I ment , What ?, a surprise for my Birthday ? I'm not big on celebrating my Birthday (child hood issues, I was traumatized by a cake when I was young , LOL) We'll it was May 17th was, but we were so busy renovating a house, that it just zipped by. Jeannie asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I stuck my best Miss America pose and deadpanned "Whorled Peas !" . She then threw my best makeup brush at me as she snorted milk thru her nose, then said "no you silly, What are you doing July 13th ?" I replied " You know I have a hard time planning 8 minutes from now much less a month from now", She said "Don't make any plans for that day, we have plans for about 5-6 hours", then she walked off . OK so my questions is How do I get her to tell me ? Waterboarding ?, Hypnosis ? Bribes ? Threaten her stuffed animals ? Now we do not normally take day trips, so what do yo think it could be ?