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Thread: C'mon people!!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    C'mon people!!

    This forum seems a bit dead! How about we change that! XP How about we share recent stories that may have happened or what's new in our lives. Lol get to know each other rather than just support one another. XP

  2. #2
    Silver Member
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    You go first SW! Tell us about that recent story or what's happening in your exciting life! Enjoy.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Alrighty then lol well it goes like this...

    In the most recent months, I have had quite the hectic experiences, the most stressful and frustrating events, and still wonder how the hell I even remain so sane. I've seen how rude and so judgmental most people are, and how ignorant and arrogant others can be. It's quite shocking really. It seems people are caring less and less for one another and only want to see others be destroyed or hurt. It's sick and twisted really, but I continue to see it every day happening all around us. I find it funny though, that if those things were to happen to them they would be seeking the help and comfort they neglected to those to begin with, only to find the same treatment happening to them. There are good people I admit, but why can't everyone at least try not to be a complete selfish asshole.

    I don't completely understand why people are so mean to each other overall. They cannot control anyone's lives really, it's not theirs to live. If it bothers them so much they shouldn't even let it come to their attention to begin with, it only causes more trouble.
    Last edited by Raychel; 07-28-2014 at 06:34 AM. Reason: Merged Consecutive Post's

  4. #4
    Aspiring Member
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    I had a latte this morning in my favorite coffeeshop. A friend came over and offered me a delicious slice of apfelstrudel.


  5. #5
    Aspiring Member GenieGirl's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that Shadow. I hope you find a better circle of people and soon! My circle has greatly improved in 2014! As far as my life lately I spent a great weekend in Charlotte with some friends. I can't wait to do it again in 2 weeks. I made a new post on it earlier today. Be easy on my BIG hair. I know its not for me but it was fun . You gotta remember to have fun in life.
    You're a Daisy if you do! -Doc Holliday

  6. #6
    Transman Andy66's Avatar
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    Vegas, Baby!
    Yeah, Im noticing more and more how self centered people are. It ticks me off, but I guess you cant tell them anything... just wait for them to get that life lesson they so richly deserve.

    As for whats happening in my life, same old same old. Eat, work, sleep, repeat. I did go see a drag show last night, and got a hug from India Ferrah of Rupauls Drag Race. Shes fun, down to earth, and ridiculously beautiful. None of her pictures even do her justice. I tend to become a babbling idiot around women like that. Its just part of my nerdy charm. Heh.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Andy66; 07-28-2014 at 03:35 PM.

  7. #7
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    SW I do hope things get better on your end.
    I agree people can be nasty to one another.
    I saw a quote somewhere that said "Isn't it funny when you treat others the way they treat you they get mad".
    Myself I try to be nice to everyone no matter who they are.
    P.S. Andy66 is quite charming in a nerdy way LOLOLOL.

  8. #8
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    A bit south of the 49th!
    I'm sort of a Pollyanna. I have had so many positive experiences in coming out as TG. I posted last week about meeting a neighbor In the RV park where I live when on the road. If she knew I was a MTF, she never revealed even a moment of surprise. My take on it was that even a middle aged woman in rural east Texas can accept us. The world is better than I might have imagined five years ago.
    Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Here's a funny story...
    My job caught fire today. Literally. So unexpected lol... I'm speechless

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member GenieGirl's Avatar
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    Oh bad was it? Did any of those rude people get burned?

    You're a Daisy if you do! -Doc Holliday

  11. #11
    Member Ashley Wray's Avatar
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    I have noticed in the industry I work in or maybe it's everywhere cause I have only worked in the same industry since I was just out of high school. Used to be years ago when I started off that you got places by working hard staying late when needed and ya know went the extra mile to invest in your own future and in return I worked my way up position by position. But in the last few years I have noticed that people at least the last 3 places I have worked there is 1 or 2 that like to go through the motions, kiss up to the boss and throw people under the bus to get ahead and promoted and most of these managers eat this crap up and it kills me to sit and watch thinking OMG how do they not see what's going on? Like the gal I work with now she comes in early stays late and talks the game but since I work next to her I see she doesn't do anything all day, but then feeds BS to the owners and they think she's great but no one notices that she doesn't accomplish anything..... Frustrating I feel your pain SW.

    One final thing that also kills me is that every Sunday here in AZ all the churches parking lots are full but 90% of the people i run into during the week our backstabbers and out on there own personal agenda. Amazing where do all these Church goers hide during the week? Or I guess they put there time in so it's ok to be an A** the rest of the week!

    Ok I vented thank you

  12. #12
    Transman Andy66's Avatar
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    Vegas, Baby!
    Somebody has to ask... Shadow, how did your job catch on fire? What happened???

  13. #13
    Banned Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashley Wray View Post
    Like the gal I work with now she comes in early stays late and talks the game but since I work next to her I see she doesn't do anything all day, but then feeds BS to the owners and they think she's great but no one notices that she doesn't accomplish anything..... Frustrating I feel your pain SW.
    Sorry to break this to you, but this is NOT a new phenomena...

  14. #14
    Just finding my way.... StaceyJane's Avatar
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    I spent all day Wednesday working on the set of the new ABC series American Crime. It's a new drama that's going to air in January written and directed by John Ridley who just won an Oscar for writing the screenplay for 12 Years A Slave. It stars Felicity Huffman and Timothy Hutton. I was an extra playing a nurse. It was a lot of fun seeing these pros work. Off course Felicity Huffman was in TransAmerica, a movie I would love to ask her some questions about.
    Last edited by StaceyJane; 08-03-2014 at 01:33 PM.

    I'm not a doctor, I just play one on TV.

  15. #15
    Transman Andy66's Avatar
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    Stacey, that sounds awesome!

  16. #16
    Junior Member
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    Sorry everyone for being so slow at replying. I work every day with no days off lol trying to catch up on bills >_<. No one was hurt I believe and it started from a trash compacter. Someone got fired from it though.
    And Stacey that is awesome!!! Sounds fun and fullfilling.
    I'm working on being a physical therapist and study anatomy and physiology. I love the human body, it's so interesting. Hope to start writing books soon but time is an issue at the moment, but I will! My professors have told me I can make billions from my writing.
    I love how my job assumes I am going to be there for the rest of my life. HA! Funny funny. Lol I have far bigger dreams to chase than work in a warehouse all the time! I need to exercise my brain!

    I do love all the stories and experiences! Thanks for sharing! Let's keep it alive!! :P

    I'm typing on my phone at the moment, so exuse my terrible sentences if they don't make sense lol

    Today I almost went off on a cranky lady who complained about EVERYTHING. I was done with it! I am standing there working my ass off and she is getting onto me for blocking the fan. I told her she could have the damn thing because I found that HUGE industrial fan annoying. She shrugged and went back to her "work". I go back to hauling ass, and she comes over to move my stuff out of the way because it was "blocking the air", I look at her angrily because I now have to walk to get the heavy ass stuff she just moved. I had it there for a reason so I didn't strain my back by walking further. So playing her little "game", I move it back so I can actually WORK. She looks up angrily and I glare back at her, daring her to touch my work again. She snaps and goes back to working. I again resume my work. Problem solver comes over and she throws herself at him saying, "I aint gettin no air! Look how she's blocking it!" Problem solver looks at me and I tell him what's going on. He agrees with me and moves the fan. She still complains after that! And starts criticizing the way I work. I laugh because I'm going 3x faster than her. Some people I swear.... She acted so childish. I was trying to work. I told her she could have the fan and move it. She was too lazy to do that! And instead was blaming me for it! Highlight of my day was leaving lol

    Ashley- I completely can relate. This world is literally nothing but a dog eat dog buisiness. It's not just some places, it's pretty much everywhere you go! It's sad really this is how "life" is.

    Kimdl93- There are good people I agree lol maybe I just live in a bad area. People here are judgmental trying to put themselves on pedalstools above others just to feel better. I wanna move lol

    Tracii- I try to be nice but I just end up staying quiet so I don't say something angrily that might give them the pleasure of seeing me in rage. Some are hard to be nice to though, especially the ignorant ones that shove their beleifs down your throat and put you down for not believing what they do.

    Andy66- Yeah I just wait til karma bites them in the ass. Lol works wonders XP I am doing the same pretty much except for these random things happening at work. Its interesting I must say but brings more liveliness in my life.

    GenieGirl- I try but its so hard to working 2 jobs >_< all I wanna do is eat and sleep. Lol literally. I need to win the lottery or something. Now that would be awesome! And glad to hear your circle has improved for the better :P

    Ineke- Lol nice nice. I want some smores now...
    Last edited by Raychel; 08-04-2014 at 06:14 AM. Reason: merged consecutive post's

  17. #17
    Aspiring Member GenieGirl's Avatar
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    If you win it please share the wealth Surgeries ain't cheap lol

    You're a Daisy if you do! -Doc Holliday

  18. #18
    Member LenGray's Avatar
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    I'm watching two adorable little boys right now. The other day I found it hilarious because I was wearing a yellow headband(can't dress as a boy there, sadly) and they both took turns wearing it and asking if they were pretty lol Other than that, I've been swimming and trying to do a full push-up without falling down lol

  19. #19
    Junior Member RoryKitrick's Avatar
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    I used to be able to do pushups, I have no idea what happened. Maybe something to do with all the time I spend working on the computer..

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by GenieGirl View Post
    Sorry to hear that Shadow. I hope you find a better circle of people and soon! My circle has greatly improved in 2014! As far as my life lately I spent a great weekend in Charlotte with some friends. I can't wait to do it again in 2 weeks. I made a new post on it earlier today. Be easy on my BIG hair. I know its not for me but it was fun . You gotta remember to have fun in life.
    Funny that you mentioned Charlotte - I was just there for Labor Day weekend visiting some old friends. I went to Lazy Five Ranch and had a blast. I used to live in Charlotte for 13 years in SouthPark (near the Mall).

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashley Wray View Post
    I have noticed in the industry I work in or maybe it's everywhere cause I have only worked in the same industry since I was just out of high school. Used to be years ago when I started off that you got places by working hard staying late when needed and ya know went the extra mile to invest in your own future and in return I worked my way up position by position. But in the last few years I have noticed that people at least the last 3 places I have worked there is 1 or 2 that like to go through the motions, kiss up to the boss and throw people under the bus to get ahead and promoted and most of these managers eat this crap up and it kills me to sit and watch thinking OMG how do they not see what's going on? Like the gal I work with now she comes in early stays late and talks the game but since I work next to her I see she doesn't do anything all day, but then feeds BS to the owners and they think she's great but no one notices that she doesn't accomplish anything..... Frustrating I feel your pain SW.

    One final thing that also kills me is that every Sunday here in AZ all the churches parking lots are full but 90% of the people i run into during the week our backstabbers and out on there own personal agenda. Amazing where do all these Church goers hide during the week? Or I guess they put there time in so it's ok to be an A** the rest of the week!

    Ok I vented thank you
    I laughed when I read your comments about the brownnosers at work. And unfortunately, you are correct that these frequently non-productive folks get promoted because they are consummate buttkissers who know how to play the political game and flatter the boss who is blind to the fact that they do virtually no work. Go figure.

    Quote Originally Posted by StaceyJane View Post
    I spent all day Wednesday working on the set of the new ABC series American Crime. It's a new drama that's going to air in January written and directed by John Ridley who just won an Oscar for writing the screenplay for 12 Years A Slave. It stars Felicity Huffman and Timothy Hutton. I was an extra playing a nurse. It was a lot of fun seeing these pros work. Off course Felicity Huffman was in TransAmerica, a movie I would love to ask her some questions about.

    WOW - sounds like you had a blast working on the set of American Crime. Do you get to be an extra often for TV shows and films?

    Quote Originally Posted by kimdl93 View Post
    I'm sort of a Pollyanna. I have had so many positive experiences in coming out as TG. I posted last week about meeting a neighbor In the RV park where I live when on the road. If she knew I was a MTF, she never revealed even a moment of surprise. My take on it was that even a middle aged woman in rural east Texas can accept us. The world is better than I might have imagined five years ago.
    It is pleasant to hear that you have had positive experiences since coming out. It just goes to show that some people are decent in their innermost core - i.e. your neighbor lady.
    Last edited by Raychel; 09-05-2014 at 08:02 PM. Reason: Merged consecutive post's

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