I got lucky one could say. From the moment she heard I am tg, she accepted it as a part of me, albeit, with some hesitation and smiles along the way. Shortly after discoverfy, she was assisting in making me look more presentable and not so flamboyant. Today, it's just a blending in that I look to achieve. Her first question to me was, and is for many others, " Are you gay?". That was her single most fear. After clearing that up, she was totally accepting and supportive.
It comes as no surprise to me why marriages fail as a direct result of discovery. Women entered into a relationship with men, not men sometimes, and anything to the contrary is perceived to upset their genetic role as child bearers or more accurately, that male does not become as attractive to the female as a strong donor of sperm for child bearing. Instinctively,. a women seeks the best possible mate for child bearing, and a tg person does not fill that picture out very well unfortunately. Then of course, she imagines going out with the children in arm, and the spouse in heels and a cheap wig and well, just keep imagining, using television as a guideline just like she does, or worse yet, crimes posted across the media forum.