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Thread: Went through drive thru

  1. #1
    New Member ericalynn's Avatar
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    Sep 2013

    Went through drive thru

    I've always kept my dressing hidden. I got a cheap Halloween wig and decided to go through drive-thru in the wee hours. My voice cracked but I think that with the mass of brassy blonde hair I was good until I got to the payment/pickup window. The lady took my money, asked if I wanted a little or a lot of ice (I cracked back "a little") then brought my drink. As she started to wish me a good day she hesitated slightly, ending with have a good day, baby.
    So I think that I did pass for a minute but my voice gave me away finally. Still, she was friendly and I bought something en femme!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Nice. Never did a drive thru. Something worth thinking about though. I did order pizza once but when the delivery guy came I kept the lights low my outline was a bit vague. After that I was too excited to eat the pizza!

  3. #3
    There's that smile! CarlaWestin's Avatar
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    I sense an underlying excitement in these posts that I enjoy often. That feeling of presenting in varying degrees of, other than male, in everyday situations. That little spark of 'OK, no turning back.' I've gone shopping and to the bank or getting gas or even to medical appointments fully underdressed with forms and heels. These adventures are exciting little side trips into gender blender land and certainly less time consuming than full transformation.

    "Are those real?"
    "Why certainly they're real. And they cost quite a bit!"
    "I like your shoes."
    "Thank you, I like the way you do your hair."
    I've waited so long for this time. Makeup is so frustrating. Shaking hands and I look so old. This was a mistake.
    My new maid's outfit is cute. Sure fits tight.
    And then I step into the bedroom and in the mirror, I see a beautiful woman looking back at me.
    Smile, Honey! You look fabulous!

  4. #4
    Aspiring Member vallerie lacy's Avatar
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    Nice to hear of your adventure. You're lucky that the lady at the window ended with "baby". Had it been me, God only knows how she'd have addressed me.

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    I went and bought a chocolate in my early days of dressing.
    It was part of a dare.
    I certainly did not pass but no one seemed to notice.
    My friends were all disappointed that no one screamed or fainted.
    I think I was about to faint though.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  6. #6
    Gold Member ~Joanne~'s Avatar
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    I don't know if buying a cheap halloween wig makes you "en femme" or not but at least you got a small step in there
    Flip Flops were made for Beaches & Bath Houses, We have neither in 2017. Lose the flip flops!

  7. #7
    New Member Amandartv's Avatar
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    I am in San Antonio Texas a very hot place.
    Well u did it and that's great, I love going dress I ve done a lot to stores, malls, gas station, you name it. it is so sexy congrats baby heheheehe
    MMMM feeling girly

  8. #8
    New Member Amandartv's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I am in San Antonio Texas a very hot place.
    and practice makes perfect
    MMMM feeling girly

  9. #9
    Member DivaB's Avatar
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    Ericalynn good for you I know the feelings that were rushing through you. I did something similar without the wig but in full makeup (as best as I could do)and was asked if there was a play at the local theater. I just kind of laughed and said nope.

  10. #10
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Good for u baby!!!.

  11. #11
    Jersey Girl Lori B's Avatar
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    In an Enigma,surrounded by a Black Hole,inside a Conundrum
    It can be fun!.........I hit the Burger King by me once and awhile if I go out late
    "it all unfolds before your eyes ,let Merlin cast his spell" [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  12. #12
    Silver Member gennee's Avatar
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    I love reading posts like this.

    I'm getting better with age. I may have started late, but better late than never!

    "Don't let anyone define who you are".

  13. #13
    New Member DarciB's Avatar
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    When I first started dressing and got brave enough to go out, I did that often, drive throughs, gas stations, remote drop off sites for dry cleaning and so on. Small steps, but definite progress!

  14. #14
    Silver Member RenneB's Avatar
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    A drive through was my first "human" contact of recent times.

    Don't forget it's not only the voice but what you say. Most GMs will say "Can I get a..." While most GGs will say "I'd like a ...."


  15. #15
    New Member ericalynn's Avatar
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    Sep 2013
    I forgot to mention the rest of my outfit (not too spectacular) but I've never had a wig before so I think that spurred me on. The rest of the look is below:

    magenta sports dress with spaghetti straps
    maroon t-shirt
    Bobbie Brooks bra
    2 pair Hanes nylon ladies briefs
    (one for tucking)
    1 pair of pantyhose
    Black cloth purse
    1 pair Fioni Night sandals (2.5" heels)
    Wet 'n' Wild Lipstick Stoplight Red
    Wet 'n' Wild eye pencil
    Wet 'n' Wild Silent treatment shadow trio

  16. #16
    Gold Member Read only Rachael Leigh's Avatar
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    One of the things I've done is gone thru the drive thru several times during the day wearing what I've got on in my avitar. Im not sure if they really noticed or not but it's seems they gave me a look since I don't do makup or hide I'm male

  17. #17
    Diamond Member Persephone's Avatar
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    On the road in an RV, homebase Texas
    Congrats, Erica!

    Passing at a drive-thru is very difficult because they hear you before they see you.

    One of "Persephone's Rules" is "Don't talk where you can't be seen." It's that first contact, be it visual or audio, by which they make their decision about whether you are a guy or a woman. If they see a woman before they hear your voice then they are much more likely to think "My, but She has a deep voice."

    Check out this woman (click here, contains audio), yes. she is the bass voice in the group! Particularly check out her voice starting when the guy on the left points to her, around 1:18 into the video. And remember that she "passes" most of the time, but would likely get called "Sir" on the little audio box at the fast food.

    "If you are living the life you want to live you've successfully transitioned to being the person you want to be." - Eryn.

    "If you truly care about me you should damn well want for me what I want for myself" - Michael Westen (Burn Notice)

    -.-. --.-/-.-. --.-/-.-. -../ Persephone™ and Persephone™ are trademarks of Persephone herself, accept no substitutes. The terms "en femme" and "en drab" originated with Marcia Sampson/Staylace (OBM).

  18. #18
    Member Tawne's Avatar
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    Sounds fun, I think she was being polite and complimented you on your em femme efforts

  19. #19
    Platinum Member
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    S.E.Baltimore Co. Maryland USA
    Hi Ericalynn, It sounds like a fun thing to try.
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

    If at first you don't succeed, Then Skydiving isn't for you.

    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

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