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Thread: The "Ominous' Buldge

  1. #1
    Lacy Lacyfem's Avatar
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    The "Ominous' Buldge

    Looking for the opinions of the gurls here on the buldge that occurs when we gurls are wearing tighter dresses and skirts and haven't tucked fully or at all. I know those photos not allowed here which I only somewhat agree with as that showing certainly isn't pervert or nasty. I don't always tuck and as a CD I love that I have male genitals and don't always see the need to tuck them away unless I'm going out in public. If you're going through the full transition I can understand but as a crossdresser by definition we don't want our family jewels taken away so sometimes it's nice to see how fem we can be and still have a little tasteful bulge in our skirts. Please gurls what's your opinion.... I'd post a tasteful photo but it would be deleted....

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Tight undies usually help to mask anything for me. The image I'm looking for is a female. I believe bulges were illuminated here for a reason long ago. Maybe complaints of going OTT. No matter, no one is perfect. My respect for others leads me to believe that not everyone wants to see those things (I could do without the panty shots too but that's my PO). At your home you can do what you like, myself I simply treat the internet as a public place and try to present as a woman.

  3. #3
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    The only bulge I may show is what can appear to be a baby bump.
    That becomes a form of art.
    Other bulges as you describe are all part of the art of suppression.
    A bulge as you describe is not tasteful in my view.
    If any one has useful comments get in now I can't see this thread being open for long.
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  4. #4
    Silver Member Majella St Gerard's Avatar
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    when i'm dressed up it is obvious that i'm a man in a dress/skirt, so I don't really try to hide my bulge but I don't put out for display either. if it's too pronounced I will try to pack it away more. sometimes it's not easy to pack away.

  5. #5
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    I always wear a pantygirdle, which works well, to prevent any bulge. Is this the new "Battle Of The Bulge?"

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Raychel's Avatar
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    I always hide that thing when dressed, the only bulges women's clothes should have should be two of them just below the shoulders
    my sister's reply when I told her how I prefer to dress

    "Everyone has there thing, all that matters is that you are happy, love what you do and who you do it with"

  7. #7
    Lacy Lacyfem's Avatar
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    What's a baby bump in your opinion Beverly.... I'm not advocating anything here and certainly not a huge bump. But how does a baby bump become a form of art. Please explain that one.

  8. #8
    Aspiring Member
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    I want to appear as feminine as possible and do not want any type of bulge.

  9. #9
    trans punk Badtranny's Avatar
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    It's a valid comment if you ask me.

    Even though I'm fully transitioned and apparently pretty damn passable as of late, I did have a kooky idea while perusing the Folsom Street Fair last weekend. Since it is a huge fetish event and since I am still pre-op, I thought about re-configuring my junk so I would show a bit of a bulge in my super tight jeans. Now, for me it wouldn't be much of one since I don't have testicles anymore but I think it would be fun since the rest of my body has had quite a bit of work done. There's not too many places where you can let your freak flag fly like that.

    The most likely reason this topic is discouraged is because people don't know how to talk about things like adults. Or the hardcore CD's will throw a fit if you don't hate your junk. Either way, it's a sensitive area around here and the mods don't want to be glued to their computers babysitting a single thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by STACY B
    At least there is social acceptance in being a drunk in our world. Hell I was good at it too.
    Melissa Hobbes

  10. #10
    Lacy Lacyfem's Avatar
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    Right on Melissa....

  11. #11
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    A bit south of the 49th!
    I'd prefer not to see bulges, 'Hear that, Anthony Wiener?'

  12. #12
    Member cdmorganashley's Avatar
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    i think putting your bulge on display when presenting male or female sends out a pretty distinct message (but especially when dressed fem). i also think that doing it while dressed fem is not going to be viewed by others as tasteful regardless of your intentions in allowing it to be seen... if i ever go out in public presenting as female i will be looking to fly below the radar or possibly be viewed as an attractive female in some way and not as a man who craves attention and disregards what other people view as acceptable public appearance, which is how i think people would view someone in female attire bulging...

    *i just saw Melissa's post and i will amend my answer to say that i see no problem with bulging at in a venue like a fetish fair or at a club or something like that; i wouldn't think it would be distasteful in that context, however, in a regular setting like the supermarket or mall or something i personally think its going to get too much negative attention so i personally would chose not to show it there
    Last edited by cdmorganashley; 10-06-2013 at 11:10 AM.

  13. #13
    Lindsey Alexandra paulaloha's Avatar
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    I personally try to get my bulge as far gone as possible. But I consider myself transgender so there are quite a few days where I want to be a woman. On those days I want it gone, and those are the days I typically dress as well. So while I'm still not convinced I want to get rid of what makes the bulge, when I dress I don't want to see it.
    Finally decided on a name! Lindsey

    "Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure."
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  14. #14
    Platinum Member
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    If I am going to try my best to emulate a woman I'm going to do my best to eliminate the bulge. I do have panty girdles that I wear with sheath dresses. Sheath dresses are the slimmest I have and they do not cling to the body. I do find stuffing the bulge leads to some discomfort. I prefer to wear an empire waist or wrap dress because of the potential bulge and because those styles are more forgiving to the less than ideal waist (42-38-38).

    When I was a teenager (1960's) as a male I did not stuff a sock into my pants to create the illusion of having a monster.

  15. #15
    Aspiring Member MsRenee's Avatar
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    Proper tucking will eliminate any sign of a bulge.
    When Im desressed I want to be as presentable in public as I can. I have found that using a pantyliner has helped keeping everything in place and is pretty comfortabke if done correctly.

  16. #16
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacyfem View Post
    What's a baby bump in your opinion Beverly.... I'm not advocating anything here and certainly not a huge bump. But how does a baby bump become a form of art. Please explain that one.
    If you have a flat stomach you need a little padding to show that you may be pregnant.
    I believe it is called a baby bump these days.
    Years ago I posed as a pregnant woman boarding a street car to see if I could get a seat.
    I consider dressing well and passing is an art form.
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  17. #17
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    When dressed I am definitely not trying to shock anyone with an outwardly mixed gender presentation. I don't have problems tucking. I take special care in tighter fitting bottoms and somewhat less with looser fitting ones. Even some GG's will have a small bump in tighter skirts and dresses. What someone else does in their own home or while out is their business. They can live with any, if any, repercussions. I totally respect what they do and do not take any offense as it does not reflect on me and how I present. Being comfortable in myself also means, to me at least, that other's actions, opinions and sometimes even comments do not bother me.
    Last edited by AllieSF; 10-06-2013 at 05:19 PM. Reason: corrected mis-type

  18. #18
    ADMINISTRATOR Sandra's Avatar
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    So what would we have on here if we allowed this,? up manship, oh yours looks good but mines bigger, bit like the gun threads and we know what happened to those.

    Pics with bulges will never be allowed one here, anyone wants to posts pics showing bulges can go and find another forum to post them on.

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  19. #19
    Aspiring Member Requal Jo's Avatar
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    Bulges are not my desire so I tuck at all times when in femme mode. I suppose it is the feeling of being a whole "girl" and therefore shedding any resemblance to my male form when CDing.

  20. #20
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    I tuck everytime I present as female, I've even tuck while underdressed or end drab.

  21. #21
    Transgender Member Dianne S's Avatar
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    I have never been able to tuck successfully. I follow the instructions, but it just doesn't work... can't get those damn things up in the cavity that's supposed to be waiting for them. So I wear very tight padded panties that keep everything in place. I also tend to favour flared skirts rather than tight form-fitting ones, so that helps eliminate all trace of bulge.

  22. #22
    Silver Member CynthiaD's Avatar
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    I tuck all the time, regardless of mode. The only bulge I want to see is on my chest.

  23. #23
    Girl from the Eagles Nest reb.femme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dawn03 View Post
    I have never been able to tuck successfully. I follow the instructions, but it just doesn't work... can't get those damn things up in the cavity that's supposed to be waiting for them. So I wear very tight padded panties that keep everything in place. I also tend to favour flared skirts rather than tight form-fitting ones, so that helps eliminate all trace of bulge.
    This could have been written by me, save that I haven't even tried to tuck, my bits are too damn sensitive to be poking in where they originally came from. Hence I go for A-line skirts and tighter holding undies. I would like to try tucking as I like trousers and jeans too, so a clean line would be brilliant but it's never going to happen........unfortunately. I'm just too acutely sensitive.

    Flying high under the spell of life!

  24. #24
    Banned Read only
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    Lacyfem I see nothing wrong with your post and I can agree with it, you are presenting as a crossdressed man, not trying to present as a woman so if you want an observer to know you look to be a nice looking woman but are letting close observers know you are male and not trying to hide it is just fine with me. Isn't it being more honest than presenting as a woman but being a man. I'm proud of "mine" for several reasons but when dressed I like a nice tight tuck and the flat feminine look of no bulge. Dressed and showing a little bulge is kinda putting it in the public's face saying I have rights too and I will dress as I like and won't be put in your box. Badtranny your thread is also is also good.

  25. #25
    Aussie girl enjoying life Michelle (Oz)'s Avatar
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    Wearing a corset with a Spanx underneath keeps me in check. The corset gives me a little stomach a la Beverley's solution and the Spanx holds things in place. It all takes some effort after using the ladies to adjust but worth it not to have an unwanted bulge.

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