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Thread: confused

  1. #1
    Brandi Brandie.n's Avatar
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    Tennessee Mountains


    What do you call a guy that only crossdress for Halloween?I have crossdressed and been out on halloween 6 times. I wear tights under my jeans during the cold winter it crossdressing if i only do it in costume?
    I have been reading all of you all inspirational stories and started asking myself if im relay a crossdresser or am i just a fraud wasting everybody time. what is youre opinions?
    costumes was
    witch 3x
    borrowed a friends outfit for her party

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I think anything you do is OK, as long as it makes you happy. People on here run the gamut from occasional to fully transitioned.

  3. #3
    Platinum Member
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    Hi Brandi, I would call them (Slow Starters).
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

    If at first you don't succeed, Then Skydiving isn't for you.

    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

  4. #4
    Silver Member noeleena's Avatar
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    Try this then or maybe you cant ...does not matter any way . i wear any of about 7 diffferent out fits that are garb for our Renaissance group at our week long events with 250 people,

    two outfits are, one as a wench because i work in the kitchen and with others of cause for over 120 people three meals a day and at our feast i dress as a Chatelaine = Lady of the Castle , and in the field as an Archer , yes bows and arrows and dress in other garb for music and singing .

    Plus Edwardian wear ,different group, all up about 17 outfits , and most i have designed and make and sew,

    now some will say im a dresser. maybe , yet im a female so does it really matter at all what clothes or garb are worn and by who . a few or full on , our men wear dress,s and skirts and they are real men and look quite lovely so there you go , join our WW group The SCA,,and see what that looks like you may be surprised , if you do have fun.


  5. #5
    Banned Read only
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    If you didn't dress for Halloween would you dress at all, and what are your feelings when dressed, do you want more or are you glad to take them off ?
    No one can force you to dress but if it was just the one event I'm not sure I would be bothered !
    I use to do charity events dressed up but not as a GG and really enjoyed the fun behind the anonymity.

  6. #6
    Dee DeeArel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A-dam View Post
    What do you call a guy that only crossdress for Halloween?

  7. #7
    Member devida's Avatar
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    I went to Alcoholics Anonymous for many years even though it turned out I was not an alcoholic as AA defines an alcoholic. I had just had some problems with drinking that turned out to be resolved as I grew older. But I identified myself as an alcoholic and I loved AA. AA gave me moral values and a sense of meaning and I loved its philosophy. Much of the good about me derives from the 18 years I spent in AA. Was I a fraud? I helped myself and I helped many other people. Oh, and I wasn't alone in being in AA and not actually being an alcoholic. AA didn't care and its members didn't care.

    What I saying is that identifying as anything is a matter of personal opinion. I ran across a mention of someone who identified as a genderqueer horse the other day (and I hope that makes him a happy horse!) It's not down to other people. You can ask us if we think you are a fraud but our opinions on your identity are close to being without value. The question you should ask yourself is does hanging out with people on this board help you in some way in your journey through your life? I actually don't think it's necessary to dress in the clothes of a gender other than your own to be transgender. I don't personally identify as a cross dresser. although I was defined male at birth and I do wear women's clothes. I do identify as transgender because that identification gives meaning to my life and clears up a whole lot of issues I had about myself. It helps me understand myself. Does being around these discussions help you understand yourself (and remember being confused is part of the journey to self understanding)? Don't make the mistake that this forum is just about wearing clothes even though there are tons of threads on just that. It is really about the whole subject of what it's like to be gender non conforming and it is for anyone who is interested in this subject whether they define themselves as that or not, whether they are tortured by it, loving it, in a relationship with some one who is CD, TG,TS, GQ,AG (etc.), or just interested.

  8. #8
    Banned Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by A-dam View Post
    What do you call a guy that only crossdress for Halloween?...
    You are a closet cross dresser. Frequency does not make the cross dresser, cross dressing does.

  9. #9
    Member Tiffany Jane's Avatar
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    A-dam, thanks for starting this post. Was debating about doing the same this morning. Would I dress more often if I had the time...YES! But I would do so at home. As I read a lot of posts about people more liberated than I, I was questioning why I was here.

    Its like the song I kissed a girl and I like it. I wore a dress one time and the feeling was great, though for different reasons as today. As I am currently stressing about telling my wife about this forum, we don't keep secrets and I don't lie well especially to her, I was trying to think how I would explain how I got here. Well I was searching. More for acceptance for the behavior that I enjoy within myself. She doesn't have too many concerns with what I do inside the house. Shaved legs and painted nails outside are all she wants me to show, but she is okay with underdressing.
    I don't mean to take up your post but some of us are here to gather, share, learn information, and many other reason. We are here to be part of a safe environment to allow ourselves to express feelings the rest of the group will understand.

    Dress one day a year or every day of the week. Just think of halloween as your one day to express a little more about yourself.

  10. #10
    All girl, all the time! ❤ Felicia Dee's Avatar
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    What Laura said.
    "I'm a work in progress..."

  11. #11
    Gold Member NicoleScott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany Jane View Post
    Its like the song I kissed a girl and I like it.
    I sense there's a song in the works by someone here: "I dressed as a girl and I liked it".

    A-dam, it looks to me like you are a shy crossdresser, needing an event to legitimize your crossdressing. But only you can answer the question if you are a CDer. Do you have the DESIRE to crossdress (even if you haven't) at times other than Halloween? If so, you're one of us, so embrace it. If not, you're not. If unsure, give it a try and see if it makes you want to do it again. If so......

  12. #12
    Gold Member bridget thronton's Avatar
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    I guess if you like wearing dresses you might a crossdresser - regardless you are not a fraud are all

  13. #13
    Gold Member Read only Rachael Leigh's Avatar
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    My first real outside the house crossdressing was at a costume part for Halloween. I dressed as french maid. Little did anyone know I also wore that at home to clean house lol.

  14. #14
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    A-dam, here's my experience and what I think the difference between a dresser and man who dresses as a female on Halloween.

    This happened many years before I began dressing. I was simply a regular guy, period. When I was married, my ex dressed as a man and me as a woman one Halloween. With a beard, balloon breasts, etc. In other words, a joke woman. Dressing up that nite made such an impression on me, it was 10 years AFTER I began dressing later in life that I recalled that Halloween.

    Now, whenever I dress there's an excitement, a thrill to it. If u get any sort of excitement from dressing? I'd say you're a CD or TS.
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  15. #15
    Banned Read only
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    You joined this site.

    Which makes you a CDer.

    The end.

    I should add maybe, that it's entirely up to you to choose one of the many already available LABELS here for yourself [but only if you want one] or make up one of your own.

    Any label you choose or makeup for yourself will be the correct one. How do I know this? It's obvious because no 2 people at this Forum agree on ANY of the existing labels. So, you can't possibly go wrong.

  16. #16
    Platinum Blonde member Ressie's Avatar
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    This is similar to those guys that get in on a drag contest just to be good sports. Some of them look hilarious while others look pretty darn good. These contests are once a year at some venues and some guys do it every year.

    Annual crossdressing behavior doesn't necessarily make one a CD IMO. But it may also just be an excuse to dress in public (like you've always wanted to) but were afraid of being labeled a CD.

  17. #17
    Aspiring Member
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    So exactly, why do you cross-dress for Halloween? Evidently it makes you happy. You are attracted to female costumes. Humm, sounds like a cross-dresser to me.

    Are you already making plans for next Halloween?
    Here are some ideas: Cinderella's ugly step-sister, or the tooth-fairy, a Brolita, or a female zombie.

    In any case, I suggest you purchase your own female clothing and stop borrowing from your friends.

  18. #18
    Reality Check
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    You can call yourself whatever you want to. If you like to dress as a female for Halloween you might be a crossdresser but most of us dress more than once a year. If your friends notice that each year at Halloween you dress as a female, they are probably starting to wonder about you anyway.

  19. #19
    Madam Ambassador Heidi Stevens's Avatar
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    A person who dresses only for Halloween: Amateur.
    Sorry, it was teed up and I had to drive it!
    Be yourself. Everyone else is taken!

  20. #20
    Luv doing girl stuff CherylFlint's Avatar
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    Look, you're not doing yourself any favors by repressing what you really want to do anyway.
    Listen, the earlier you start to dress the easier it is to pass.
    For some of us that's not the goal: it was for me. It took me about ten years before I got it right, and now it just takes about an hour or so to get dressed and my make-up on.
    Hint: be yourself. Dress like other girls your age dress. Always take your drab outfit with you when you go out, you never know when you'll have car problems.
    Have fun. Relax. But don't make Holloween an excuse. Dress whenever you feel like it. You'll be a happier and better person.
    And, yes, we all like to dress as a hooker. It's my favorite outfit. But don't get in a groove. Have fun.

  21. #21
    Brandi Brandie.n's Avatar
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    You ladies has asked me some questions and i will answer them
    -Does being on this form help? YES,it shows me there is other people like me.
    -Do you have the desire to crossdress at times other than Halloween? YES i usually put on some tights or pantyhose and model some womens shoes/boots and Take pics and upload them to flickr.
    -Why crossdress only on halloween? The first time i did it i was a senior in high school i went as a witch with a mask covering my face.i liked the feel of the dress heels and hose i was wearing.
    -Did halloween make an impression on you? Yes i liked the attention
    -Want more time dressed or glad to change? I always think time went to quick and want more time dressed.
    -Are you attracted to female costumes? YES so i can show off my legs and see if i can pass as a woman.
    -Any plans for halloween? YES been planing all summer to try and pass as a woman i got skirt heels hose(look at profile pic)

  22. #22
    Member Cara Lacey's Avatar
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    Yep...sounds like you'er a cross dresser to me...but what the heck do I know?

    So, now what changes? Nothing!

    You are still the same person you were before asking this question. You can go on with your life exactly as you have been... or expand your experience.

    Don't get hung up on labels...if you do not feel comfortable being a cross dresser, make your own label. How about "A-dam"?

    Do what makes you happy.

  23. #23
    Senior Member
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    Your second post here seems like a CD. Only you know, but be
    happy with it!

  24. #24
    Martini Girl Katey888's Avatar
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    These things for me say yes...

    Quote Originally Posted by A-dam View Post
    -Do you have the desire to crossdress at times other than Halloween? YES i usually put on some tights or pantyhose and model some womens shoes/boots and Take pics and upload them to flickr.
    This is not 'normal' non-CD behaviour...

    Quote Originally Posted by A-dam View Post
    -Why crossdress only on halloween? The first time i did it i was a senior in high school i went as a witch with a mask covering my face.i liked the feel of the dress heels and hose i was wearing.
    You like the feel of this...? Don't most of us... although just the feel of clothing might see you towards the fetish end of things - but if you like the 'feel' (i.e. emotion) of what you are projecting, that's a little different - but still CD...

    Quote Originally Posted by A-dam View Post
    -Want more time dressed or glad to change? I always think time went to quick and want more time dressed.
    That's it then - once a year full on and a few partial sessions being not enough clearly has you with us somewhere...

    Don't try to overthink this - just let it develop and progress and see where it leads you... time will tell...

    Katey x
    "Put some lipstick on - Perfume your neck and slip your high heels on
    Rinse and curl your hair - Loosen your hips, and get a dress to wear"
    Stefani Germanotta

  25. #25
    Member Tiffany Jane's Avatar
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    Sounds as though things have become clearer or you have come to terms with the thoughts you have had. This is a good place to bounce ideas and thank you again for starting this thread. Halloween is just around the corner and wish you the best!

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