I think Pamela has stated things quite well; her autism example being quite good. My son has Aspergers but is on the more functional side of things. There is a massive sliding scale for how it affects different people. I briefly tried to quantify my own gender issues but quickly gave up as I am happy as a man who can indulge my female side when I need to. I just have to look at all the people I meet in a day to see everything from alpha-male to milquetoast to see that nothing about humans is set in stone, other than that most of us are quite good at following the ruts in the road.
Interestingly for me, my son says that if a pill was developed to get rid of his autism he wouldn't take it, as it is a part of who he is and he wouldn't want to become someone else. I often tell those in the know that although I wouldn't have chosen to be a CD, I certainly wouldn't give it up either.