Lea, you make a good point of why not ask. Maybe we could look at it in two ways. If it bothers one enough to comment to others about it, i.e. they are having problems ignoring it, then maybe they should ask what the person means when they say something like that. By all means ask in a nice way. The other way of looking at it, you hint at in your ending sentences is why don't people ask more. You mention your safety zone, and moral cowardice. How about, it doesn't bother me enough to make an issue out of it, or to make it a bigger issue than it really is. When one concentrates on the big issues that they can do something about and ignore, or at least try to ignore those issues that are mostly out of their control, they simplify their lives, clear the clutter from the desk (mind) and can have a more positive and I would say happier outlook on life, even in times when we have a hard time not blowing up. Anyway, all comments are food for thought.