's up with that?"

    At the time I did feel embarrassed and I just said "Ok, I know its a bit weird, but I happen to like it" and I just shrugged my shoulders in a nonchalant fashion. After that, my friends pretty much thought I was a bit weird but they didn't treat me any differently, and as for the rest of society, well ... I have never had a single comment and I can't say that I've even noticed anyone looking at my legs .... correction ... the only time people look at my shaved legs is when I occationally wear women's short shorts and flip flops as they do look pretty damm girly LOL
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  21. #21
    Member Lainie's Avatar
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    I've seen men in shorts at church functions with shaved legs. No one said anything. I shaved last summer & word shorts en drab, got no remarks. However, my wife doesn't like it, so mostly I don't shave my legs.



    You're only young once, but you can be immature forever!

  22. #22
    Platinum Member Angie G's Avatar
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    Good for you Anne. I have shaved my legs for 3 or 4 years now as is my underarms. And will never go back. And no one cares at all.

  23. #23
    Member Kayla C's Avatar
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    Don't worry Anne!
    If you end up in Siberia I'll come stay with you and we can do our penance for our shaved legs together!

  24. #24
    Senior Member KellyJameson's Avatar
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    When I was seven I was terrified but fascinated by the giant rollercoaster at the
    local amusement park.

    I finally worked up the courage to get on even though I was scared out of my wits and I rode it literally frozen in fear and when I got off my grandmother started laughing because all the blood had drained from my face to the point she thought my eyebrows were going to go white.

    I love rollercoasters now but if I had not gotten on that first one than my love would have gone unrealized because fear is an enemy of love.

    To be happy I must honor (love) my mind (me) and what it needs yet also protect it (me) from what I want when what I want may hurt me. Learning to tell the difference between "want" and "need" has been a struggle because one gives life (needs) and the other (wants) threatens to take it but still is necessary to life having meaning and purpose. What I want creates "me" and "me" creates what I want.

    Your body is your sanctuary, it is where you live and determines how you will live.

    When you compromise on this you steal from yourself a little bit of your life by leaving it unexpressed and unknown.

    Shaved legs may cause others discomfort but this discomfort comes from there own fears and prejudice (fear).

    A man may feel his own fragile masculinity (fear) is threatened because it is defined by his association with what other men do/are so he worries he will be judged when in the company of men who do not act "manly" so you may lose fearful friends but they are not people who you can rely on anyway and may turn on you when things are difficult because they are ruled by fear.

    A man may feel a sexual attraction to a man with feminine qualities and his repressed sexual attraction for same sex relations is threatened with becoming conscious so he seeks to control the other (more fear)

    A SO may who is not secure in themselves will worry about what others may think fearing ridicule,condemnation or social rejection. (more fear)

    A SO may not like the look but how often do these same SO's become angry at the demands placed on them to "look" a certain way. (hypocrisy) as an injustice.

    The self absorbed treating everyone as an object to meet their selfish wants by not giving the same freedom they demand. This is a fear of never having enough that comes from an emptiness inside them from the way they were or were not loved in childhood that created fear experienced as always being cheated.

    Their victims feel the guilt of wanting anything for themselves and feel selfish for asking so in their victims they create the reality the self absorbed believe they are living, making the victim live the childhood that the perpetrator experienced by cheating them of life through the demands they place on them.

    Always it is about fear, fear is the swamp that we all swim in by the control we impose on ourselves and each other. It is a quicksand that draws us down into its depths suffocating us by stealing our happiness and will to live.

    You are not only freeing yourself Anne by being true to yourself, doing what you "need" to do with the body you own but also giving others the courage to swim out of the swamp.

    The less fear that rules your life the more people you will be surrounded by who also live free from enslavement to their fears which is largely self imposed.

    Fear is not good or bad only our relationship to it is, which really decides our relationship to ourselves and everything else.

    Our relationship to fear (ourselves) defines how we will live.

    We must give ourself not only permission to be afraid but permission to acknowledge that we are so we become comfortable with fear (experiencing ourselves) but learn when it is a friend (protects us) and when it is a foe (limits us)

    Shaving your legs is not a want (choice) but an unmet "need" that was denied because it is the expression of your very soul which "needs" to be expressed to be known. You have chosen life over a living death and the more you do this the less the tentacles of fear will pull you down into the depths where most are living.

    Others may not be prepared to swim with you and so will stay behind and insist you remain. This is one reason change is so difficult because it requires a "letting go" when necessary.

    It is much bigger than shaving your legs, you are attempting to swim out of a sickness that most of the world is living in but this only becomes apparent when you no longer need to swim because you have reached the shores and climbed out of the swamp and have become whole and complete and stand apart from those who have not.

    In my opinion you are a strong swimmer because what you were born with that has caused you so much pain is really your strength that has been rejected by a sick world so their pain (fear) has become yours and now you are rejecting it by moving beyond it by insisting on your right for self expression.
    Last edited by KellyJameson; 08-12-2012 at 03:46 PM.

  25. #25
    New Member Kyndrie's Avatar
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    My wife was actually open to the idea of body shaving when I brought it up. I asked her opinion when I was considering it because she is part of the relationship and I didn't want to do anything that would make her uncomfortable. She responded that its my body and I can do what I want.

    I first experimented with my arms and liked the smoothness. It was strangely different and somewhat exhilarating. However, like Kelly said, fear kept me from going further. A week later or so, my wife brought it up again wondering if I was going to go through with it. I'd pretty much already decided that I wasn't. She expressed concern that if I did shave my legs that I'd want to wear hose out of curiosity (she's not acceptable to my CD'ing). Always striving to be honest with her, I admitted that the thought had crossed my mind. She then said that she liked me hairy and I haven't broached the subject again since. I'm still considering it though. I'm slowly losing my fear of deviating from what society expects of males, so maybe in time I'll go through with it.

    I have to admit that I was a little resentful of my wife's notion that a wonderful feeling like shaved legs and hose is only reserved for genetic girls. I'd really like to feel that someday.
    Last edited by Kyndrie; 08-12-2012 at 04:25 PM.

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