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Thread: Speeding Ticket En Femme......

  1. #1
    my clever saying here.... Mindy More's Avatar
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    Unhappy Speeding Ticket En Femme......

    So yesterday (12-10)I go to meet a new friend around noon. Yes I was fully dressed, trying to look as good as I could at the time. Which I'm not really sure how that was as I was about 40hrs since my last shave. But my airbrush did a pretty good job .
    Anyway, I get on the freeway, maybe within a mile or 2 I spot a CHP motorcycle on the side of the road and see my speedometer - CRAP!! I see the officer startup and hit the lights and he's headed for me. Yes! That's right I was getting pulled over for speeding... caught by the law. I panicked for a split secong but whats a girl to do? Speed away, I wish. He made me pull over in the emergency lane of the carpool. I was so dying inside as the officer walked up. I grabbed my License (looking at my pic thinking, he's gonna love this) my registration and insurance as to be ready to hand it over. So I hand the officer my license and watch the officers face the whole time. He asked me to remove my Prada Sunglasses. Then he looked me in the eyes, I gave a slight smile. He asked me why I was speeding. My mistake I didn't say "Oh was I?" I just said I was going to a friends. Next time I will have a better excuse (hopefully no next time) He proceeded to go back to his bike and write me up. I watched him the whole time. He didn't break his professionalism at all. Very impressed with that. He handed me my ticket to sign and he seemed concurned for my safety getting back into traffic. So he gave me some specific directions to get back on safely and to stay in the carpool lane untile the lines broke to exit that area.
    So....... Yay a ticket . My thought was, great just what I need and my wife is gonna love this one. Then to top it off I had to to get gas. Couldn't be worse than the ticket at that point. My drive to my friends house turned into a serious adventure. I pulled into a gas station that wasn't all that busy luckily and put in some gas, I was gonna fill up but another vehicle came behind mine and I didn't feel like having to try to hide. So I finished fast and took off.
    After all that I finally made it to my friends house with no further incidents. So glad I did cause she was great as well as her wife. They made me feel so much better after my drive up LOL.

    In case some of you are wondering, yes I did tell my wife and yes I told her everything. She's miffed about the ticket and surprised that I was out dressed during the day driving. I'm thankful for my wife being so understanding.

    Advice to those that may run into the situation, just remain calm and follow directions. You don't want to mess with the law.

    Member of the "Pulled Over When Dressed Club"

    If I can get out there, you can too

  2. #2
    Senior Member Diversity's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing your story, Mindy. Sorry for the ticket, but all in all, it seems to have worked out for you without too much drama at home. Stay safe!

  3. #3
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    The only thing I can add to your sage advice Hon is don't ever try to use a fake ID. Big trouble with that. Honesty is always the best policy, getting a ticket notwithstanding.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  4. #4
    Aspiring Member Jana's Avatar
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    That scares the cr*p out of me. I was out yesterday, and I watched my speedometer every step of the way. I even set my cruise control to 65, in order to avoid the natural tendency to speed up on the interstate. Glad to know your story ended well, despite the ticket.

  5. #5
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    Mindy you sure are fortunate to have had such an officer pull you over. There was a time when I first started going out dressed that if you were caught like that you would have been arrested. Thank goodness for changing times.

  6. #6
    Senior Member mikiSJ's Avatar
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    You may want to gain a lot of knowledge about how to use the cruise control on your car.

    If you are on the freeway with a 65 MPH, set the speed for 65. Don't set it low as that draws just as much attention. Drive in the middle lane and let people pass you. If you are on a freeway with a fast and slow lane, drive in the fat land but move over when someone pulls up behind. IF you are on a two land country road, set the cruise control to the roads speed but let the cars behind you pass at your earliest and safest opportunity.

    There are worse things than getting laughed at by a copy. Getting arrested for false ID or arguing or trying to slip the cop a $50 will be immensely more uncomfortable.
    When writing the next chapter in your life, start with a pencil and eraser - my first page as Miki is full of eraser marks.

  7. #7
    New Member from Scotland paulinescotlandcd's Avatar
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    If it cheers you up my wife got her first ticket last week for running a red light, fine of £60 and an endorsement on her license. The thing is this is her first time ever to have been done and only this August I bought her a wee car (a vw Polo) and put it (the insurance policy) in her name. All this time without a blemish and she waits till she has a car in her own name. Suffice to say the car is now up for sale but not for the fact she ran a red light, we have concluded that we do not need two cars.
    Oh the car ? Sure call me if you are interested, 2001, only 25k on the clock. Yours for £1495 ono.

  8. #8
    Diamond Member Persephone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindy More View Post
    I grabbed my License (looking at my pic thinking, he's gonna love this) my registration and insurance as to be ready to hand it over.
    Frankly, that sounds more dangerous than speeding while crossdressing! If you reached over to the glove compartment or went rooting around in your car as he came up you are reasonably lucky not to have been shot! Always keep your hands where he or she can see 'em as they approaches!

    "If you are living the life you want to live you've successfully transitioned to being the person you want to be." - Eryn.

    "If you truly care about me you should damn well want for me what I want for myself" - Michael Westen (Burn Notice)

    -.-. --.-/-.-. --.-/-.-. -../ Persephone™ and Persephone™ are trademarks of Persephone herself, accept no substitutes. The terms "en femme" and "en drab" originated with Marcia Sampson/Staylace (OBM).

  9. #9
    Guy wearing dresses
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    I got stopped on a sobriety check once. I was wearing a dress and tights. Passed over license and registration and answered a few questions (none of which involved "Why are you dressed like that?") and was turned loose.

  10. #10
    Banned Read only
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    Mindy, that officer has seen it before. Other than speeding, you weren't doing anything illegal.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Kelli Ca's Avatar
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    You can usually count on CHP to be professional. but sounds lie you handled yourself nicely.
    Formerly Lolisa

  12. #12
    Member AllyCDTV's Avatar
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    In Chicago, if you're not in the process of murdering somebody, chances are nothing much you do is going to get a rise out of a cop here. I'm sure with what cops sometimes have to face, they'd much rather pull over someone who turns out to be just a guy in a dress than a drug runner with a loaded Glock on the seat next to them.
    "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think." - The Buddha

  13. #13
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Wow, that's a rough way to start a day out. Glad your wife is so understanding .

  14. #14
    my clever saying here.... Mindy More's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persephone View Post

    Frankly, that sounds more dangerous than speeding while crossdressing! If you reached over to the glove compartment or went rooting around in your car as he came up you are reasonably lucky not to have been shot! Always keep your hands where he or she can see 'em as they approaches!

    I had everything within reach and easily accessible. My movements were slow and calm. No Rutting around and digging for anything here, that's a good way to get a gun drawn on you for sure. I usually have all my paperworks ready to go as I go on base once a month (not dressed) just a habit I have. No danger here but thank you for bringing that up for those that live in area's where you have an officer with a hair trigger. I get scared when the officers in squad cars use they're loud speakers to give orders to whomever they're pulling over for whatever reasons. That's when things can get really sketchy. Plus they always sound mad using those things.

    Pauline- how much to ship to the US? LOL (what's a polo? we don't have those here in the US)

    Jennifer- I figured as much. What I should have done is asked him what he thought LOL - But really I didn't want to get any more attention than I needed from the officer.

    For those concerned, yes I do plan to watch my speedo more closely for the next few months at least. Totally dreading the tab on it, with any luck I can take traffic school to have it removed from my driving record.

    Member of the "Pulled Over When Dressed Club"

    If I can get out there, you can too

  15. #15
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    Welcome to the club Mindy, the Pulled Over When Dressed Club. I got pulled over twice 3 years ago. Once at 1:30 in the morning after a fun pre-Pride festivities evening leaving San Francisco. I was given the full 45 minute DUI test and passed. The second time was in Detroit later that year at about the same early hours of the morning. The local police gave me a shortened version of the same test and again I passed. I now limit myself to 3 drinks over 4-5 hours out, set the cruise control on the way home and be extra careful until safe at home. I must also say that the police in both States were very professional and treated me with every level of respect that I could have asked for. So, as said above, remain calm, answer their questions and be respectful back to them. Thanks for sharing.

  16. #16
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    You did the right thing, stay calm and do what the officer ask. I also was pulled over twice driving through Wyoming, it was two years apart. Would you believe it was by the same police officer in about the same area of the state. I was moving pretty good, I think it was 93 mph in a 75 speed limit area, the first time he wrote me, started to search my car, I had a suit case full of woman's clothes, not to mention the sort skirt I was wearing, Once he got in to the suit case and seen it was all women's clothes he stopped, turned around looked at me and said ah, just go on you are ok. The second time he stopped me two years later he , believe it or not remembered me, just said Hi again, and do you think you could hold it down a little and let me go with just a warning.

  17. #17
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    It could have been worse if they made you get out of the car and handcuffed you and then patted you down. But that might have been fun too.

  18. #18
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    I'm also a member of the "Pulled Over When Dressed Club" (unfortunately). Hated to get the ticket, but having the officer pull me over while I was totally enfemme was really a non-issue. And I have to say I was looking really cute that day in a sweater dress, tights and boots. Got the obligatory "m'am" before I handed over my male ID.

  19. #19
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    One thing about violation tickets they cost the same dressed or not.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  20. #20
    my clever saying here.... Mindy More's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beverley Sims View Post
    One thing about violation tickets they cost the same dressed or not.
    This is true, they don't discriminate LOL

    Member of the "Pulled Over When Dressed Club"

    If I can get out there, you can too

  21. #21
    Member AllyCDTV's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monalisa View Post
    It could have been worse if they made you get out of the car and handcuffed you and then patted you down. But that might have been fun too.
    And I'm sure they have fun discussing the stop back at the station with the rest of the cops too. Unless you get one that is in a confrontational mood (and you can create that real quickly with a cop) the last thing they want is to have to have an lively discussion with one of us in public. It is just not a comfortable situation for them.
    "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think." - The Buddha

  22. #22
    Banned Read only
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    My dear, you have to learn to think quick when this happens. When he asked you why you were speeding, you should have told him you had to get where you were going before the girl ran out. It would have been a disturbing sight to see your carriage turning back into a pumpkin and the coachmen turn back into mice.

  23. #23
    Member AllyCDTV's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jorja View Post
    My dear, you have to learn to think quick when this happens. When he asked you why you were speeding, you should have told him you had to get where you were going before the girl ran out.
    That might not be such a good idea. He might think you are referring to a girl that's in the trunk. Of course it would be even worse if you actually did have a girl in the trunk. LOL
    "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think." - The Buddha

  24. #24
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    I'm sure he's seen it before. I work armed security downtown [macho man that I am]. We see trans folk all the time. Unfortunately a lot of them are headed to the drug rehab classes next door. A few others seem to frequent a nearby tanning salon.

    I remember checking the ID of a driver parking in the public area of our garage. The license said male; however in the driver seat was a passable female. As "she" and her male counter part left they asked "which way to the court house...we're trying to get our marriage license?" Another funny one was when my supervisor and I [again in macho man mode] were checking out a nice little "hottie" just to be informed by the officer that checked her in that HIS name is Danial!

    As an officer, I much rather deal with anyone be they "normal", CDer, TG, or purple who is polite and reasonable than to deal with the many, drunks, druggies, and down right crazies we see all too frequently.

  25. #25
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    Mindy, I am sure the pull over was two fold, you were speeding and he wanted to check out the "hot" chic that was driving!

    A couple years ago I got pulled over for 'expired tabs" wearing a blue dress, hose, and heels no hair or make-up and the officer approaced the car from the passenger side. He went back to his car with my license and stuff then I saw him on the phone for quite a while, my mind was racing; was he calling my 'future' ex-wife who didn't know about my dressing? After many minutes sitting there waiting for something another officer pulled up and stopped by his car then came up to the passenger window and asked
    "why did he pull you over"
    "expired tags officer"
    "is he going to give you a ticket?"
    "I don't know" although that was the nicest response I could think of by now I'm really po.
    Then the second officer handed me my license and stuff told me to get new tabs, be careful, and have a nice day. Maybe the second cop was a rookie who needed to see a guy in a dress.
    End result WTF!!!!!!!

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