I have been here two Halloween's now. Every year, some of the seasoned dressers start raining on the parade, as it is, about dressing on Halloween. It's actually already started again. I am proud that some of us actually present well enough, or are confident enough, that every day that they chose to go beyond the doors, they are able to do so and the world doesn't end. There are no lynchings, hangings, or overly bad experiences.

There are a lot of us though they haven't conquered those fears yet, may never do so, or may have an agreement with our SO's not to do so, or any one of thousand excuses that we may have for not going past that threshold as easily as they do.

For a closeted girl, Halloween is the perfect excuse to get out past that door. Do not let anyone keep You from doing so if that is what You chose to do. While I agree that if Your really good at Your makeup, presentation, and walk naturally in Heels and such, there is a chance that those that You encounter will think Your dressing is more than a "costume" but should you really care on that weekend? NO, you shouldn't.

The experience is worth the risk in my opinion. Most of the people you may encounter you may not even know (if, like me, you go a bit out, away from home) and will never see again. The experience is beyond any words I can type here. To feel the wind on your legs, to have your hair blowing, to hear your heels clicking the pavement, to just be comfortable and be yourself beyond the confines of your self imposed prison is worth more than gold itself.

Halloween is on Friday this year. You have a couple days before that, the actual day, and the weekend after. You could go out a couple of times this year. The worse that could happen is you find out that You actually prefer to be a in the house dresser, or it may be that gentle push, another baby step, you need to go out more any time that You feel like going out.

I am not going to lie to you, once you've been out, You will want to go out again. There's no doubt about that. I wait, myself, for this season to come along every year. Hopefully at some point I will stop waiting but until that day comes, I look forward to this season. If your like me, or this is your first time thinking about it, DO IT. You'll regret it come November 3rd when it's too late to have an "excuse" for being out just because you listened to those that are beyond where we are with our dressing.

Food for thought