Who are YOU ? or who are you Not ?

I guess we all do ALOT of pretending...everyday ? It is unfortunate but what alternative is there really ?

It is not that easy for all of us to "BE".

The question here is ; whoe are YOU pretending to be...or not to be ???

I personally, myself...I am not pretending to be a Girl...that is who I am...I am pretendingto be this guy, this male-figure who fits in with society and the way I've been brought-up t be...to fit into the circle of daily life and circumstances. To please all else in what they see and meet...HEARTBREAKING ???

I hate living a double life but I can't yet be who I am full time...not yet !

I ama Girl, a Woman first and foremost...all I ever wanted to be !
I live that life as much as I can, and instead of doing "manly" stuff I'd much rather shop for shoes, fasion and make-up.
I'd much rather do some other girls mak-up and nails and help her choose an outfit than watch football or whatever !

So who are you ?