This past Sunday morning, my SO was off to drop my step son with his father. Normally we all go but I didn't feel like taking the polish of my nails yet and changing. I had thoughts of dressing for the day, and changing if we went somewhere. So, I'm in the back bedroom. I just changed the babies diaper, put my comfy jeans on and was trying to get the wig straitened out when I hear the side door open and my mom say "Hello, anyone home?". I haven't felt my heart drop like that in many years. I'm like ninety percent dressed. I yell out the door "Just getting dressed". I quickly throw everything off and man cloths go on except my sports bra. Taking that thing off is not as easy as it goes on. Now I'm changed but I have nail polish on my fingers. The polish remover is down the hall in the bathroom and also in the living room. I could shove my hands in my pockets but I have my baby son in the room with me. I cant leave him sitting on the bed by himself. I guess its time to tell my mom. Nope in the corner I spot a fold able baby bed and blanket. I put him in it and give him a bottle. The bottle goes everywhere. Now I can leave with out displaying my hands but I still have to make small talk for a bit. After a minute or so I excuse myself to the bathroom nail polish off! I did it. I cant keep my hands out. But I hear mom getting the baby what did I leave laying around?

My SO makes it back to our house and mom hangs out for a bit and unloads all the emotions shes feeling now. She never just drops bye but shes been going thru a bit of personal stuff lately and needs distractions. That being my three boys. Mom leaves and the first thing my SO says is "Did you tell her?". I say No. She goes "why not?". I suppose I should have but I'm not ready face that yet. Mom didn't mention anything but I left pretty much everything out on display. And if I tell mom then I have to tell everyone and I'm just not ready for that. Mom has loose lips. Besides I was impressed with my Counter Intel moves.