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Thread: You woke up as a girl

  1. #51
    Nondressing CDer ReluctantDebutant's Avatar
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    1 day huh? not a lot of time.

    1st I'll stager into the bathroom to take a leak only to discover my newly minted womanhood. I would then frantically look for it like it was a lost set of keys in my pockets as if my boxers had pockets. I would then turn to the mirror to see the complete package to finally shriek in my new feminine voice.

    2nd Walk around town still confused with disheveled hair what ever sweats I could find that fit and flip-flops I would run into Jessica the girl I had always pined from afar and had always had a crush for. I save her during an argument with her boyfriend and convince her to leave that jerk. She would talk to me and we would finally hit it off but as Girlfriends . But just to hang out with the girl I love I accept her offer for shopping and a make-over. After a dozen times of me coming out of the dressing room and her shaking her head she finally gives me the nod telling me I have found the right outfit.

    3rd Jessica and I would spend the evening together just talking we would hit it off and she would open up her soul to me. We would become real close before I fall asleep at her place.

    4th The next morning I have changed back. Both her and I freak out as she calls me a pervert and thinks this was all just a trick and that she never wants to see me again. She hooks back up with her boyfriend but he proves himself to be a jerk again. She thinks of that nice day she had with me. then she comes to my place to forgive me. We reintroduce ourselves to each other then I kiss her. QUE 80's music.

  2. #52
    Careful I bite <3
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    I'd enjoy myself QUITE a bit. While I'd miss my male self anyways, it'd still give me the ability to live out quite a few pieces of my imagination which would be A LOT of fun.

    Depending on exactly HOW I changed and how the world reacted to it, I'd be under different levels of actual distress though.

  3. #53
    Junior Member Nikki Love's Avatar
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    If I get to Place a 'change order' with 'higher powers' and I am waking up as a woman; make it an athletic 23 year old, wealthy, talented and with all the experiences of my current life at hand. My wife will be vey jealous, so we will give her a change order too, she wants extra money, youth, and all the talents and charm she can fit into a size 2 model physique. We will travel and enjoy our vampire-like secret as we explore the world. The End.

  4. #54
    Banned Read only
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    No Thanks. Other than the "power" thing that women are able to utilize, [should they CHOOSE to] men have far too many other advantages.

  5. #55
    Full Geek Status Adriana Moretti's Avatar
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    If I woke up as a girl....I would go back to bed and hope it was just a bad dream

  6. #56
    Aspiring Member
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    Well, this happens to me everyday and everyday I'm like 'meh, it's another day'.

    Of course, my H (and various past boyfriends) have all wondered at one time or another why I don't wake up and immediately start playing with my boobs. Um, maybe because they're just another body part, like my legs! And yeah, they wondered about them, too, lol.

    I don't think men really get what it's like to wake up a girl, but it's fun reading what y'all think. If you actually did manage to make this happen, I think you'd be amazingly disappointed as we're really just people with different body parts. Not that interesting, honest.

  7. #57
    Silver Member noeleena's Avatar
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    You;v heard the comment... The Heir Apparent... well this well suits myself being female as it means i came born with ... till... such time as to as the girl = female / woman , for myself all i needed was to....grow.... into being a woman.thats done.


  8. #58
    Banned Read only
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    I'd immediately start praying, thanking God for finally answering my prayers.

    True story: I was outside of Kroger here in the 'hood one evening, at maybe 11PM. A car pulls up to me, and a young woman jumps out, and says "Hi, I couldn't help but notice you walking from the store!" I groan, I'm handicapped, and stuff like this happens to me from time to time. She asks "what happened to your legs?" So I explain that I was born like this - actually way worse off, and that I owe my current ability to walk to the skill of surgeons.

    So she asks "Do you mind if I pray for you right now? Often people I pray for feel immediate relief!" I tell her "Sure", knowing full well that those types of miracles simply don't happen - at least not to me nor anyone I know. So she prays "Lord, please bless this woman, and make her body whole..." She was disappointed that my legs didn't immediately straighten out and feel relief. I tried to comfort her, saying "well, it's a miracle I can walk at all, so maybe the Lord doesn't allow double-dipping." She got back into her car and drove off.

    But I had to tell you, that bit about "make her body whole" piqued my interest. Because if God wanted to work a miracle to make my body whole, I know EXACTLY what would need to happen. So I checked between my legs, and sure enough - I still had a penis. Dammit! Well, it never hurts to be hopeful, does it?

  9. #59
    TrueNorth Strong & Fierce Princess Chantal's Avatar
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    Life would be tough, imagine trying to prove your identity. Wouldn't be to my liking. Taking this to account I would try my darnest to make my appearance as close as possible to what I was before
    Last edited by Princess Chantal; 07-19-2014 at 04:08 AM.

  10. #60
    Junior Member Pink Susan's Avatar
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    Woke up as a Girl ? ....Brilliant
    No clothes are off limits , no colours are off limits , and no going through the daily charade of being a Man , that involves acting tough , showing no emotion , and attending to horrible tough dirty tasks, while pretending to enjoy them .
    Theres No Point In Living , If You Can't Feel Alive

  11. #61
    Aspiring Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pink Susan View Post going through the daily charade of being a Man , that involves acting tough , showing no emotion , and attending to horrible tough dirty tasks, while pretending to enjoy them .
    I know many women who wake up and do the same. Most women don't fall out of bed and into their $20,000 a day modelling job. We do horrible, tough, dirty tasks, too. All day, every day.

    It's not all green and easy over this side, I promise.

  12. #62
    Aspiring Member dana digs sweaters's Avatar
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    Be pissed with the Cousin It body hair and size 12 feet

  13. #63
    Reality Check
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    I would probably stumble to the bathroom, half asleep, stand at the toilet, and pee down my leg.

    Once I realized what has happened to me I would try to figure out how to explain it to my wife. Then I suppose I would have to try out my new "lady parts" to see how they work.

    Of course, none of this could possibly happen so there's little point in giving serious thought to the idea.

  14. #64
    Silver Member daviolin's Avatar
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    Well for one thing, I could get rid of my breastforms. Daviolin

  15. #65
    Part-time girl... Tracy Hazel Lee's Avatar
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    Talking Pure bliss

    It seems like most of these answers are focusing too much on the reality side... Since the question itself is one of fantasy, I'm not going to talk about all the 'How do I explain this?' or 'What about my job?' stuff... My version of the fantasy would be one where nothing needs to be explained and the world around me has always seen me as a girl. So in saying that, I would :

    Open my eyes..notice that while lying on my side, my spine has a funny curve in it, that's not familiar, and kind of uncomfortable. As I roll over onto my back, I feel a strange tug on my chest. Obviously, by now I am fully aware that something is VERY different. I quickly sit up and my hands race to my chest to find a pair of nicely sized breasts. I suddenly gasp. While doing this, I can feel my hair flowing around as it lands on my back. My eyes dart downward at my newly found breasts. My heart starts RACING. My mind starts going wild.

    Before I can even finish saying WTF? out loud to myself, I stop mid-word, noticing that the sound that came out of my mouth was not mine. Well, it IS mine (now), just not the one I was expecting. I would say something again, just to hear that voice. Jump out of bed and run to the bathroom mirror.... Staring in the mirror, I start talking to myself again, looking at a female version of myself...familiar, yet unquestionably female. No signs of my huge pores and/or wrinkle lines. Just soft, smooth skin, perfect cheekbones and healthy lips.

    Talking, talking, and more talking. Then I would start singing. Twirling around, playing with my hair...Then I would start giggling uncontrollably. So overwhelmed with excitement, that I start crying. It would be the most intense happy-cry that I would ever experience.

    I don't care how, or why this has happened. I am in a state of absolute euphoria. Observing my body, feeling it, brushing my hands over the soft skin, feeling the curves, becoming intoxicated with sensory overload. I look down at my hips, awe-struck by their width and shape, I make a deep sigh of satisfaction. Then the reality of no male plumbing comes crashing in. This is where it hits me like a bus. There is NO sign of my old self. This person in the mirror is somebody else... and that somebody else is ME. It would be around this time where I would demand of myself a female orgasm. I would have to experience this before doing anything else. I'm not sure how much time I would spend on this 'phase' of discovery, but I would for DAMN sure need to find out what it feels like.

    Being a female now, I could forego the usual war-paint mask, as all I would need is possibly some mascara and a lightly tinted lip color...nothing else. Two minutes, done. Then clothing, no padding or shapewear required. These curves are all mine. Find a nice wispy dress, probably with a cute print of some kind. Pair it with a nice pair of white, strappy sandals. So about 15 minutes after jumping out of the shower, I am ready to interact with the world. It would be a great feeling, knowing with absolute certainty, that I WILL be viewed as, spoken to, and treated like a woman, because that's what I am.

    So, off to the mall. Try on some shoes, dresses and maybe grab a bite to eat...

    Everything else around me would just carry on like this is the way it's always been. Only I would know that anything was ever different. And if this is the way it was from now on, I would never tell anyone my secret.

    However, if it only lasted one day? On day two, I would wake up and be so struck with depression, that I would contemplate suicide...Probably wouldn't do it... but I would forever be torn. (And damaged)

    Wow...that was a dark ending. :P
    Last edited by Tracy Hazel Lee; 07-19-2014 at 10:40 AM.
    Tracy Hazel Lee

    @URNA @Flickr

  16. #66
    Member KatieV's Avatar
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    you are here
    If you go to sleep as a girl, you will wake up as one, no? You may find that it's really quite pleasant...

  17. #67
    Member Athena_'s Avatar
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    I would be shocked! So would my wife! I would have some serious explaining to do. It sure would be fun if it was for only one day.

  18. #68
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    If it was only for one day, I'd certainly call in sick and enjoy the day. If it was forever... well, I don't honestly know. I have someone with me now whom I love very very much, and I would hope our relationship would stay the same - it would still be me, inside the body. My feelings for her would not change.

    ~Linebacker Melissa

  19. #69
    Silver Member CynthiaD's Avatar
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    This is something I used to wish for back when I was 12-13 and going through puberty. All the other girls were getting breasts, but I stayed flat as a board. I tried praying, but that didn't work. Then I thought maybe I could start my breasts growing through "mental energy" ... And maybe do something about the plumbing too. But, of course that didn't work either. Then I tried making deals with the higher powers, like saying OK, if I can have breasts for just one day, I'll quit asking. That didn't work either.

    Fast forward a number of years, and what do you know! There's this place called "the Breastform store." Now I have breasts! 44D's! And I can wear them whenever I want! It took longer than I expected, but my prayers were answered after all.

  20. #70
    Member Algoma's Avatar
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    I think I saw that movie. Does girl also mean I would be at least 20 years younger? Would LOVE it! Algoma
    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller

  21. #71
    Claire Claire Cook's Avatar
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    Go ahead, you'd have made my day! (with apologies to Harry Callahan...)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Proud member of the Lacey Leigh Fan Club

  22. #72
    New Member
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    HAhahahahaha. More like, what would certain OTHER people do! HAhahahaha. I would want to know if it was permanent. Then I would freak out accordingly.

  23. #73
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    I would be very happy at first. Then I would go shopping trying new things, but as days passed I would want to switch back.

  24. #74
    Complex Lolita...
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    Quote Originally Posted by nehapriya
    What would you girls do./feel if you woke up 1 day as a girl .,
    I’d start crying…

  25. #75
    Aspiring Member WandaRae2009's Avatar
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    My life would proceed a lot simpler, assuming as part of the wakeup everyone else always thought you were a girl.

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