When i was younger i bout my GF a nighty set teddy with stocking with attached garters all shiny (pvc) black.She wore it for me once but never again.I keep asking her to wear it for me but she refused then one day i asked she told me if i like it so much i should wear it and threw it at me.i figured what the hell we are the same size,I took in to the next room and put it on when i stepped out she luffed he butt off.we then heard her name get called and foot steps comning down stairs i jumped into the next room and put my clothes on.on top of the nighty and a pair of her ankel boots.The mom wanted to take us out to eat my gf said sure and grabbed her purse and off we went.when dinner was over they decided to go to the movies.When we got back home i was ready to take this stuff off she kissed me and said she was tired and was going to bed. apparently forgetting what i still had on.
so have something like this happen to you or get stuck in someone else stockings, clothes