Well so much has been happening since I was last here

Our Trans Peer Support Group is doing really well and Helen and I are getting married in September this year

Other brill news we have been in the news a really positive story ill try the link here

It's global just put Felix Laws & Helen Morfitt sex change couple and it will come up in google we wanted to put a positive spec out there we've been on TV too on a programme called This morning last Friday 26/04/13

Wow what a whirl wind we didn't even ask it came to our door

On another note I've had two lots of surgery lower in one month erectile device repaired then removed four weeks later because of deep infection caught during surgery so recovering from that its the fifth attempt to get it right so that's nine lower surgeries now lol one day we might succeed. On the down side my job is under threat not sure what's gonna happen there unfortunately

Felix xx