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Thread: HOW TO Walk Like a Woman - In Heels

  1. #1
    Member MonctonGirl's Avatar
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    HOW TO Walk Like a Woman - In Heels

    After many years of struggle ( being a dude in a dress ) I finally cracked the code.
    I am sharing what I learned for those who DON'T walk very well now
    and those who do - feel free to add your tips to the thread.

    Here is the KEY for you to develop a believable female presentation:

    The following exercise will overcome some of the fundamental physical problems you'll have in trying to stand and walk like a woman...mostly that you were born with male parts. ( No, seriously. lol Women walk in a certain way for a reason. We walk like guys for reasons too - and it became natural to us to "stand wide legged to stand our ground - and to not pinch a testicle when walking, etc )

    You probably already "tuck" - either with tape, a gaff or tight women's underwear, and if you do, you may be missing the most important opportunity for developing your feminine presentation because the method you use to keep your parts in place enables you to do one thing wrong.

    Simply, if you are securely tucked with a physical method, you are able to walk like a man. That is, you don't need to worry about the displacement of your p***s if you don't walk or stand with your legs together. I know you never really looked at it that way before, but that is likely your key issue.

    You've no doubt seen the famous "tuck scene" in Silence of The Lambs
    and the parody of that scene by "Jay" in the movie Clerks II

    Each male actor, because only the pressure of his thighs was keeping genitals in place, is forced to bring and keep his knees together. They also go the BONUS you get from using this method ( Curvature )

    So your exercise is this:

    You can practice this every time you are doing your bathroom routine if you have others in your home from whom you need to guard your secret. When you have a chance, even if you tuck securely, practice the same pressure fundamental and you will get INSTANT results for the better.

    1. Create a natural thigh-pressure tuck by pulling your p***s back between your legs as far as you can. The more you can stretch it, the better, as this will clear the front of your pubic area of male tissue to allow the thighs to come as close together as possible. By not using anything but thigh pressure to keep the genitals in place, you will be forced into a more feminine body position in order to stand up straight.

    2. Notice how your knees and feet are now closer together and you are forced to maintain this more feminine body position to maintain the tuck.You will also note that it may be painful for you to stand perfectly upright at the waist due to pressure on your testicles when you do so. This results in the BONUS - you now have a more feminine arch in your back and your butt seems to stick out more.

    3. Then ... walk. Note how you MUST take short, narrow steps if you want to maintain the tuck. Notice also how your hips move in a feminine way. Even your feet behave more like a woman's. You have NO CHOICE but to walk and stand more like a woman when you consciously must maintain this natural pressure tuck. This is why it is the most fundamental exercise.

    Later, when you are securely tucked with physical means ( gaff, tape, or tight panties ) if you remember to maintain the pressure from your thighs to push your genitals more rearward, you will be able to refine a believable feminine ( lower body ) presentation. If you get into the habit of it now, and do it every time your are dressed, and for the entire duration of your dressing session, you will be able to remember it when you are out in public.

    The funny thing is, since you were born male, it will feel unnatural to you.
    But trust that it will look very natural when attempting to pass as a female.

    Simply by always ensuring your knees and feet sweep across each other, almost touching each other as they pass, you will have a more feminine walk. This will almost happen automatically when you are using the thigh-pressure tuck. That takes care of your step WIDTH.

    The next thing to work on is your step LENGTH. Naturally, a man takes a very long step ahead of him. When you don't, you feel unnatural and your BALANCE is actually affected because your BRAIN is used to dealing with a LONG step. So you need to fight the urge to take those big steps.

    Walking in flats ( women's flats or just men's footwear like slippers, sandals, flip flops, sneakers, or "trend shoes" ) will actually tend to cause you to revert to natural masculine steps...because "you can". So I recommend high heels.


    Picture yourself as a tall 13 year old girl who was accepted by a modeling agency. You've been in sneakers all your life - you've never even had a pair of low 2" heels on your feet and you'ill be in a fashion show next week! ( Gosh, you're gonna sprain an ankle! )

    But there's a secret to walking in heels.

    Men and unrefined women walk in such a way that their heel of their leading foot contacts the ground before the toe or ball of the foot.

    The longer the step, the longer the wait between heel and toe contact.
    In mens dress shoes ( or women walking incorrectly ) this results in a sound effect for 4 steps that sounds like:


    This is also what usually breaks high heels - too much leverage on them.
    Refined women in heels take SHORT STEPS to touch the heel and front of their shoe to the ground at about the same time, resulting in a 4 step sound effect like:


    Step One: Practice walking in BARE FEET on your "tip-toes". It takes a while for your brain to learn to balance like that and for your feet to become strong enough to keep you on tip toes for a few minutes at a time. But once you can balance there for several minutes, then you will be better able to balance in actual high-heel shoes.

    By developing these muscles WITHOUT shoes, when you lose your balance, you can easily recover from a pending fall. Trying to do this IN HEELS and THAT is how you sprain an ankle or worse!

    Did you know that in the weeks before School PROM season in North America, there is an scaling increase in skull, jaw, tooth, neck, collar bone, arm, wrist, hip, lower-leg and ankle fractures in females aged 14 to 18 which stops abruptly at the start of summer, all related to "first time in high heels"?

    Practice with BARE FEET first!!!

    Step Two: Once you can walk in bare feet on tip toes for several minutes at a time, now try it with your thigh-tension tuck. This will ad a degree of difficulty because now you must learn to balance with a more narrow foot width - you can't recover from loss of balance and prevent a fall by simply widening your stance. ( Again, this is tricky and will cause loss of balance, so that's why we do it in BARE FEET first until your brain gets used to it. )

    Step Three: Get the right footwear. Women's flat shoes and shoes with a low high heel ( 2" - 3" ) will allow you to make the mistake of walking "heel first", like a man - and it will look awkward. Go for a "true" high heel.

    Ignore "heel height" in inches in general, because the design of a platform shoe has a longer heel than an non-platform shoe and depending on what size your feet are, a 4" heel for a size 5 is probably too high and a 4" heel for a size13 will likely be TOO LOW.

    Regardless of "heel height" - pick footwear that provides a 45 degree foot angle so that your foot is always at the "breakover point" - the point of each step where weight is transfered from the trailing foot to the leading foot, and which places your foot almost as upright as you being on "tip toes".

    This will deter you from walking heel first like a man or a teenage girl who has never worn heels. It will force a shorter step and make it easier for you to remember to place the heel & toe (ball of foot) on the ground at the same time.

    Note that TALL BOOTS will provide more support & stability for your ankles than shoes and will go with far more outfits, too! Also they will conceal your manly calf muscle definition ( the reason "I" don't wear "shoes" )

    I suggest also a heel base of at least two square inches so that you have more support and it is easier to balance while you learn to adjust to the high heels. Starting with thin "spike" heels is asking for disaster because you need to learn not to rely on the heel part for stability.

    Step Four: Practice beside a wall or near a railing for balance. Stand and walk USING ONLY THE TOES/BALL OF FOOT. That is, go "tip toes" so that the heel is NOT TOUCHING THE GROUND. This will help you get used to the idea that the HEEL is not really a "useable" part of the shoe by itself and that you don't rely on it for balance.

    Gradually let your heel get lower and closer to the ground as you practice, so that once the heel does contact the ground, you know you must still keep most of your weight on the TOE/BALL OF FOOT so that you don't fall.


    High heels were NOT created to add height, but rather for MALE Kabuki performers playing female roles, to force their back to arch more and therefor their butt to "present" itself more and make him look more feminine. That was adopted by old prostitutes to unconsciously seem more youthful and attractive to a male customer by tapping into the primal, instinctive presentation of an open ( not pregnant ) ovulating female as indicated by "swollen buttocks" and cause the male to respond with "doggie style" mounting of the female.

    Evolution has caused many changes to humans over hundreds of thousands of years. Our ancestors at one point only procreated in this way ( you know most women still say "doggie style sex" feels best - because their vagina and brain were designed to do it this way ) and we still respond to the same things we did many, many years ago. Heels help this.

    USING STAIRS: Notice how women tend to actually use the railing when they use stairs. They go UP using only their toes (heels never touch the steps ) and come down with their shoes hitting flat on each step (toe & heel at same time ) and at a slight angle, with toes pointing more toward the railing than forward ( so the whole shoe is on the step - if their feet were pointing straight forward, their front of their shoe might slip off the front of a step and cause them to fall down the stairs! ).

    Now that you have all that in your head. let's take FEMININE STEPS.

    1 - Take 100 steps which are only one half to one whole foot length in front of your other shoe. Once you can do that with no problem ... do it again while ensuring that your feet are as close together as possible. That is, a narrow step width. ( If you stop, your feet should be almost touching. )

    2 - Next, concentrate on the getting your butt to do the feminine "snap". Up to this point, unless you discovered it by accident, you will still be motivating your steps with your trailing foot and bobbing up and down. You need to motivate your step by moving your hips forward instead, so that you are gliding across the floor, and with that comes the feminine "wiggle".

    Stand with one foot in front of the other, with your feet at a comfortable distance apart for you. ( That may only be one shoe-length or even less, and that's ok. )

    Start perfectly balanced in the middle.

    Pretend you're in a super-slow-motion video.

    SLOWLY glide your hips forward until your weight is TOTALLY over your leading (front) foot, with your trailing (back) foot still on the ground. It's ok if you need to be only on the toes of your trailing foot since it is impossible to keep your heel on the ground as you move that far forward.

    Keep moving your hips SLOWLY forward until you are almost going to FALL FORWARD. This is the point at which a woman takes her trailing foot off the ground and quickly moves it forward to "catch the weight" moving forward as a result of her hips moving forward. ( Women motivate their steps by moving their hips forward ... )

    Take a few steps like that and you'll feel your hips SWAY from side to side as your bring your body to THE LIMIT of falling forward before taking your trailing foot off the ground. As a result, your butt will "snap" as you walk.

    Once it happens the first few times ( the "snap" ), you'll understand how it "feels" to walk like a woman, so that you can do it over and over.

    Love to hear your comments.
    PM me with an email if you want some of the other tutorials I wrote which won't be posted here because the pdfs are full of photos needed to explain - things like

    What to buy to pass as a female for under $100 total
    Upper Body Presentation/Form
    Feminizing the face part-time ( so you can look like a dude when you wanna and look like a woman when you don't! )
    How to get women's clothing in your size FREE
    Last edited by MonctonGirl; 11-29-2012 at 01:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Silver Member Angela Campbell's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Love this. A lot of things I never thought of. Thank you!
    All I ever wanted was to be a girl. Is that really asking too much?

  3. #3
    Aspiring Member
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    Central FL
    this is great info I will be trying this out to see how it helps my walk. Some of this I have never even thought of. Thank you for all the good info

  4. #4
    Aspiring Member Jana's Avatar
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    Hmmm... though I think I have the female walk down, I'll have to give this a try. Thank you for posting!

  5. #5
    Gold Member Maria in heels's Avatar
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    This is a great post! Very informative and true

  6. #6
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info, pretty comprehensive for sure. I never thought a woman "felt" like a woman walking, however, she just walks, which is pretty much what I do en femme, seems to settle in with mindset in any case. One thing I have noticed which had helped me walk like a girl more or less automatically is dancing like one when I go to the club. Kind of feels natural that way kind of like the "paint the fence" training in the Karate Kid movie.Repetition looking like and moving like a girl. The more automatic it becomes, the less effort it is regardless of the method employed.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    And all along I thought all we had to do was walk like we were carrying a 1100 pound sack of potatoes on our back, afterall, that's pretty much what most of them look like walking or dancing anywhere I've been, especially young women.

  8. #8
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    Way too MacGyver for me but I'm sure someone here will find value in this. In the meantime, I'll stick with my own tried & trusted method...years of practice and real world application which results in my being able to walk like a female.
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  9. #9
    LOVE IT!!! Esteafanie's Avatar
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    Holly Cow!!!! I can't way to try this.... you have spend some time and research figuring this out and now you are back from the mountain to enlighten us...LOL.. Thanks a bunch, this tutorial is just what I have been looking for to show off my awesome wardrobe to the fullest. Kudos Definitely look for ward to more detail tutorials.

    Lov'n it!!!!

  10. #10
    Aspiring Overlord Bree Wagner's Avatar
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    Great to hear I've been doing some things right, but lots of other good ideas to try.


  11. #11
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    Well thought out and I learn something new every day.
    I must copy and paste this on the wall of my meditation room so as I can view it at an angle of 45 degrees.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member Lady Catherine's Avatar
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    A lot of this is just plain common sense. Which is good because most people don't have any. LOL. But seriously, there is a lot of good info here. Thank you for sharing
    I know enough to know I don't know enough.


  13. #13
    Banned Read only
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    Good information, thank you for taking the time to compile and post it. I will say though, that from what I've observed plenty of women are heel-strikers even in heels, and not just the "unrefined" ones (whatever that means). And yet they manage to not look like men walking. There is also a bounce to the step or an easiness that I think just takes a lot of practice.

  14. #14
    Member Vanessa Amber420's Avatar
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    Very informative thank you for sharing.

  15. #15
    Silver Member
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    I was going to just say "HOLY GOD" at the insane amount of detail the OP knows or was able to research regarding heels, and then I saw your post, Purple! I've always thought those heel-less heels were nifty, but I would never wear them. But the other pairs... the "fetish" shoes... are designed to be debilitating. If you can walk in them, and you want to, that's cool. But they're kinda like hobble skirts... the point is to hobble you so you're more submissive to your dom... or something like that (or if you're the dom, to wear them gracefully and show off how awesome you are at handling the difficulty of wearing them). I think the only advice anyone can give you with those last two pairs is... practice makes perfect, lol!

  16. #16
    Senior Member
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    I do find it curious that CD's at times feel that they have the ability to tell GG's exactly what they are doing wrong and how they should dress and act in order to be feminine! I'm afraid reading your description the image that comes to mind is drag queen, mincing around with their bottom poking out at a degree that makes a chiropracter think $$$$. I also love it when we start telling women how they enjoy sex best. Perhaps we should ask women how and why they wear heels and how they enjoy sex best, that would be a novel approach now wouldn't it.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adina View Post
    I do find it curious that CD's at times feel that they have the ability to tell GG's exactly what they are doing wrong and how they should dress and act in order to be feminine! I'm afraid reading your description the image that comes to mind is drag queen, mincing around with their bottom poking out at a degree that makes a chiropracter think $$$$. I also love it when we start telling women how they enjoy sex best. Perhaps we should ask women how and why they wear heels and how they enjoy sex best, that would be a novel approach now wouldn't it.
    Well, the CDers that like to criticize GGs on their lacking femininity are usually dudes that are obsessed with some feminine construct that they developed while growing up. It has nothing to do with crossdressing or being a woman.

  18. #18
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    I learned to walk in high heels by just watching models on TV walking down fashion runways and me just practicing by walking back and forth towards a full length mirror. I think there's a lot to take in but there's also a lot of good information in your post and I especially agree with practicing walking up on the balls of your feet .. sorta like 3/4 of tip toe height ... as that's what I did and it does help to get your feet and calf muscles to be comfortable in that position for long periods.
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel Morley View Post
    I learned to walk in high heels by just watching models on TV walking down fashion runways and me just practicing by walking back and forth towards a full length mirror. I think there's a lot to take in but there's also a lot of good information in your post and I especially agree with practicing walking up on the balls of your feet .. sorta like 3/4 of tip toe height ... as that's what I did and it does help to get your feet and calf muscles to be comfortable in that position for long periods.
    It sounds like torture to me... (regarding the anti-flat ballet flats)

    Bleedy, broken toenails? EEK!

  20. #20
    Some Where In Time MssHyde's Avatar
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    good advise, I didn't have any one coach me on any of this, but several of your suggestions are the way I do it. somewhat like walking down a rail road rail.

    but with some hip movement, toes straight ahead setting feet down squarely I wear up to 5" heels. I find 3" seem like flats after 5"
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  21. #21
    Member gretchen_love's Avatar
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    Here and there
    Quote Originally Posted by Purple8229 View Post
    Dearest Bree...
    Hahahahahaha! so funny!...but...

    Yeah, I know the posits...they're just fetish shoes and meant for the bedroom and blah de blah blah blah blah blah...just for doms and mistresses and so and and so infinitum...but lookit...TRUE ballet dancers wear those toe shoes...and go for HOURS on stage...mincing and pirouetting...why can't I?

    THERE HAS TO BE A REASON...a valid and palpable reality...a certain UTILITY for such wear...why else the ballet toe shoes...the exhileration of the DANCE...can we NOT look past the obsessive and ponder the beautific possibilities...? The pragmatic?

    I WANT TO LEARN TO WALK IN THEM!!! THAT'S why I posed the querry to the OP...

    Mayhaps some sage advice is forthcoming...from our learned coleague...let us wait and see...
    My GF is a dancer and does point tap, jazz etc. The secret to being on point is a) being able to deal with the pain in your toes, b) a small piece of wood that provides stability, and c) all of your body weight is supported by bone, not muscle. Instead or flexing a certain way, u pretty much balance ur upper body on your hip bone and lock out all the joints to your toe, as i understand it.

  22. #22
    Member MonctonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kate Simmons View Post
    ... I never thought a woman "felt" like a woman walking,
    haha - no, no - I meant that once someone "feels" the hips move the way described ( wiggle / snap ) - it is an unique experience and once that is "felt" ... the person knows how it "feels" to be walking "like a woman". That is, if their hips "feel" that way when walking, they are doing a feminine walk ...if not, they know it - no need to wonder if they are "walking like a man" ... which we do, naturally.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kate Simmons View Post
    One thing I have noticed which had helped me walk like a girl more or less automatically is dancing like one when I go to the club. Kind of feels natural that way kind of like the "paint the fence" training in the Karate Kid movie. Repetition looking like and moving like a girl. The more automatic it becomes, the less effort it is regardless of the method employed.
    The bold parts above ... exactly ... but remember Daniel San needed Mr. Miyagi to tell him how to do it right ... we don't usually have a good coach. The "feeling" of the unique hip movement is the guide for this tutorial. I show only how to achieve it.

    I thank you much for your comments. I am not "free" enough to dance like a woman yet. Too stiff. Perhaps that was your edge and why you picked up the fluid walk so easily on your own!

  23. #23
    Member MonctonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jillleanne View Post
    And all along I thought all we had to do was walk like we were carrying a 1100 pound sack of potatoes on our back, afterall, that's pretty much what most of them look like walking or dancing anywhere I've been, especially young women.
    You're right about the other women ... because they never learned how to walk in heels properly! lol

  24. #24
    Member MonctonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen_K View Post
    ,,, from what I've observed plenty of women are heel-strikers even in heels, and not just the "unrefined" ones (whatever that means). And yet they manage to not look like men walking. There is also a bounce to the step or an easiness that I think just takes a lot of practice.
    I agree. However the serious heel strikers tend to break a lot of heels ( and then say they have crappy shoes ).
    Fundamentally, their lower body takes narrow steps ( and comparatively shorter steps ) than a male anyway.
    Add to this a feminine UPPER body movement and posture ... and she'll still look feminine.
    As for a "refined" women ... think "in contrast to" a female who "clydesdale clomps" around bent forward,
    or anyone who looks "awkward" walking.

    And yes ... practice makes perfect. Unfortunately I ( and probably others ) practiced the wrong thing for a long time ... without knowing it!

  25. #25
    Member MonctonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purple8229 View Post
    Hi Moncton Girl!

    ..and I'm pretty good. Quite good actually...
    I'm absolutely certain of it ... or you'd be dead by now! lol OMG those heels - I could not even imagine!

    Quote Originally Posted by Purple8229 View Post
    However, I have a question. Wedges are a bit different...and curved wedges for sure. Now I have several pair of curved heeless wedges, which represent a whole different gamut...and while I HAVE NOT mastered the walk...I can emulate the walk...but there is a difficulty...there IS no heel. and 7 and 8" wedges do not a 'wedge walk''s a new experience...Do you have any suggestions for me? For us?

    A / Find woman who can walk gracefully in such creations. Marry her and hope she is as good a teacher as your current wife.
    B / Embrace the fact that these shoes were meant to look good ON A SHELF / IN PHOTOS ... to get women to BUY them.
    They are not made by Nike . Rebok . Footjoy etc. lol And not made to be safe or comfortable.
    Once we buy them, we're on our own . lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Purple8229 View Post
    I DO know that I have to be very carefull on our carpeted stairs...holding on to the bannister and the inside rails with both hands...and smooth wood floors are fairly east to negotiate...but up and down city sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and OMG...grass and earth present many problems...and driving in these! I usually take them off to drive, but store tiles and carpet-to-wood or slate store floors are...well...tedious. Any sage advice on negotiating various and sundry floor surfaces?
    Grass - like most surfaces ... walk on the barefoot. If that won't do it, understand why there are so many women walking home shoeless after a night at the club, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Purple8229 View Post
    And I bought these because they are so darling and I LOVE the look...however...I think a tutorial or two would be in my best interest also...OUR best interests...any sage advice?

    I KNOW...I know...*sigh* everyone says they're just BEDROOM fetish shoes...but I CAN walk in them...albeit wobbly...I WANT TO WALK IN THEM! there any way I can poise my legs, feet, hips et al to make this a reality? I LOVE these shoes...and they were not...shall we say...inexpensive...But I feel like GODZILLA stomping around in Tokyo, knocking buildings down with the ant-sized populace running and screaming for their's like I'm up in the clouds here...teetering...clumsy...flustering....disconce rting....

    My calves really go the miles, but is this not a good thing? For training? For stamina and endurance?

    ...or am i just hurting myself? Deliciously?


    Again, these shoes were not designed to be WORN. They were designed to make you buy them
    by tapping into the thing the fashion industry has used to sell s**t to women for years:

    - Impractical creatures who do not think long term, who have little accountability, decide with their emotions, go with anything "cute" and want to look "special" are what pays for my limo driver. Anna Wintour - Editor, VOGUE MAGAZINE

    If you love these shoes ... enjoy them! Love them! But don't expect to do something they were not designed for:
    "It's not you, it's them. "

    Besides, if I COULD give a tutorial for them , I'd need to get insurance and make you sign a disclaimer/waiver. lol

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