Quote Originally Posted by linda allen View Post
Thow crossdressing, transgender or gay into the mix makes it really risky.
I know you don't mean it to be but I think that's a an offensive remark. So because I'm transgender than it's risky for me to meet men online? I was gay before I transitioned and I met lots of guys online. It's really convenient and it's honestly where people meet each other these days.

Maybe it's the average age around here, but there is this pervasive negativity about meeting people online that I just don't get. There was a time when meeting people from the "internet" was unusual but not anymore. I'm a grown person who's seen a thing or two and I am certain that meeting someone online is no different than meeting someone at a park. They're both strangers until you get to know them. There are millions of hookups and friendships and relationships that were facilitated by the internet and every now and then we hear about something awful. The odds are in your favor that everything is gonna be fine.

Life is for living folks. Make a friend, have some fun.