So I got up early this morning with a lot to do and someone coming by the house in a couple of hours. No time to be Erica. So I got dressed, then, well, I can just wear this cute pink sweater for a while. I can change out of that quickly. Some cute red flats, too.

Hmm. The looks funny with a flat chest. I'll just slip into my favorite Wonderbra, which gives a little unenhanced cleavage. That's better. Well, just a little boost from my silicone girls. Better still.

Well that looks absurd without hair. Let's put on a wig, an a little sexy lipstick. Nice.

Now, why would any woman walk around with men's jeans on? Get those off, pull on some panties and a denim skirt. There. Now where was I? Oh yes, things to do, ready for the day, and I'm happy. Silly to waste time in boy clothes, isn't it.