Ok, so I have been browsing this site for a few days now (I know, not very long.) and this is my very first post. I just got my account name accepted! yay!

Basically, I have just been curious as to how far everyone take things and why? I myself do not do wigs or makeup or any of that stuff, but I do love prancing around in skirts and tops with heels or flats. I am a fashion junkie. I like both mens and womens fashion and wear both. My wife absolutely hates the fem side of things and has told me she never wants to see womens clothing on me. (I just came out to her this past January after 10 years.) I have respected her wishes and I let her know when not to come into the bedroom and stuff. For me, its about the fashion and the love for the clothes and heels and all of it. I personally have no interest in "passing" as a girl but at the same time, I am totally fighting for equality in being able to wear womens clothing just like women wear mens. I actually started my own page on Polyvore to promote womens clothing on men.

Now, personally, I have 0 issues or problems with TG or TS. Its just simply not my thing. Everywhere I look though, I see guys doing the full getup and wanting to pass as women. I am just trying to figure out if Im the only one who likes wearing dresses and skirts and all that just to wear stuff but as a man. I live in Atlanta and see crossdressers all the time; but most of the time, they are dressed as serious drag queens wearing stuff over the top...how should I put it....roughly quoting a phrase someone else on these forums said...stuff I would find if I raided my grandmothers closet. I just want to be able to wear what I want, and be who I am without society making such a big fuss about it. If women can wear pants and everything else that guys do, then dang it, I want to wear the styles I love! (lol sorry bout the little rant there.)

Anyways, let me know! I feel like I am very much the minority even in the crossdressing world. There has been so much taboo with "crossdressing" over the years that I have attempted to change things a bit. For the type of style that I like...crossing mens and womens clothing together, I have started calling it "Crossover." It's kind of like looking at things through a new lens with mixing clothing rather than making a full jump into men being women. Not that there isn't room for those who do want to make that jump lol. Its a big world out there . Lots of room for all of us! So am I the only one?!?

btw, let me know if you want the info for my Polyvore page to check out the kinds of outfits I am talking about. I'd love to get everyone's opinion on that too!

I wish all you gals the best and hope you're not to hard on me lol. This is my first post.