Well I am on a business trip to St. Louis and I decided to travel pretty. It has been a while since I have been able to do this but it felt great. (I hope to have the time to post more about this later.)

I arrived close to dinner time so I thought that it would be good to get something to eat in order to keep body and soul together. I chose a Chinese restaurant in University City. I was the first customer there so the waitress paid a lot of attention to me. I could not tell if I was read or not. One lady there did eye me a bit when I first got there but I couldn't tell. My waitress was one that liked to get close to you when she served me the food and to ask me how things were going. It wasn't a big deal the way she acted though. I finished and left.

The next day, I went to lunch in the company cafeteria with a number of my colleagues. I was the first to be ready to pay for my meal. So I headed to the single cash register and who was there? The waitress from the night before! Panic struck like it hasn't for quite some time! So quickly thinking, I delayed until one of my colleagues was ready, walked with him in quiet conversation with him. Spoke briefly with the checkout lady and didn't directly look at her. NO comments were made.

I know that most of the very few people who have seen both sides of me claim that they would not connect the male with the female but I have had one or two who have. So it wasn't a done deal that I would pass the test with her.

So, what do I do for lunch today? I can just hope that she is working at the restaurant or we have lunch coming in during our meeting since I am not sure my heart can take another encounter of this kind.

Happy dressing,
