hi ladies,
I posted a couple pics the other day and was surprised to only get 4 replies (one was my own) on over 400 views...anyhow i really enjoy getting feedback, especially if i work up the motivation to post pics and i definitely need pointers and encouragement so i was wondering how i could better draw that out of the community here...in a direct way i am asking for that right now and anyone who would be so nice as to check out my post in the gallery and give me some feedback or some encouragement i would really appreciate it...
also i have been away from the site for a bit and i am going to make a good effort to make such posts on others threads as i wouldn't ask something of others that i am not willing to do myself....
on a connected thought it also seems to me that the number of views of threads in the gallery section are way disproportional to the number of comments and i think there would be a lot to be gained on the site if more supportive, funny, and constructive comments made their way out of the viewers, so anyone who feels the same and has some ideas how to get that to happen i would love to hear what you have to say =)
okay, well hope all are having a good day and that there is at least a little way you can connect with your fem side of yourself !! that makes it a good day to me at least =P
-Morgan Ashley xo